冰球帅哥系列(15) —- New York Islanders Captain, John Tavares
(9/) 2016-04-29 15:40:25
(4/) 2016-04-28 18:41:44
(2/) 2016-04-27 12:19:04
(6/) 2016-04-26 14:21:20
冰球帅哥系列(14) —– 超级英雄Jaromir Jágr (The story of a hockey superhero)
(2/) 2016-04-24 20:44:28
(12/) 2016-04-23 17:54:56
(6/) 2016-04-21 08:50:11
(2/) 2016-04-20 12:26:56
冰球帅哥系列(13)—Washington Capitals Captain, Alexander Ovechkin
(4/) 2016-04-18 17:23:20
(8/) 2016-04-18 05:53:07
冰球帅哥系列(12)—Washington Capitals Goalie, Braden Holtby
(8/) 2016-04-15 07:05:52
加东132号公路 ---- 魁北克城顺着圣劳仑斯河往嘎斯北(Gaspe)渐入大西洋
(2/) 2016-04-14 11:49:47
冰球帅哥系列(11)—-Tampa Bay Lighting Captain, Steven Stamkos
(12/) 2016-04-13 18:20:00
(2/) 2016-04-13 09:13:21
加拿大魁省东部嘎斯北瑟的国家公园 ---- Park Forillion
(0/) 2016-04-11 06:20:22
加东佩斯(Perce Rock) 大礁石 ----野生动物之旅
(4/) 2016-04-08 10:53:09
(8/) 2016-04-07 07:25:23
(6/) 2016-04-06 17:38:15
读书笔记 – Dispatches from the Edge, author Anderson Cooper (下)
(2/) 2016-04-06 05:41:33
读书笔记 – Dispatches from the Edge, author Anderson Cooper (上)
(4/) 2016-04-05 07:08:07
(2/) 2016-04-04 09:19:53
(8/) 2016-04-03 19:52:36
(20/) 2016-04-01 07:52:26