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(2021-04-24 07:49:02) 下一个

Relaxing will make you get less side effects, my boss told me on Thursday, April 22. I thought it right, stress and horror are enemies of ourself. After going through vaccine hesitancy, I got my first moderna covid-19  vaccine on March 26, my 2nd dose appointment was set up on April 23rd which was yesterday.

my appointment was at 11:45, I have plenty time to do my own things in the morning. In the past a week, the weather was pretty bumpy. Rain, wind, snow and cold air all hit this area after a month’s warm weather and people cheering for the beauty of spring. Probably since I have been walking outside for many years and I feel so close to nature. As an interaction, nature feels me and loves me too. Yesterday the temperature jumped from 40F back to 60F, people breathed spring air again. A nice warm day would bring me luck, I thought.

  In the flowerbed at entrance of my complex, weeping fountain cherry blossom’s snow white flowers were almost gone, their reddish brown leaves were densely growing. Flowers go, flowers come. Now, the dogwood started blooming. Those blushing pink, cup-shaped baby flowers are so cute. Same as fountain cherry ,Yoshino cherry,  magnolia, plum and malus trees, dogwood grows flowers before leaves popping out.

My vaccine location was in a CVS store 15 minutes away from home, pretty close which makes me so happy. I hate driving far. The young female nurse was an Asian. she might tell I was a little bit nervous and tried to comfort me.  I asked her a few questions, “should I take medication if I feel sick…”. “Follow your body” she said with smile on her face. “drink more water, rest well, if you feel very sick and need medication, then take it. otherwise you not , just follow your body. Generally speaking the side effects will start between 12-24 hours after your shot.” So all the nasty sick- feeling will come around midnight till tomorrow noon time. I calculated inside. I will be ok, I will still be myself in the following 12 hours!

I felt normal after waiting for another 20 minutes in store, so I left. The traffic was busy, cars whooshing by, white petals whirlling on the road with them. In my sight , light Pink and white spring is leaving. Instead,  green, red and purple-pink spring is coming, natural sceneries change fast, now the white church at the intersection was standing behind the yellowish green leaves.  

Motivated by some books I read in CVS, I stopped by at town library and borrowed a few books all related to the history of CT or New England. As a 7 years' resident of a small town in CT of New England, a new immigrant, I think it’s time to know more about this region. I know I will always be thought an outsider of this ground no matter how many years I live here. but I feel the more you know about it, the closer you feel to the people, to the soil, to the air of it. It will take time, but for me, it will be an enjoyable joujourney.

I have prepared of facing the flu-like symptoms, sitting on bed, I read a little bit, then went to bed around 10 pm. My mind was clear when I first woke up at mid-night, I was still myself at my 2nd waking up time around 3:30pm.I knew I survived from the 2nd shot, I didn’t get any flu-like symptoms at all. The only side effect was sore arm. I FELT I WAS BLESSED. 

I WALKED FOR ONE HOUR IN THE MORNING AS USUAL, BY now,  After almost 24 hours from the 2nd shot,I FEEL NOTHING WRONG. 


当人们还沉醉在四月的春光里时,冷空气由南向北袭来。雨雪狂风后,还没欣赏个够,梅李樱兰的白粉春光就走了。好在我又发现了新的春光: dogwood,白海棠,eastern redbud,山樱。对运动完的小子说:看,校园里的白花谢了,不过山樱树已经挂满了花苞,下周就会开了;看远处那些白花累累的树,这时它们的白花谢了,新叶长出,它们正消融在绿色的春草里。小子"嗯嗯呀呀"听得挺有兴趣。





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