

《来时的路》(中英文对照版版) 3.12 面试技巧

(2015-05-29 22:58:59) 下一个

3.12    面试技巧

虽然再去找奚涛做最后的挽回,然后一起回国仍然是程弈田不时的冲动,但是之前去西部的想法却也是一直挥之不去。两种相互矛盾的选择不停地在程弈田的脑腔里冲撞,搏斗。程弈田与尹伯文的对话很自然地转到了对未来的讨论上: “Where do you want to live and what do you want to do after you graduate?(你毕业之后想要做什么,住在哪里呢?)

“I already did.(我已经。)”MSN的另外一个优点就是你可以回去看看自己说的,可以及时更正或者解释,尹伯文看了那行字,这才发现自己的思维有些跳跃,“I mean, I already graduated.(我的意思是,我已经毕业了。)

“But, you are still staying in the graduate student dorm.(可是,你还住在研究生公寓啊。)程弈田很是不解。

“Yeah, it's a deal I made with Prof. Little. I convinced him to be on the board of my company. Finally, he accepted my offer, and extended my research assistant fellowship. I need the money, you know.(是,我跟里头教授说好的。我说服了他加入我公司的董事会,他就让我延期,继续做研究助理。我需要钱,你是知道的。)

程弈田一直都想问尹伯文这个问题,他总是口口声声说自己需要钱,但是因为每次他们相遇时都有其他的事情发生,弈田一直都没有机会问起。“How come? You don't need much to support yourself here, living as a student. I live a decent comfortable life with the stipend prof. Harald provided. Wait a moment, you said you have a company?(为什么啊?像一个学生一样生活并不需要花多少时间的。汉偌德教授给我的奖学金,我一个人用足够了,而且还挺舒服的呢。嗯?你说什么,你还有一个公司?)”

“Yep, I do, that's why I need the money. (是的,我是有个公司,这是我为什么需要钱。)尹伯文瞟了一眼计算机屏幕上的时钟,“I am sorry, Yitian, I got to go, I have a meeting with the CTO and COO, TTYL.(对不起,弈田,我得走了。我跟我们的首席技术官和运营官有个会,待会儿见。)

TTYL,弈田猜,这是talk to you later(待会儿再跟你说。) 的缩写。他有个公司?CTOCOO(首席技术官,首席运营官)都有了,难道他还是个CEO(首席执行官)?一个外国人,在美国创业?想来也好笑,这个CEO(首席执行官)当得也挺窝囊,整天嚷嚷着要钱,那摆着着的500块一小时的工作不要,偏要去干20块一小时的法语老师;原本7900块可以卖掉的车,就让奚涛一封长信吃掉了900块,那可是45个小时法语课的报酬。好吧,程弈田是猜不透他的,不需花这个心思。弈田倒是有个忙要请他帮,留言好了。回不回,由这个CEO来定。“I wanted to keep my options open, so, I applied to a few openings in the west coast, and got some interviews. I am wondering if you could do some mock up interviews with me. Matt, my lab mate and good friend, just left for a long vacation. So, you will not turn me down, would you?(我想要多几个备选的,所以啊,我申请了西部的好几个公司,也获得了一些面试的机会。我正在想你是不是可以帮我做做模拟面试什么的。不巧的是,我实验室的好朋友Matt去度假了。你不会不帮这个忙,是吧?)

程弈田希望MSN有个智能选项:只有重要或者有意思的事情才会把人从半夜里吵醒。“My pleasure.(我的荣幸)大半夜里,一骨碌爬起来的弈田没来得及披个睡袍,看到的是这个可有可无的鸡肋。这两天AshdownMIT宿舍)的空调好像有点毛病,几十秒的功夫,她浑身所有保护机制都快速启动,露在短袖睡衣外的胳膊上摸起来让人心麻的鸡皮疙瘩越来越多,提醒她赶紧回去穿件衣服。她满心期待,盯着屏幕,不舍得失去即时看见来自Charles(查尔斯)河对岸的新消息的机会。“TTYT(待会儿再跟你说)又是一个缩写,好吧,tomorrow(明天),希望这15分钟寒夜里的等待不会让自己感冒。程弈田坐下打出“talk to you tomorrow too(我也待会儿再跟你说)她这才想起来自己只顾着等看他说些什么,忘了对他的消息做回应,当然,人家就只能说talk to you tomorrow(明天再跟你说).

