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(2021-03-27 04:33:21) 下一个

Before writing this I sat outside drinking hot lemon, thinking about the day ahead. As I sat gazing at the mountains circling around behind the house, I saw an eagle floating around high overhead. Although eagles are fairly common in the mountains in this part of Spain, this is the first time I have seen one fly so obviously over the house.



Soon afterwards I sat in the pergola, sheltering from the sun and eating my breakfast. A sparrow flew in and sat on a leg of the pergola and chirped away. For a few minutes I had a ‘conversation’ with the bird who was not concerned that I was so near. I see many sparrows around the house, but they tend to be more wary of me and never have one so directly communicate.




I was struck by the closeness of these encounters, realising that there was deep significance here. It is relatively easy to see this but less easy to interpret what is going on. Thinking through what happened and understanding the significance of the two birds I realised that this revelation was, for me multi-layered. To see these layers it is helpful to look into the energetic significance of the two birds.


与这两名偶遇者的近距离接触让我感到震惊, 我认识到其背后的深层意义。看到事物容易,解释其引伸意义相对要难些。想到所发生的事,加之了解这两种鸟所代表的意义,我认识到了其中的联系。对我来说,这种联系是多层面的。看透这两种鸟的体能象征,会对看清这几个层面有所帮助。


The Eagle

An eagle appears to inspire a person to be courageous and to stretch their limits. It is time for them to reach higher and become more than they believe they are capable of. It is time to look at things from a new, higher perspective, to be patient with the present, and know that the future holds possibilities that they may not yet be able to see. People influenced by eagles are seen as visionaries, people who are seekers and are willing to push the limits of self-discovery and personal freedom. Eagles bring them a sense of courage and a desire to explore and grow. The lesson of the eagle is to take a look from where it sees, to have the courage to relinquish stale and comfortable beliefs, to soar into unknown and new realities, and to continue to expand the view. It is the time to take full responsibility for life. As spiritual awareness increases, the positive and negative effects will become more immediate and have greater force.


鹰可以激发人的勇氧,让人不断挑战自身极限(比如体育界常说的更快更高更强)。让人们达到更高,超过他们所相信的能力极力。是时候站在更高,更新的角度,更耐心地看待当前。明白现在他们看不到,但却蕴藏于将来的可能性。会受老鹰影响的人们,被认为是有远见者。 这些人愿意去发现,并去拓展自我发现的极限和个人自由。鹰带给他们勇氧感,让他们有探索和成长的愿望。从鹰身上所学的是:从眼前所见,让勇氧带领我们放下那些陈旧,勿需顾虑便可讲出的观念,飞向未知的更新境界,然后继续拓展视野。是时候审视和考良自己的生活,对自己的一生来负责了。当精神层面的感知提了,其所产生的积极的,或消极的作用将更直接,也更有力量。


The Sparrow

The small sparrow is one of the most common birds but is often overlooked, its power taken for granted. The sparrow energy is both powerful and productive. Its persistence and integrity shows people that they do not have to be big to make a difference, they do not need to have the biggest and best things in order for their voices to be heard. In the wild, these birds are constantly working collecting food and gathering. They teach people to work for what they want. By accomplishing things that they can be proud of, they will continue to boost their self-esteem and sense of worth. The sparrow is a symbol of protection and communal involvement, as they achieve their power through strength of numbers. The sparrow inspires people to stand up for themselves, but also stresses the importance of compassion and the emphasis on teamwork. Sparrows move, eat, rest, and take part in activities as a group, which can be quite intimidating for a predator, no matter how large and fierce it is.

麻雀虽然平凡普通,但它通常并不被轻视,它的力量众所周知。它的精力有力亦有效,它的坚持与正直告诉人们:虽然他们个体不大,但他们可以改变现状;没有最大最好的东西,他们的声音同样能够被社会听到。在自然界里,这些麻雀总是聚在一起,不停地收集食物。它们告诉人们要为自身的所需而工作,通过完成工作,它们可以认识到自身的价值,并为自己感到骄傲。麻雀是保护和参与社区活动的象征,因为当它们可以通过数量积累到力量。麻雀鼓舞人们站起来为他们发声, 同时也强调同情心与团队精神。麻雀移动,饮食,休息,做活动都是群体行为,这对于捕食者来说这是很有威慑力的,不管它们多强大多凶残。



Spring Fall on North America on March 20th. After a spring rain, I was pleased by seeing the first cluster of crocus 北美的春天在三月二十到来,一场春雨过后,我的心因一丛紫色的番红花而欢喜。


 黄色的金钟水仙  were almost in full bloom.(手机照于3/26日)




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