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(2021-04-15 06:27:38) 下一个

“No, it’s not the center” Joe, the guy at my age said to me that day when I told him in an excited tune” I just knew the intersection area is the town center!”. By then, I didn’t know what does Joe’s words mean, he might say “what are you talking about? it’s a small town, nowhere in this town is the center of the nation, the world!” we are in the center of nowhere. But after I read a book about the town’s history, I told myself” Maybe Joe knows the history of this town, that intersection area indeed is not the town center, or at least not the original town center which locates on the Main Street in North part of town.

Now I know the small white church at the intersection is an over 200 years' old antique. it is one of the oldest building in this town, I see it quite often, but I never show interest in it until I knew its history and I wanted to take a deeper look at this town. Immerging in spring sunshine, surrounding by blooming pink malus flowers, with two or three flower-looking clusters white cloud hovering above in blue sky, the white church looks elegant. It recalled me a senior female doctor in Yale children hospital I met years ago, in a same early spring day.

Behind the church is a cemetery, I know its existence years ago. that night after I read the history of the cemetery, I wanted to see and to take a picture of it before the pink spring flowers gone. Seeing from the street, the cemetery is separated from busy traffic by a line of malus trees along the street . it’s a nice place to rest, in the past week, when I drove by that intersection and had a glance of the cemetery through the gaps between the clusters of pink flowers, I told myself.

I have a new photographing tool, a Samsong Galaxy 10+ passing from my son. Thinking about the pretty images make me feel excited.  It’s a very nice spring day, around 10:30 am, I jumped into my car.  My car merged into the busy traffice flow when I had a right turn to hit  xxxx road which is the new main road in my eyes.  

Having my car parked at parking lot of the town’s public library, I stood in a big open area between the white church and the red brick library. The sunshine was gently scattering at every corner of my sight. This time, besides those blooming pink malus flowers along the roads at the intersection area, I saw 2 big trees with blooming white flowers, one standing in front of the library , one in the back yard of the white church.

Trees with white flowers all started blooming days ago. Here and there, you can see them in people’s yards, in commercial areas, on hills, at borders of pastures or woods. with snow white flowers lavishly blooming to the end of every branch, the scenes are just stunning beautiful!  


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魏薇 回复 悄悄话 回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : Of course not!I really appreciatred your correction, my friend!I ran to your cozy room and read the notes your wrote down when your read science magazines.you have many traits a real schoolar should have. I will learn from you! Enjoy the beauty of spring in CA!我记得二十年前,我的一个同事就说我敢开口说英文。我是不管对还是对,不怕别人笑话。这在语言学习中是好的品质。:)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 "Immerging in spring sunshine, surrounding by.."
~" Immersing... surrounded by"
If you mind... Enjoy your spring.