"... (The true investor) will do better if he forgets about the stock market and pays attention to his dividend returns and to the operating results of his companies."
‐ Benjamin Graham World Commodities and World Currencies, 1944, p. 42
在上一贴中我提到了TD的表现在蓝筹股中是比较普通的,但是为什么这样一个其实普普通通的投资标的,却可以让一个投资者实现零到一百万,然后一千万,再然后一亿的目标呢? (理论上合理的成功概率)
I've learned many things from him (George Soros), but perhaps the most significant is that it's not whether you're right or wrong, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong.
“在投资的世界里,一次大机会的成果远超过千百次的小折腾。同样的时代大家其实面临的机会都差不多,区别只在于把握度。真正的大机会,把握住一次足以改变境遇;把握住两次将开启全新的人生;把握住三次整个家族都会不同。从a股历史规律来看,其实每3-5年都大概率的会碰到一次好机会,然而大多数人早已在各种小折腾中荒废了。“ - 水晶苍蝇拍