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[RMax:maximal achieved performance; RPeak:theoretical peak performance; TF=TeraFLOPS=





天河2号的国产化率很高,从网络连接到软件再到前端都是自主研发,唯独需要使用英特尔生产的Xeon处理器和 Xeon Phi协处理器
2015.04.15环球 中国超算不怕美国芯片禁售 或倒逼中国国产决心
2015.04.16电子信息产业网 李佳师:芯片禁运 中国应该如何发展HPC?
2015.04.18中国青年报 美国芯片禁运将极大刺激中国国产芯片产业化
2015.04.13中国电子报中国电子重量级芯片“飞腾”亮相 可替换英特尔
“可替代”,不谁说马上能替代。参见此网民博文: “飞腾FT-1500A处理器使用的是ARMv8架构,尽管中国电子设计出了4核以及16核处理器,但ARM处理器在性能上要想取代Intel的至强处理 器简直是痴人说梦。这不是否认飞腾处理器的功劳,实际上天河2号超级计算机上已经使用了4096颗飞腾FT-1500处理器,这是国防大学为天河1研发 的,使用的是Sparc V9架构,40nm工艺,现在的FT-1500A则是ARM架构,28nm工艺”
2015.04.08IDG News ServiceAfter U.S. chip block, China's plan for 100 petaflop supercomputer may get delayed
2015.04.19纽约时报IBM Project in China Raises U.S. Concerns
参见:美叫停对华出口英特尔超算芯片 瞄准天河二号
2014.12.0221世纪宏观研究院分析师 耿雁冰 张梦洁 寻找中国最强“芯”:集成电路产业区域格局
杨子:对Intel Xeon --〉美国商业部 --〉 中国超级计算的初步看法
2015.04.07VR WorldUncle Sam Shocks Intel With a Ban on Xeon Supercomputers in China
“国产天河2号超算就是与Intel合作,提前数月拿到了Xeon Phi计算卡并完成了部署。待Xeon Phi正式发售时天河2号已经跑完了测试项目,准备进入商业运行阶段。彼时负责天河2号项目的国防科大与Intel进行了深度沟通,获得了大量编程指导,很顺利地进行了系统代码部署。如果没有这层合作关系,不仅天河的工期会大大延后,由于异构计算的复杂性国防科大也很难独立完成超算的软件调试优化任务”,“美国意识到了异构计算时代芯片企业与超算制造方合作的重要性。只要掐断美国企业和中国机构的合作关系,即便后者能够从公开市场买到芯片,也需要等到芯片正式发售后才能做到;缺乏芯片设计商的指导,中国的超算项目也很难充分利用芯片性能,进而在与美国同行的对抗中丧失优势”
“几种国产芯片的主要问题是它们的性能远逊于美国对手:单芯片浮点性能不过200G Flops以下,远不如新一代Xeon E5的700G Flops,更比不上Xeon Phi、Tesla等众核协处理器”

2015.01.27华尔街日报技术网站 China’s Chip Makers Explained
2015.01.27华尔街日报China Looks to Prop Up Domestic Chip Makers
2014.10.13路透社Intel gains a new ally in China's chip wars
2015.03.02北京周刊英文版China's Chip Race
海外收购芯片企业:文章里见不到实在的收购。“A Bloomberg report on December 3, 2014 said Chinese companies spent almost $5 billion in five major chip-related takeovers in the past 18 months”
2015.04.05圣何塞水星报More deals ahead? China fund buys Silicon Valley chip maker
2014.06.24IDG News ServiceChina sets out to become global leader in chip manufacturing
2015.03.30道琼斯IBM technology adopted in Chinese chips, servers
2015.04.08IDG News ServiceIntel courts China's hardware startups to popularize its mobile, IoT chips
2014.12.03彭博China Wants What’s in Your Phone as Chips Replace Oil
China, home to 1.3 billion mobile-phone accounts, pursues ways to build its domestic chip industry and reduce reliance on imports from Taiwan, the U.S. and South Korea
Chinese companies spent almost $5 billion in five major chip-related takeovers in the past 18 months
2015.04.15华尔街日报China’s Biggest Chip Maker’s Possible Tie-Up With H-P Values Unit at Up to $5 Billion
张为国:‘Many people suspect I’m a ‘white glove’ for the government. But we’re really just a very market-oriented company’,说的够了吗?美国政府会封吗?
参见:China rivals vie for state backing to buy HP unit
这家中心的新式超级计算机的每秒浮点运算次数 (FLOPS) 为100千万亿次,跻身全球速度最快行列。




