“肩膀上的指环” - I cannot wear a ring on my finger for you; so the backpack serves as a ring on the shoulder. It is my commitment to you
“每一天我陪它上班”- 最开始无法理解,who 陪 who 上班?有没有搞错。这次忽然明白了。陪你才是我的工作。工作本身已经是次要的了。林夕大师用心良苦啊。
“借了东西为什么不还”- 我拿走你的爱,我也带走你曾经的承诺,我要一直带着它,不反悔。。。
“你借我 而我不想归还” - this is the only thing connecting you and me... holding it makes me feel your presence; I do not want to let it go. Then I will lose you forever. 它已经 ”熟悉我的汗“, "成为我身体另一半",也我无法分离, you are part of me. I always have a soft spot for you in my heart.“千金不换”,一直到我死了那一天,“陪着我腐烂”。。。