临上车子前,先生发现她的两个大箱子都超重,我拿了两个垃圾袋,装了一袋衣服,另一袋一些书啊笔记本啊,还有好几瓶护肤用品。 亚洲的女孩子最怕太阳,天天美白,一个个嫩得能掐出水来。她呢,整个夏天都在美黑:穿着比基尼,带个小帽子,墨镜,拿本书,躺在大太阳下暴晒。有时还要清空家里,因为她要晒她的BUTT。
早上把她剩下的东西拿到邮局,用了两个箱子寄去了。有妈妈建议用邮局的 Flat Rate Box给孩子寄东西。Flat Rate Box 最大的也不大,只适合寄重而小的东西,所以那些护肤品笔记本书啊,我用了那个 Box,$18.9,那些衣服,体积大,用了另一个大箱子,$36,有点小贵,但比机场的罚款好多了。
Dear mama & Daddy,
I’m writing this the night before I leave for ... Often I don't know how to express my feelings to you because that is not how we communicate, but I wanted to thank you for being such amazing parents to me for the past 18 years of my life. Even when I’m a spoiled brat or a moody teenager, you have always supported me and given me more than I ever deserved. I took for granted the privilege of having a comfortable life and understanding, loving parents, and I wish I expressed more gratitude verbally to you, but that is not how I communicate. Going into college I promise I will work hard and try to repay you in the future for the life you gave me. Thank you for not only supporting my ambitions, but never pressuring me to be someone who I’m not. It’s hard to put into words how much I love this family and I feel bad that I haven’t expressed it enough while being home. I’m excited for ... and his journey in ... Even though I’m harsh on him, it’s because I don't want him to have a hard life. I hate when he plays video games and has bad manners. I don't want him to develop that materialistic mindset that I sometimes have.
Thank you for putting up with 18 years of my attitude and always putting me at such a high priority. I’m incredibly lucky to have such loving, understanding, caring, and self-sacrificing parents.