


《来时的路》(中英文混合版) 3.17 没有回程日期的机票

(2015-05-25 19:36:11) 下一个

3.17    没有回程日期的机票

“Au bon pain, at good pain, what a name!”一向说话比别人慢两拍的Bernard开始打破了沉静,“You are the legend, Yitian.”

有了Bernard的开头,Roy也一改刚才的忧郁,一出口就突出了他了夸张,他的幽默,“I heard from Jean Jacque that you got your offer even without onsite interview. Wow, unbelievable, you rewrote the history, nah, her-story!”这个工作offer来得快得像Bernard那天给的,程弈田收到email的时候把信从头到尾看了三遍,然后转寄给Jean Jacque读后确认了,才相信,她可以开始准备美国工作签证的材料了。

“Yeah, I am so proud of her!”尹伯文端着刚买到的四份甜点走过来。被人夸,弈田习惯了。毕业典礼那天Harald教授在同实验室的同学们面前狠狠地夸了程弈田,说当她的导师是近10年自己最幸福的事。程弈田是那种更注重实践的同学,没有选择跟他做完博士,是科研界的一大损失,但必定是工业界的一大收益。为了不让弈田搬家时太难,Harald教授送了一个体积很小的礼物给她。打开看,是一个精美的Swarovski的水晶地球钥匙链。Harald教授说,弈田的存在将让这个日益衰老的地球变得更美,更纯净,更强大。程弈田笑着舀了一勺甜甜软软的柠檬蛋糕,放到嘴里,并不分辨那天其实她只是运气:她同时见了老板,老板的老板和老板的老板的老板。说实话,那跟onsite interview已经没有什么差别了,就是少了积攒6000迈飞行里程的机会。哈哈,就让它成为江湖上美丽的传说吧。。。

“I am so grateful that you two can come over to send me. I know you are very busy.”程弈田看看尹伯文,说:“As for him, the man who just served us desert, he has time anyway, he is on vacation every day.”

“Haha,yeah, right. Yitian, you are getting more and ruder to me each every dayyou are referring me as the servant now!”尹伯文站起来,恭敬地向弈田鞠了一躬,"Please let me know if you need anything else, my dear lord?”

Roy笑得前俯后仰,伸腿给尹伯文一脚,“You need to take her to the airport, I mean, you, Jean Jacque, understood?”他的神情比最恶的黄世仁还恶。尹伯文以脚还脚,“Stupid Roy, I can't. Hey, Bernard, time is almost up, present her our gift, she needs to take the T now.”Bernard拿出自己的智能手机,操作了一下,“Done, my dear lord.”COOCEO的步伐完好的保持一致。“Ok, guys, finish your tart. Yitian, let's go down to the platform. ”尹伯文生怕弈田错过了飞机,误了明天新公司的orientation.

Kendall Square的地铁站就在Au bon pain旁边。50米的路走了15分钟。“I am so glad that you are finally making the way to San Jose. Nice place. Go to my Dad's. He will take care of your super combo!”Roy抱了抱弈田,重复了他的承诺,很有别怕,那儿咱有人。报上我的大名,他定会罩着你的意味。

Bernard也走过来,他的臂好长,环绕着弈田,用力有点过猛,程弈田差点喘不过气。好在,他很快就放开了,郑重地跟弈田握了握手:“Thank you for extending the 3-week help to 4 months. I am very impressed with your work - what I like most about it is that you keep a very nice work log for us. Simply by looking at a few bullet points every week, I already know what we have progressed. We also appreciate the nice input you made, I know, it's time to think about a real implementation plan.”

程弈田仰着头,跟这个不仅身高让她仰止的德国人说,“Thank you Bernard, I  appreciate the compliment, this kind of detailed one. Thank you for telling me where my strengths are. ”

Bernard 笑着:“Yitian, you deserve the best comment from a COO! Too bad, you are leaving, and too bad we are so poor that we can't even sponsor you.”

是啊,程弈田何曾放得下她辛勤耕耘了四个月的Movaback, “Bernard, get Movaback on face book and let more people know about this option, and maybe we will get more donation on further trials.”

红线地铁到了,尹伯文又催了起来,“Got it, yitian, we are working on it. You need to go. Go.”

一旁的Roy 还是不放过这最后的机会,冲着Jean Jacque嚷:“Hey, you, you do have green card, don't you? You can get her one too if you make a proposal to her! Dumb ass!”

Bernard知道这只是Roy最后的试探,尹伯文是不会改变主意的,又轻轻抱了抱弈田,说:“I hope you will like the gift, it's Jean Jacque's idea.”

程弈田转向尹伯文,向他走过去。刚要伸出双臂,尹伯文指着地上说,“See, I found 5 cents, my money!" 弈田领会了他的意思,拉着行李,登上了地铁。

站台上,Roy弯腰捡起那个废弃的塑料瓶,“You don't have balls!  说着冲尹伯文仍过去“Your 5 cents! Coward!”尹伯文也不躲,程弈田似乎看到了他微笑的脸上画着一副尹伯文曾经展现过给她的未来愿景:"Here she returns, the Queen of Operations!"


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