光明网4月14日讯 据美国中文网报道,美国以违反“美国国家安全利益”为由,禁止英特尔(Intel)和英伟达(Nvidia)向中国4家国家超级计算机中心出售“至强”(XEON)芯片。








天河2号的国产化率很高,从网络连接到软件再到前端都是自主研发,唯独需要使用英特尔生产的Xeon处理器和 Xeon Phi协处理器。由于长时间高负荷工作,这两种芯片每隔一段时间都需要更换,因此美国的对华禁售政策对中国现有的“天河”系列超级计算机的正常运行可能会产生一定的影响。




“一方面,美国政府试图遏制超级计算机在中国的发展,短期内一定会造成一些影响,天河今年应该会让出霸主的地位;但从另外一个角度看,禁令可能会加速中国自主设计芯片的研发。”张云泉表达了和西蒙相似的看法,目前,中国正朝着建造全部采用本国部件的超级计算机迈进,包括100%采用中国芯片。(光明网记者 许莹莹 陈百惠)

中国超算不怕美国芯片禁售 或倒逼中国国产决心











李佳师:芯片禁运 中国应该如何发展HPC?

4月9日,美国商务部发布公告,决定拒绝英特尔公司向中国的国家超级计算广州中心出售“至强”(XEON)芯片用于天河二号系统升级的申请。据美国媒体报道,美国商务部于今年2月18日发布的一份通知称,使用了两款英特尔微处理器芯片的天河二号系统和早先的天河1号A系统 “据信被用于核爆炸模拟”,因此四家位于中国的机构包括国家超级计算长沙、广州、天津中心和国防科技大学因为从事实质上危害美国国家安全和外交利益的活动被列入出口管制名单。美国为何突然对中国超级计算机(简称HPC)使用的芯片实行禁运?禁运对我国超级计算机(HPC)升级意味着什么?中国应该如何来发展自主的高性能计算?
















不仅仅是因为HPC, 在自主可控的需求下,国家正在加快加大芯片产业的发展推进力度。张云泉同时坦言,目前中国政府和产业界非常重视芯片产业的发展,现在在中国正在研制的芯片类型也很多,已经出现”一哄而上“的迹象了,国外的芯片家族中,除了X86芯片,几乎所有在美国出现过的芯片都开始在中国复活,中国应该尽快选出一两个有前景且基础好的芯片,集中力量进行长期的重点扶持,构建可持续发展的产业链和软件生态系统。






广州中心称,美国商务部实施出口限制(禁运)损人不利己,严重损害了包括英特尔公司在内的美国企业通过长期耕耘中国市场所建立的良好信誉。美国商务部对广州中心实施出口限制(禁运)将妨碍以“天河二号”为平台的正常中美科技合作交流。去年11月5日,美国工程院院士、世界超级计算机500强排名发起人之一、橡树岭国家实验室Jack Dongarra教授,美国能源部先进科学计算研究部主任William Harrod博士等来自美国、欧洲、日本超级计算领域的国际专家齐聚广州中心,围绕如何应用“天河二号”解决诸如气候、环境、开发绿色能源、疾病与健康等世界性难题,与我国有关专家展开深入交流,重点探讨超级计算应用和发展前景等热点问题。但美国商务部的限制令,将极大地挫伤美国科学家来广州中心开展合作工作的积极性。


中国电子重量级芯片“飞腾”亮相 可替换英特尔



中国电子总经理刘烈宏在致辞中指出,近年来,中国电子采取联合创新、协同创新、军民融合创新的发展策略,聚焦通用CPU和网络交换芯片作为重点突破口,取 得了一系列可喜的成果。中国电子旗下天津飞腾信息技术有限公司(以下简称“天津飞腾”)的FT-1500A系列CPU处理器和盛科网络(苏州)有限公司 (以下简称“盛科网络”)的“智桥”SDN智能高密度万兆交换芯片CTC8096便是非常具有代表性的新产品。

