
20161201 他病了

(2016-12-05 12:06:41) 下一个

10:49am I may not come over tonight. I was quite sick yesterday and am not sure if it was food poisoning or flu. Waiting to see if I start feeling better today. I'm trying a little food and see how it goes.

  Oh no. :-(

Yeah it was a challenge managing the big project last night in between getting sick

  Went well yesterday? The chiropractor is off today, and you are not going too, right?

Correct. Which is both good and bad. My neck is very sore.

  Would you like a nice massage? You could come over and have a relaxing evening

I could also make you sick for the weekend which is my concern

  I don't think so, you know me. ;-)

Well I don't want to take the chance. I'm usually good to figure out what's happening but I was sick a lot last night so I'm not sure if I'm just sore or sick

  Even you are sick, I want to take care of you.

Thanks. Let me figure out what's happening and I'll let you know. If I'm still sick or not sure I'll stay at my roomies

  Feel better!

Thanks, would love too. Makes for a long day



  2:50pm Feeling better?

No I'm going to go home early. I don't feel well at all

  Need to see a doctor?

Just rest I hope. I need to keep food down first. I haven't had food since yesterday lunch.

  How can you fight it without energy(no food)


  Go to eat something light

Going to try soup

  Good. Then go home early have a rest. Miss you, and want to hold you

Thanks. Rest up tonight so we can have a fun weekend. I'm not much fun right now.

  Hope you are better soon

Me too!

  Kiss Maybe you are not sick. Just hungry!

I am hungry. If only it would stay put

  ;-) Need a ride? Can you drive?

Thanks, I'm already home.

  Need food delivery?

No I got some soup at Tims. Hopefully it sits well

  Need kisses delivery?

Yes, tomorrow night. Hope you have lots

  Kiss Kiss Kiss

Lol don't use them all at once make sure you have saved up.

  Don't worry, I saved lots for you! Enjoy your soup

Ok good. Phew I was worried you might run out! ;-)



   5:47pm How are you feeling now?

Much better thanks. How are you

  I'm good, just finished supper


  I will go to practice dancing tonight since you can't come.

You have fun!


    9:04pm How are you feeling?

Sleepy. In bed calling it a night. Good night.

  Good night.

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