
  • 博客访问:

7/31 继续戴口罩

(2021-07-31 07:40:55) 下一个





推荐一款鱼:智利银雪鱼, CHILEAN SEA BASS, 适合像我这样不怎么会煮菜的煮妇。随便散点料,烤烤就好吃。

Given the increasing Covid-19 infection rate all of the country and CDC 's new restriction guideline on mask-wearing,  Dr. Fauci was invited to an interview in NPR to answer some quesitons people eager to know the answers from a notable viral expert.

Dr.  Fauci said we are facing a differnent enemy---Delta virus, which is more transmissible, contagious, and having a lot things unknown. The strong transmission of Delta virus is comparable to the infamous chicken pox virus.  when being asked what's the point of getting vaccination since people still may have chances of  infection. Dr. Fauci said " Yes, there are still chances of getting infection, but the syptoms will be much milder, it will not be as severe as the people who are not being vaccinated. 


After further research, I found the infection rate of Delta virus for fully vaccined people is sightly above 1%, not quite bad. The rate is caculated from the most striking gethering events happened in Massachusetts on July 4th celebration. In a few indoor getherings involving more than 60k people, over 600 people were tested COVID-19 positive.  of all the 600+ people, 74% are fully vaccined people, which sounded very scary! Of all the 600 plus infected people, 5 people were hospitalized. And among them, none was in server situation.  Surprisely they even exposed the vaccines the 5 people got. one got Pfizer, four got J&J. Then onbody want J&J, I guess.  

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