据盛科网络总经理、“千人计划”专家孙剑勇介绍,此次推出的“智桥”芯片是其自主研发的第四代交换芯片,目标是快速响应云计算、大数据、网络功能虚拟化的 市场趋势,芯片具有性能优、功能强、功耗低和高可靠、高性价比等特点。该芯片由9.4亿人晶体管构成,具有1.2T的交换容量;配图了96个10G端 口,24个40G端口,4个100G端口,支持L2/L3/MPLS/OpenFlow和数据中心功能等特性集合。

据天津飞腾总经理谷虹介绍,FT-1500A系列处理器是64位通用CPU,兼容ARM V8指令集,采用国际先进的28nm工艺流片,具有高性能、低功耗等特点,关键技术国内领先,可实现对Intel中高端“至强”服务器芯片的替代,并广泛 应用于政府办公和金融、税务等各行业信息化系统之中。FT-1500A系列目前包括4核和16核两款产品。其中4核处理器芯片主要面向桌面终端和轻量级服 务器应用领域,主频2GHz,功耗15W,两个DDR3-1600存储通道,支持电源关断、DVFS等低功耗技术,适用于构建台式终端、一体机、便携笔记 本、微服务器等产品;16核处理器芯片面向服务器应用领域,主频2GHz,功耗35W,4个DDR3-1600存储通道,支持虚拟化功能,适用于构建网络 前端接入服务器、事务处理服务器、邮件服务器、数据库服务器、存储服务器等产品。



上周美国政府宣布禁止向中国四家单位出口超级计算机相关技术,Intel显然备受伤害,因为国内的天河2号使用了Intel的Xeon处理器及Xeon Phi加速卡,而且连续四次获得了TOP500冠军,这不仅给Intel带来大笔利润,而且有很强的示范效应,现在这笔生意黄了,后续升级估计没戏了,只能靠中国特色国产了。

不管这是不是网上有些人说的美帝阴谋,不过美国在找理由阻碍他国超级计算机发展的同时也在加快自家超级计算机的研发。继去年底向NVIDIA、IBM投资3.2亿美元研发10亿亿次(100PFLOPS)超级计算机之后,美国能源部再次投资2亿美元给Intel、Cray公司研发18-45亿亿次超级计算 机,主要部署在能源部下属的阿尔贡国家实验室,此前NVIDIA、IBM研发的10亿亿次计算机则部署在橡树岭、劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室。(PS:虽然美国能源部下属的国家实验室名义上也是民用的,但了解过这些实验室历史的读者应该知道,核爆什么的也是他们的重点,美国用这种理由禁止Intel出口芯片到国内是“只许州官放火不许百姓点灯”。)

这次2亿美金投资研发的超级计算机有两台,其中代号Theta的那台计算性能只有8.5PFLOPS(8500万亿次),使用的是Intel的Xeon处理器及代号Kingts Landing的Xeon Phi加速卡,这套HPC使用的都是成熟部件,性能较低,不过功耗也只有1.7兆瓦。

真正值得关注的是其中代号Aurora(欧若拉,极光)的HPC,因为要等到2018年才能部署,所以这台计算机集各种黑科技高科技于一身,理论浮点性能可达180PFLOPS(18亿亿次),最高可扩展到450PFLOPS(45亿亿次),比NVIDIA、IBM的10亿亿次性能要高得多,也要比目前 TOP500排名第一的天河2号的54.9PFLOPS(5.49亿亿次)高出2-7倍多,除非中国能在未来两年内解决高性能计算芯片(自研不太可能,估计可以用各种小手段买到Intel或者其他家的芯片,毕竟美帝只禁止了国内四家单位,不是全面禁止Intel对中国的出口),否则Aurora在2018年登顶TOP500第一应该没什么悬念了,HPC领域除了中国能与美国争锋之外,其他国家不论财力还是需求都小得多。


我们再来详细看下Intel的Aurora超级计算机的架构组成,要想实现高达18-45亿亿次的性能(对比的Mira是目前的HPC),Aurora得 使用新一代硬件,其中Intel已经证实Xeon处理器在其中只起到管理作用,计算主力是新一代的Xeon Phi处理器,代号为Kinghts Hill,详情不多,但今年的Kinghts Landing已经使用了14nm工艺,这个Knights Hill加速卡不出意外将使用2018年的10nm工艺,单卡性能估计在4-4.5TFLOPS之间,目前Knights Landing加速卡的性能约为3TFLOPS。

