Fleetwood Mac 是我最喜欢的两个Rock and Roll 的乐队之一 (Eagles & Fleetwood Mac)。 Fleetwood Mac的音乐和歌词在众多的乐队中独树一帜,非常的与众不同。
“I’m So Afraid” 是一首虽不是他们最为出名但我百听不厌的歌。
请注意听他们的鼓点,Guitar and Bass. 也请注意倾听Lindsey Buckingham 演唱的歌词。音乐铿锵有力兼舒然委婉,歌词忧伤但绝不颓废。
当我面对困难或心情低落的时候,我就会听这首歌。它总会带给我心灵的震撼,安慰,鼓励和希望。 它告诉我it’s ok to be alone, and it’s ok to feel afraid. 不必sorry更没有shame. 我就是我,不会放弃, 更不会为了世俗而改变自己。
I’m So Afraid
I been alone
All the years
So many ways to count the tears
I never change
I never will
I'm so afraid the way I feel
Days when the rain and the sun are gone
Black as night
Agony's torn at my heart too long
So afraid
Slip and I fall and I die
I been alone
Always down
No one cared to stay around
I never change
I never will
I'm so afraid the way I feel
Days when the rain and the sun are gone
Black as night
Agony's torn at my heart too long
So afraid
Slip and I fall and I die