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(2021-03-19 06:40:51) 下一个

Following a not cold raining day with highest temperature of 50F, today is colder and windy, checking the ground, I haven’t found any trace of snow. snow didn’t come last night as forecasted.


As per CT news, now 27% of CT residents have got at least one vaccine shot, the rate is higher than the national rate at 12% or something like that. From today, people age between 45 to 54 will be eligible for vaccination, 400k people will benefit from this. I am one of them. Although I am not a vaccine fan, but still will get it. As broadcasted, 40% of Americans don’t want to be vaccinated, vaccine skepticism and hesitacy are still a problems this administration has to face.      


I read two stories in the last two days, domestic violence is all involved in these stories. Different from China, Trauma is a word frequently been used in US. there are trauma-related sad stories. From here, I thought about my own life and my son’s life. Luckily both of us didn’t get trauma from our childhood. When I moved here, my son’s first school was not that great, he had bad experience. He was put into a room as suspension for his misconduct as teacher thought but actually that’s a misunderstanding about him. I pulled him out of the school without hesitation since I felt how hard he was hurt. After a month’s transaction, he started being comfortable and felt be accepted in the new environment. Now we have been living in this small town for years, people in the town are friendly and sympathetic. Even during the pandemic I didn’t feel any racial hatred to me. It was sad that 6 Asian women were killed by a 21 years old white guy in Atlanta this Tuesday.


Yesterday I told my son one of his teacher said “his Visional-spatial ability is more developed than other peers your age and logical reasoning”.

“Which teacher said?” he eagerly asked.

“Math teacher. and your language art teacher said your strength in her class is word reading and comprehension. Those are good aspects, they also spoke out their concerns. One of them mentioned you need to develop self-advocacy.”

“What does self-advocacy mean?” he said

I explained to him based on my understanding which today I found I was wrong. I will tell him the right meaning tonight. Learning is fun and good for you, no matter how old you are.





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