Aurora超级计算机将使用新一代Xeon Phi加速卡

整套HPC将有超过5万个节点,基于Cray公司的Shasta新一代HPC平台设计,板载内存容量超过7000TB,内存带宽高于30PB/s,每个节点的带宽超过2.5PB/s,带宽超过500TB/s。存储系统则会使用Intel第一、第二代Omni-Path架构,容量不低于150PB,文件吞吐 量1TB/s。



2015.04.08IDG News Service
After U.S. chip block, China's plan for 100 petaflop supercomputer may get delayed

The U.S.’s recent denial of Intel chips for China’s fastest supercomputer could derail an upgrade to double the machine’s processing power.

China’s Tianhe-2 is the world’s fastest supercomputer with a theoretical peak speed of 54.9 petaflops. It was scheduled to be expanded, and reach a new peak speed of 100 petaflops this year.

Now those plans may be in jeopardy. The U.S. government claims the Tianhe-2 has been used in “nuclear explosive activities”, and has forbidden Intel from shipping its Xeon chips to four related Chinese supercomputing centers.

“I think the U.S. doesn’t want the Tianhe-2 to reach 100 petaflops,” said Zhang Yunquan, a professor at the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences, who also keeps track of China’s top supercomputers.

Although other supercomputers in the world are being developed to reach or exceed the 100 petaflops figure, China’s Tianhe-2 may have been the closest to reaching that goal this year.

The National Supercomputing Center of Guangzhou, which operates the Tianhe-2, declined to comment. But Zhang said in the short-term, China’s supercomputing efforts might be stalled, given that the Tianhe-2 and many other supercomputing systems in the country use Intel’s Xeon chips.

In the U.S., computer scientists are also developing their own 100-petaflop machines, but they aren’t expected to be ready until 2017, said Jack Dongarra, a computer scientist at the University of Tennessee who also compiles the list of the world’s top 500 supercomputers.

As a result of this situation, China will probably “energize” its efforts to develop its own chip technology, he added.

China already showed some of that capability back in 2011, with a supercomputer that used a homegrown processor called the Shenwei 1600.

“Now China is being forced to develop its chip technology,” Zhang said. “We wanted to cooperate with the U.S. on these supercomputer projects, but we can’t do that.”

The U.S. Department of Commerce did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

IBM Project in China Raises U.S. Concerns

IBM’s chief executive, Virginia M. Rometty, said the company’s approach in China was different from that of any other foreign technology maker

HONG KONG — Shen Changxiang, who once supervised the cybersecurity of China’s strategic missile arsenal and spearheaded computer security research for the navy, has warned of the perils of his country’s reliance on American technology.

Yet in December, the 74-year-old former military engineer, one of China’s top-ranking cyberofficials, quietly started working with a company synonymous with American technological prowess: IBM. Mr. Shen’s task is to help a little-known Chinese company absorb and build upon key technologies licensed by IBM, according to a statement posted on a Beijing government website.

In the past 16 months, IBM has agreed — and received permission under United States export laws — to provide the Beijing company, Teamsun, with a partial blueprint of its higher-end servers and the software that runs on them, according to IBM announcements and filings from Teamsun. As the chief scientist overseeing the IBM project on behalf of the Chinese government, Mr. Shen is helping Teamsun, and in turn China, develop a full supply chain of computers and software atop IBM’s technology.

The goal is to create a domestic tech industry that in the long run will no longer need to buy American products, thus avoiding security concerns.

What IBM is doing in China is no different from what the company is doing elsewhere. Yet IBM’s activities in China have become sensitive as they now run into efforts by the Obama administration to persuade Beijing to drop new measures requiring American companies to hand over technology in exchange for market access.

Critics say IBM is caving in to Chinese demands, placing short-term business gains ahead of longer-term political and trade issues. Its actions may spur other American companies to break ranks and also submit to the new Chinese regulations, out of concern that IBM will get advantages by cooperating with the country.

“People do feel angry about what appears to be an accommodation with the Chinese,” said James A. Lewis, an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “And you have to kind of expect that, particularly at a time when you have the whole U.S. government ginned up to push the Chinese on this.”

