2016 (350)
2019 (201)
2020 (226)
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2023 (1)
据说美国政府有一份报告,列举美国海关没收的非法进口膺品。报告来时国安部(Department of Homeland Security),本来没人理的,有好事的给翻译了,碰巧见到:
美国山寨货阻击战 头号敌人仍是中国
In Fiscal Year 2014, CBP's P-3s operating out of Corpus Christi, Texas, and Jacksonville, Florida, flew more than 5,900 hours in support of counternarcotic missions resulting in 135 interdiction events of suspected smuggling vessels and aircraft. These events led to the total seizure or disruption of 126,489 pounds of cocaine with an estimated street value of $9.47 billion.就是谁,就海岸自卫队在得克萨斯州一个小镇(当然,也许这是个大点)缴获的可卡因就值95亿美元。把美国其它地方、其它毒品算上,那是个多大的数目?中国这点膺品,那值得一提呢?