
lin13590 (热门博主)
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(2017-04-22 16:28:05) 下一个
 周末找时间看了1955年拍摄的好莱坞经典影片《生死恋》(Love is a Many–Splendored Thing),之所以对此电影有兴趣是因早年熟悉它的主题曲。电影是根据著名中国,比利时混血作家韩素自传小说改编,文革过来人应该对韩不陌生,她是座上宾,当时到处都放毛主席会见她的记录片。《生死恋》曾获得三项奥斯卡奖,大部分场景在香港拍摄,那时的香港就很先进了,电影画面也很优美,加上很经典老套的爱情故事,电影在西方一直很受欢迎。
爱屋及乌,许多人也喜欢电影的主题曲《Love is a Many–Splendored Thing》,我看了电影后对这歌曲有了更好的画面感,喜欢程度远胜于电影本身。主题曲由Sammy Fain作曲, Paul Webster作词, 安迪.威廉斯原唱。歌曲歌词简单,朗朗上口,但曲调优美,加上安迪.威廉斯的好嗓音,当时很快成了流行曲,并在1956年获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。以后很多世界著名歌星翻唱过此歌曲, 几十年来也一直被很多电影和电视连续剧采用,可见在美国及全世界受欢迎的程度,经典就是经曲,不会随着时间而消失 。
歌词: Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing
Love is a many splendored thing
It's the April rose that only grows in the early Spring
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living
The golden crown that makes a man a king
Once on a high and windy hill, In the morning mist
Two lovers kissed and the world stood still
Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing
Yes, true love's a many splendored thing
Love is a many splendored thing
It's the April rose that only grows in the early Spring
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living
The golden crown that makes a man a king
Once on a high and windy hill, In the morning mist
Two lovers kissed and the world stood still
Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing
Yes, true love's a many splendored thing

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