IBM said it was simply being open with licensing technologies as part of a global program called Open Power. Open Power, which IBM initiated in 2013, has 120 members worldwide, including Google and Samsung Electronics. Fewer than 20 are from China, IBM said. The point of the program is to provide base technology that can be enhanced by licensees worldwide and spur global partnerships and business opportunities, the company added.

“Our Open Power partners in China are getting access to the same technology that we make available to all Open Power members around the world,” Edward Barbini, a spokesman, wrote in an email. “We’ve been very transparent with all our stakeholders on this strategy, including the Obama administration, about our plans to expand both the Open Power community and IBM’s technology partnerships around the world.”

In a recent interview posted on Teamsun’s website, Huang Hua, a vice president, said the company’s new capabilities would help it better address security concerns of local Chinese companies. Calling a movement in China to replace crucial high-end technology from IBM, Oracle and EMC an “opportunity,” Mr. Huang said Teamsun’s strategy to “absorb and then innovate” would enable it to eliminate the capability gap between Chinese and American companies and create products that could replace those sold by firms in the United States.

Language about replacing IBM, Oracle and EMC was removed from the site after Teamsun and IBM were contacted for this article. Teamsun declined to be interviewed about the IBM project, and an assistant declined to make Mr. Shen available for comment.

IBM declined to comment on Mr. Shen because he is not an IBM employee. A spokesman with the United States trade representative declined to comment on IBM’s strategy in China.

IBM has many business projects in China. The company has also agreed to license the advanced chip technology that works as the brain of the servers to a separate Chinese company, Suzhou PowerCore. And IBM says it has spoken to clients about letting them build local encryption over its z13 mainframe computer, which could help in China, where a proposed antiterror law requires domestic companies to provide encryption keys or use local Chinese encryption standards.

IBM’s cooperation with Teamsun and Suzhou PowerCore through Open Power is part of the company’s strategic shift away from its traditional hardware, software and services businesses to new cloud, data and mobile offerings. IBM, which reports quarterly earnings on Monday, has been grappling with declining revenue as it makes that transition.

Both the server and chip technology IBM is licensing in China are widely used by banks in the country. In the fourth quarter, IBM generated $4.9 billion in revenue, or 20 percent of the total, from Asia; it does not break out China sales.

“You have Chinese policy interests, U.S. policy interests and IBM policy interests — realistically, your hope of aligning these is not all that high,” said Willy C. Shih, a professor of technology and operations management at Harvard Business School. “I think it’s a tough call for IBM.”

On a trip last month to Beijing, IBM’s chief executive, Virginia M. Rometty, said the company’s approach in China was different from any other foreign technology maker’s.

“Foreign firms need to collaborate with Chinese companies to grow new industries — nowhere is this truer than in the I.T. sector,” she said in remarks at a March 24 panel discussion in Beijing. She said opening IBM’s chip technology to Chinese partners “will create a new and vibrant ecosystem of Chinese companies producing homegrown computer systems for the local and international markets.”

IBM’s Open Power program is getting particular attention in China, according to analysts, because it plays into local demands that foreign tech companies disclose intellectual property, open up encryption standards and submit to invasive security audits of products.

While Beijing has long pushed indigenous innovation policies designed to foster a domestic tech industry, the disclosures in 2013 of online spying efforts by the United States made by the former National Security Agency contractor Edward J. Snowden gave the more hawkish officials in China the evidence they needed to expedite plans to wean sensitive industries, like banking and energy, off foreign technology.

One new Chinese law, which called for disclosure of source code of products sold to banks, was suspended by the government this month. But analysts say Beijing is likely to continue making similar demands in different ways.

Mr. Shen has been thinking about pushing American tech companies out of China for a while. In 2009, he warned of global communications surveillance by the United States in an essay posted on the website of China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

In a May 2014 interview with state-run media, Mr. Shen said tech products coming from the United States presented “huge security risks,” and in a July essay he wrote that America’s technological dominance makes it a serious threat to Chinese national security. He added that “the U.S. and Israel cultivate hackers in primary school to find the finest Internet and cybersecurity talents” and recommended China create similar policies.

By handing over some intellectual property, analysts say, IBM is calculating it can be a part of the base technology with which Chinese companies build higher-end servers and other new products that meet Chinese regulations. That would help IBM compete with Intel, which provides chip technology from which companies build their own servers.

