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(2021-08-31 06:50:36) 下一个

What he described made me think the movie” the way we were” and something people of middle-age talked about all the time----now our kids have all grown up, it’s time for us to live our own ways.


Beverley’s pleasant, delicate make-up face emerged in my mind, “his name is Hell-mar“, she told me her husband’s name in a formal social manner. (I thought he is her husband at that time, actually I was wrong, he is her ex-husband).” HE—LL, Same pronunciation as go to the hell” she whispered to my ear with a girlish funny-looking face. She is funny even she shoudl be 60s, I realized at that moment.


“I was a runner since I was in high school, I have been running for 58 years. When I was young, I run and bike.  I can’t stop, I am 74 now, I don’t have to work, but I want to get something to do. Same as her. Now she gets a job, being principle's  secretary of high school. The cross country coach decided not coming at the last minute, she called me and asked me to come. I got her call last night and showed up today.”


When my son got home, I asked him how he felt about the running tryout. “it’s better than soccer.”he said.

Ok, I am happy to hear this! “

I can imagine his trace, crossing the spacious park turf, along the well maintained sidewalk, passing the pasture covered with late summer wild flowers , then into the shady wood…running in nature is such a nice thing, I knew it.


“I hope someday you would like to run by yourself, running or walking in nature can be a lifelong hobby. It means a lot---physical building, meditation, healing, inspiration...


A friend of mine planted fruit trees in their back yard. they planted fig, a unquie tree in my eyes. I only had dried fig when I was in China,  never had a fresh one. I have been asking how their figs grow. almost like two months ago, the wife told me there are a lot of purple figs on that small tree already.  but in the past two month, they stopped growing.  yesterday she told me"it's so strange, just over a night, the stopped growing purple figs grew much bigger and turning riping purple! so strange! happened over a night!"

"these figs just like boys" I said.


last night me and my son talked about the year around sports in school. he said instead of playing Lacrosse in spring, he would like to do track running, and there are hurdles on the track. "  I never heard about this word, so he explained to me. I said :"ok, I know what you mean, those are a series of obstacles on the track. do you know one of the best 110 metre hurdling runner in Asian history? 刘翔”

“I knew"

"How did you know?"

"I knew it when I was in China."

"I am very happy you start liking running, then run in the park during the no school days. "

"no. I like running with companies. it's fun."

"I see, you need run with group of people." 


 "it's normal, I heard a lot of people saying this. but you should learn being alone,  you can only manage your time, not others.  sometimes you have to do something by yourself. " 

He nodded, meaning he agree.

星期日,JACK来了。他带来了大功率的电池,来看是否能将飞机与遥控器连接起来。儿子与老先生坐在阳台上边摆弄,边交谈,我洗碗,内心充满了感激又喜悦。一个小时后,他们进到屋内,JACK 告诉我说还是不行,说飞机是中国制造的,中国的东西真是又好又便宜,就是说明手册不好,所用的语言表述很不专业,让内行人摸不着头脑。我说这应该是翻译的人不懂技术,只照着字面意思翻译的结果。他说他儿子还在住院,已经住了一个多月了,刚从ICU病房转到普通病房。问他他儿子得了什么病,他说是一种罕见的与基因有关的病。他儿子52岁,在发现这种病前,身体和一强壮健康。他说得这种病的人一般都在四十岁左右发病,因为这种病会引发心脏骤停,所以很危险。现在他儿子的胸腔里被植入了一个小电子设备,用以时时监测心脏工作状况。作为一个电子工程师,他首先想到的是如何给那个东西充电。


他穿鞋时,我发现他弯腰有些困难,给他搬了一个张椅子。他才说他做过换KNEES手术。手术第二天就回家了,比换KNEES前好多了。问他是何原因引起的KNEE老损,他说年轻时他喜欢HIKING。我说看来要控制一下运动量,以防部件老损。”但人生就是这样,如果你顾这顾那,那活着也就没什么意思了。“ 这是一个76岁老人的话,意思是如果让他重新回到年轻时,他还是会做他喜欢做的事,就算当时可以预知今天的换KNEES. 









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