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(2021-10-14 07:26:08) 下一个

8/17/周一  60-80F

8:30BLUE HERON又出现在那入池塘。不过这次它在水中行走着,从塘中的朽木处一直缓缓地走到了塘另一边靠近塘岸的地方。我也随着它小心地挪动着脚步,声怕惊扰到它,让它因恐惧惊慌而被迫离开。尽管我倍加小心,但因为总想近点再近点,于是惊到了它。它就像一只翼龙一样,穿过林塘,消失在塘边的树木间。

In the pond, I see blue heron again. But different from yesterday’s standing in the stillness, this time he/she is moving in the shallow water. He/she walks by a black rotten wood, slowly and gently, along the far side of the pond, to the shoreline.  


With my eyes focusing on the bird, I move my feet carefully, avoiding making any noises. In a second, I think my existence may make her/him feel insecure, or being bothered since this bird’s solitary feature.  I start blaming myself, thinking I should leave.  But I am so deep in it , I can’t control my attempt of observing him/her. It may be recognized as an addiction, but comparing with so many other addictions, it is not a bad one.  In the following a couple of minutes, I have been striving to be out of his/her sight. But when I am moving another two steps closer to her/him, he/she finds me and flies away like a flying dinosaur.




昨天吃饭时问儿子一个问题:如果你的朋友或同学告诉你他/她花了几个小时去某地做了一件他/她喜欢做的事,而你觉得那件事是无意义的,你会怎么应答他/她。 我会说“HUM,或者NICE." 我听了很高兴,说:这就对了,用NICE 更好。”

”但我更愿意HUM(嗯), 因为NICE 要张嘴,HUM不用张嘴。“他的回答引得我哈哈大笑。




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魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 很高兴皮卡老师喜欢:)
laopika 回复 悄悄话 又是一张美照片!