Many banks in China will soon switch from IBM servers that run the Unix operating system to servers using Linux. And, analysts say, Open Power’s goal in the country is to help keep a part of that business.

Clyde V. Prestowitz, a senior Commerce Department official in the Reagan administration, said IBM’s approach to China is reminiscent of what the company did in Japan decades ago. He said tech transfers to Japanese companies helped them catch up to the United States.

“IBM was arrogant in saying, ‘We’ll give them some tech and then innovate faster than them,’ and that wasn’t the case,” he said.

For Mr. Shen, Chinese-made products built atop IBM technology to be sold worldwide would be a small victory for China in a technological race with the United States that he sometimes characterizes in military terms.

In a speech in September at the China Internet Security Conference in Beijing, Mr. Shen said expansion of the United States military’s online attack and defense capabilities made the Internet the fifth strategic front for the United States, after land, air, ocean and space.

He added, according to state-run media, “That poses a severe challenge to the cybersecurity of China, and we should actively respond, accelerate the building of our cybersecure system and safeguard our cybersecurity and state sovereignty.”








“这其实是美国学界在给政府施压,你该拨款了。现在美国国会要批2016年的预算,奥巴马最近一直压缩,不停扣钱,大家都要从里面抢钱。” 中科院计算所张云泉研究员补充说。




在会议中,胡伟武指出,科研想要获得发展,就应当与市场相结合,形成螺旋上升,只靠政府投资科研经费是不够的,还应当形成良性互动。 “20多年来,我们一直强调要产学研结合,但是直到现在国内也少有成功案例,如果只想的是论文,得一个奖,这肯定是不行的。我们现在不缺院士,缺少一个像英特尔这样的公司。” 中国计算机学会秘书长杜子德称。









“尽管这项建议是在一个月之前的提的,当时没有爆发美国限售芯片的事。但现在回过头来看,反禁运法的制定是非常重要,非常必要的。”陈健称。(光明网记者 陈百惠)


中新社北京4月19日电 (记者 张素)针对近期美国限制英特尔公司(Intel)向中国的国家超级计算中心和国防科技大学出售“至强”处理器芯片,中国人民解放军国防科学技术大学教授、天河二号系统主任设计师卢宇彤19日在北京首次进行公开回应。









































六十秒读懂专题:禁运决策的主体是外国政府,跨国公司只是服从监管,因为美国政府的禁运决定惩罚跨国公司是张冠李戴;若进口高技术产品受到限制,可通过行政申诉寻求权利救济;若行政申诉的尝试失败,还可以诉诸世贸组织的争议解决程序;“中国 自主研制高新技术产品后,美国马上对中国市场进行倾销”的说法毫无根据:1993年,美国政府解除对中国高科技设备出口限制跟中国研发出同类设备无关;如果国内企业认为国外竞争者涉嫌倾销,可以诉诸已有的反倾销国际国内法律,无须另立《反禁运法》。


中国计算机学会在其《关于制定<反禁运法>的建议》中声称《反禁运法》应“通过规定对我国禁运的装备、器材、技术及软件等在我国研发成功以后,一定时期不得进口或征收高额关税等反制措施,以保护我国的国家利益、民族产业利益和科技人员的积极性。” 部分支持人士走的更远,声称“对于禁运的外国厂商在解禁后需要重点审查十年,不予其销售”。



如果商品进口受限方认为出口国政府限制其进口某种商品的理由明显不合理,首先应该在其法律框架下寻求申诉进行权利救济。根据美国负责高技术产品出口管制的政府商务部产业和安全局(Bureau of  Industry and Security, BIS)的规定(15 CFR Part 756),受限制的企业或个人可在被通知之日起45天以内向BIS提交申诉申请。BIS会随即召开听证会,如果受限企业或个人的证据让人信服,BIS就需要解除对该种商品的出口限制。实际上,在谈及限制向中国四家机构出口芯片一事时,美国商务部长普里茨克就提到相关机构如果不满出口限制,可以向商务部申诉召开听证会。