“Oh, you are there! Great.(啊,你还在呢!太好了。)

“You woke me up!(是你把我吵醒的好不好!)尹伯文看见了一个不高兴嘟着嘴的小人在屏幕上一闪一闪。

“Ah, that's even better! You are already up, let's talk!(哦,不是更好!既然你已经起来了,那我们开聊!)那个人耍起赖来,程弈田遇到了对手。

不行,真的需要一件棉衣,弈田伸手拿了挂在床上的长款羽绒服,抓起散在地上的厚棉袜,5秒钟就武装起了自己。“So, you got time tomorrow? I guess it's gonna be in the afternoon then, since I don't think we are going to be done until we are totally consumed tonight:)(你明天有时间吗?我猜是要等到下午了吧,因为我想今天我们不谈到很晚都奇怪的呢J

“Really? I am going to sleep soon.(真的吗?我正要去睡呢。)这回没有表情符号,看不见人,程弈田不知道他是不是在开玩笑。



“Good night(晚安)他还真是说到做到,程弈田也礼貌的回了句“Good night(晚安),将电脑置为静音。

“Dear Yitian, It would be my pleasure to do the mock up interview with you tomorrow. I am not an expert in doing interviews, but I did manage to get job offer for 80% of the time. So, I would like to share some interview skills with you.(亲爱的弈田,明天可以给你做模拟面试,我感到非常荣幸。我虽然不是面试专家,但是我的面试成功率是有80%的。所以,我愿意在这里跟你分享一些我的经验。)

“First of all, be confident. You are one of the girls I know who are very confident and very assertive. Continue being yourself, look into other people's eyes when they talk to you. The first time we had the big 'debate' you looked into my eyes as if you were sure you were gonna win, no matter what.(第一,要自信。你是一个非常自信而且说话相当稳健的人。挺好,继续发扬光大—跟人说话的时候看着别人的眼睛。我们第一次见面那会儿,你就那么坚定地看着我的眼睛,好像无论怎样你一定会赢那场激烈的讨论。)

“Second, listen well, think as you listen. Try to summarize and repeat what you hear from the interviewer. It shows you understand their points and you are giving them the hint that you are going to respond to their points and questions accordingly. That, also calms them down and gives them the confidence that you will be able to present yourself well.(第二,好好听,同时,好好思考。试着对面试官的话进行总结和重复。这样可以表明你是理解他们的话的,然后也暗示他们你将对于他们谈话的焦点和问题一一作出应答。那样做可以让面试官相信你一定会最好地发挥你的水平。

“Third, be concise when you talk. Crisp, to the point. Show them your thought first, in a short way. If time permits and if they are interested in the details, then, give out details.(第三,说话的时候要做到简单扼要。要很干脆,每句话都说到点子上。先简单地表达你的观点。如果有时间,或者他们感兴趣,再深入展开讨论。)

“Fourth, ask smart questions. Companies want to know your motivation, your expectations before hiring people. Show them you are interested, give them the feeling that if they miss you they will lose a great person who can help to resolve all the important operational issues. At the end, they can't afford not to offer you an on-site interview opportunity.(第四,问聪明的问题。大多数公司在雇人之前都很想知道你的想法和期望。大胆告诉他们你对他们的公司有兴趣,让他们觉得如果雇了你,你一定会帮他们解决棘手的但是非常重要的运营上面遇到的问题。最后,面试官们都觉得如果不给你一个去公司面试的机会都会是一个天大的错误。)

“The last but not the least, be polite, thank them for a nice talk with you, you are appreciated that they presented a wonderful way to be successful. Good luck.(最后,一定要有礼貌。要谢谢他们给你机会面试,对他们给你提供的潜在的成功的道路表示感激。祝你好运。)

发信时间是临晨237, 弈田重新回去睡觉之后的1个小时。

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