
I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world i

Fell in love with Jimi Hendrix

(2016-06-27 14:23:31) 下一个

Jimi Hendrix—最伟大的电子吉他手

第一次听说他,是在我的多年前的一个生日。那一天我先生特意带我去Seattle’s EMP museum (Experience Music Project) 看AC/DC 的Exhibit. 多年来我一直是AC/DC的fan.

然而,那一天,我fell in love with Jimi Hendrix! 

当我戴上耳机第一次听到他的”Hey Joe”, 被那种混合着rock/blue 的忧伤/愤怒/无助深深吸引。然后是”All Along the Watchtower”, 然后是”Voodoo Child/Slight Return”. 我放了一遍又一遍,欲罢不能。

回家后开始search种种关于他的info。 Jimi Hendrix 是美国摇滚乐吉他手,歌唱家和作曲家。出生在Seattle 的他(1942-1970)的舞台生涯虽然只有短短的4年,但是,他被认为是在流行音乐历史上最具影响力的电子吉他手之一,Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 把他描述成摇滚历史上“arguably”最伟大的乐手。在Rolling Stone 的古今100位最伟大的吉他手名单中,他雄居第一,在古今100位最伟大的艺术家中,他位于第5. (


关于他的documentary: “Hear My Train Coming” available at Netflix. Or “Jimi Hendrix Documentary” at Youtube:

AL Koooper:

"Jimi Hendrix blazed through our lives like a fireball-supernova that most likely originated in a black hole in the middle of some uncharted universe. This was not just some Elvis or Beatle—everything about Hendrix was otherworldly. He had an understanding of sonics and how they related to music, which no human had ever conceived before. He was able to express these non-verbal expressions as blasts of feedback and warfare emulations; personal, unique grace notes that were apropos for the times in which he performed. Before his genius reached maturity (he died at age 27), all that was left were some blinking sparks in the tail of a once-in-a-lifetime comet. A true alien in his lifetime—now as an immortal—too much wasted effort is spent by others in trying to compartmentalize him." 

当您听他的歌时,请注意听他的guitar. A few songs here: 

“All Along the Watchtower”, Bob Dylan 作曲作词,被Jimi Hendrix 唱红并且演绎到一个更高的level, 也是他最著名的一首歌。熟悉Forrest Gump 的读者都能回忆起这首曲子的开头部分, Forrest和他的战友们在越战中巡逻的情景。也是“Mafia 3” 的主题曲。

“Voodoo Child/Slight Return”,他把这首歌的guitar 演绎到出神入化的境地;

“Hey Joe”

“Purple Haze”

“Foxy Lady”

And more.


“With the power of soul, anything is possible.”

“Music is my religion.”

“The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye…until we meet again”

“I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world is here for me to see.” 

“Even castles made of sand, fall into the sea, eventually.” 

“Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.”

“I’m the one that has to die when it’s time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to.” 

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