

文献索引: 第八章 模范少数民族

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·   希拉里也声称要做美国“小商业总统”—参见雅虎财经新闻 “What Hillary Clinton must do to be the ‘small business president’”( http://finance.yahoo.com/news/what-hillary-clinton-must-do-to-be-the-%E2%80%9Csmall-business-president%E2%80%9D-175630452.html)。
·    卡西莫多 – Quasimodo, 法国文学家维克多·雨果 (Victor, Marie Hugo) 小说《巴黎圣母院》(Notre-Dame de Paris) 中角色。
·    王侯将相宁有种乎 --司马迁《史记卷四十八-陈涉世家》: 陈胜者,阳城人也,字涉。吴广者,阳夏人也,字叔。…..吴广素爱人,士卒多为用者。将尉醉,广故数言欲亡,忿恚尉,令辱之,以激怒其众。尉果笞广。尉剑挺,广起,夺而杀尉。陈胜佐之,并杀两尉。召令徒属曰:“公等遇雨,皆已失期,失期当斩。藉弟令毋斩,而戍死者固十六七。且壮士不死即已,死即举大名耳,王侯将相宁有种乎!”徒属皆曰:“敬受命。”。
·    苍天已死黄天当立 – 东汉末年黄巾起义口号,“苍天已死,黄天当立;岁在甲子,天下大吉。”见《三国演义》。
·    模范少数民族 – 散见于媒体,比如美国之音文章, “Chinese Americans: Don’t Call Us 'Model Minority',“ VOA -- Voice of America News / Asia, Michael Lipin, Last updated on: August 30, 2014 10:10 AM (http://www.voanews.com/content/chinese-americans-dont-call-us-model-citizens/1955111.html)。
·    吴京华案 – 散见硅谷中文媒体。2013年的判决可参见圣荷塞水星报文章 “SiPort office triple-killer gets life without parole”(San Jose Mercury News, http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_23787223/siport-office-triple-killer-gets-life-without-parole), 以及英国广播公司BBC中文网站文章《美国华裔工程师枪杀三名老板被判谋杀罪》(http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/world/2013/03/130309_wu_convicted.shtml)。西珀特公司后来在2011年5月被英特尔并购,参见英特尔新闻 “Intel Acquires Industry-Leading, High-Performance Computing Interconnect Technology and Expertise”(http://newsroom.intel.com/community/intel_newsroom/blog/2012/04/24/intel-acquires-industry-leading-high-performance-computing-interconnect-technology-and-expertise)。
·    印度裔的教育程度和收入都高于华裔 – 旧金山湾区《世界日报》“世界新闻网”文章“教育程度高…美國華人經濟實力輸印度裔”(http://www.worldjournal.com/3220548/article-%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E7%A8%8B%E5%BA%A6%E9%AB%98%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E8%8F%AF%E4%BA%BA%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F%E5%AF%A6%E5%8A%9B%E8%BC%B8%E5%8D%B0%E5%BA%A6%E8%A3%94/ )。
·    国家数据统计网站NationMaster – 参见 Wiki 词条 “NationMaster”(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NationMaster): NationMaster is a statistical website that aims to facilitate comparison of publicly available data on all countries of the world. Self-described as "a massive central data source," the developers bring together information found in a wide range of documents, including the Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book and various United Nations reports and surveys.[1] A wide range of demographic indicators are covered, including literacy rates, taxation levels, and murders per capita. These are also available in pie charts, scatterplots, and correlation graphs.
·    方舟子的 “新语丝” 网站都转贴了所谓讨论“印度强奸文化” 的文章 – 新语丝2013-04-02,《zt印度强奸文化: 林伽, 约尼, 德瓦达西, 卡玛苏塔, 雷神》(http://www.xys.org/forum/db/10/243/146.html)。
·    斯坦福大学医学中心附属医院2014年研究结果 -- Rajesh Dash 研究报告 “Heart Disease in South Asians: A Global Epidemic,” Stanford Hospital Health Library, September 25, 2014 (http://www.shlnews.org/?p=951)。
·    英国BBC 2006年12月报道 -- BBC News, Delhi, Friday, 8 December 2006, “Condoms 'too big' for Indian men”( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6161691.stm):A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men.  …… The two-year study was carried out by the Indian Council of Medical Research. Over 1,200 volunteers from the length and breadth of the country had their penises measured precisely, down to the last millimetre. The scientists even checked their sample was representative of India as a whole in terms of class, religion and urban and rural dwellers. The conclusion of all this scientific endeavour is that about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture.
·    《贫民窟的百万富翁》 (Slumdog Millionaire) – 2009年英国电影,由丹尼尔·波易尔 (Directors: Danny Boyle) 导演。

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