njrookie's random thoughts

A collection of my posts on investment, trading, and life...

2023 小结

(2023-12-29 15:54:16) 下一个




去年年底关于2023的几个预测大多都错了。3月Fed因为银行问题还是放水。11月开始Treasury开始 manipulate duration for new issurance (effectively QE; Treasury is now the new Fed)。

A difficult year for market neutral traders, as I have mainatianed a bearish bais throughout the year. 家底的一半拿来做trading,一般是几天到几周就清仓换仓。YTD 大概30%回报。另外一半家底房产为主,也在慢慢变现。Overall networth Y2T 增长不到20%,低于去年。从2021年底勉强到了8-figure之后,这两年 total networth 增长了50%。今年已经到了知天命之年。跟10年不惑之年比起来,total networth 增长了大约五倍。早年工资收入对财富积累和增长影响很大,现在的作用已经是微乎其微了。Now capital is making money, not labor。


最近这两个月Fed 和 Treasury的放水,让股市债市都进入一个euphoria状态,让市场重新回到了2022年年初的状态。Fed Fund futures priced in 6.5 25 bps cuts next year. Recall there are only 8 meetings a year, and no way Fed starts cutting in Jan meeting. So pretty much market priced in a cut for every meeting after Jan, while dot plots only says 3 cuts at the moment.

什么情况下Fed会 cut 6.5次呐?那肯定是经济进入recession状态。但是那个状态下,股市会跌20-25%。 Say 3800-4000. Currently market priced in perfect soft landing。

个人认为大家还是小心为上,通胀若是触底反弹 - 是在finaical condition dramatically easing 的情况下这个风险不小 - 那么6.5次的cuts不可能,更可能的是hold at high level for longer。那种情况下,利率会反弹上涨,股市的valuation multiple会contract。

记住:不是利率下调了股票就要上涨。市场已经priced in 6.5 次下调。2024年年底现在预期的 FF 利率已经是3.65-3.75%. 若是不能达到这个目标,对股市和债市都是压力。

Pricing and future returns are always relative to what is priced in and what is expected.

上面说的问题都是2024的短期直接问题。根源还是war-time like deficit spending and unsustainable nationa debt level。很多households积累的财富只不过是靠federal government 累积的债务transfer过去的而已。


1 将来要不要再transfer回去呐?不然的话这些债务谁来偿还呐?

2 更重要的问题是:自己有没有在高通胀,房价股市债市都垮掉的市场上继续稳定积累财富呐?

按照历史数据,下面十年股市/房市都是按照通胀水平来增长(ie real return是零),是平均水平。

My my 2c.


PS: IB 最近四年的 equity growth curve and stats

Green line is sp500 total return (including reinvested dividends). Blue line is acct performance. Dec 23 is not included yet. But I made no money in Dec. Up tiny.


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