另外,如果商品进口受限方认为禁运理由不合理,且出口国的行政上诉机制不够公平,还可以通过诉诸世贸组织的贸易争端解决机制(DSB)。国际贸易法专家马丁·斯密茨(Martin Smeets)在《全球对话》上的《WTO与经济制裁》一文给出了一个实例:1975年11月,瑞典曾对部分鞋类的进口数量进行了限制,认为进口鞋类威胁到了本国鞋类产品的生产能力,从而影响了战争时期和紧急状况下本国的应急能力。受影响的国家随即诉诸世贸组织的争端解决机制。专门成立的委员会最终认为瑞典的主张不成立,瑞典也因此宣布结束对皮鞋和橡胶鞋类的进口数量限制。


支持设立《反禁运法》的人士认为,中国研究机构研发出被禁运装备、技术及软件等以后,“美国和其他国家往往立即解禁该类产品与技术,向我国大肆倾销”,并指出实例:1993年10月中国研究机构研发出“曙光一号”3天后,“美国立即解除了该等级设备对中国的禁运”。但这一说法和事实相去甚远。根据美国国会研究处的资料(96-272 F)和《纽约时报》的报道,美国政府正式解除该项出口限制的时间是1993年12月9日,解除限制的主要原因是克林顿总统希望在防大规模杀伤性武器扩散方面推动和中方的合作:既不是中国媒体宣称的“中国研发出来的设备美国3天就解除禁运”,禁运解除的理由也跟中国企业的“自主”研发毫无关系。最终由美国克雷公司(Cray)出口到中国的产品仅800万美元,根本无法达到中国媒体所谓“倾销”的标准。



2015.04.07VR World
Uncle Sam Shocks Intel With a Ban on Xeon Supercomputers in China

China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer is world's fastest supercomputer, at 33 PFLOPS demonstrated and 55 PFLOPS theoretical performance.

Just as Intel’s (NASDAQ: INTC) CEO Brian Krzanich opens the regular staff meetings before a dramatically reduced IDF2015 Shenzhen conference, it is a good time to review how government and enterprises don’t see eye to eye when it comes to strategic business.

China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer is world's fastest supercomputer, at 33 PFLOPS demonstrated and 55 PFLOPS theoretical performance.
China's Tianhe-2 supercomputer is world's fastest supercomputer, at 33 PFLOPS demonstrated and 55 PFLOPS theoretical performance

Remember the Tianhe-2 machine at Guangzhou Supercomputer Center, the current World’s number one according to Top 500 Supercomputer list? Unlike some other China supercomputers – Tianhe-2 is fully Intel based machine,  the world’s largest assembly of Intel Xeon CPUs and Xeon Phi accelerators.

Even after Intel ‘opened the kimono’ and gave a nearly 70%  discount on its processors and accelerators, it has given Intel, and therefore US technology sector a major foothold in China and Asian region as such. Over the course of past two years, we were involved in a lot of discussions with Intel staff who were not privy to see the financial impact of the deal — and even argued our undoubtedly solid information. We’re not here to report how things should be, or are in marketing and investor presentations to its numerous staff, but how things really are.

During 2015, the Tianhe-2 supercomputer was supposed to be doubled in its size, up to 110 PFLOPs peak, again using the very same Intel processors and accelerators. Since now these are mature products with lower real manufacturing cost for Intel, they could finally make some real money.

Well, it was not to be: our tweety bird from the window chirped to us that Uncle Sam has put this supercomputer centre, together with National University of Defense Technology in Changsha, the system’s creators, and Tianjin centre, among others, on so a so-called “Denial List”, which prevents any high technology from the USA to be sold to these sites. Our sources used even harsher words.

Knowing that these several sites alone are expected to order some 250+ PFLOPS of compute in the next few years (around 500,000 top-end Broadwell-EP Xeon E5v4 processors, or  approximately $1 billion high margin list price) and they were THE Intel friendly ones, this is quite a loss to Intel, thanks to Uncle Sam.

But, what’s worse strategic loss in time is that, based on this decision as an excuse, indigenous China high end processor architectures can now push the government to gradually remove any dependence on US. This means just one thing: an AMD or Intel x86 processor technology is increasingly becoming errata non grata. Should the Chinese government react in force, it will give the Chinese vendors the blank check support to go all the way a developing their Alpha, POWER and MIPS processors for both the government and the mainstream commercial use.

You may think they are not up to the mark, but remember how fast British ARM architecture became the dominant processing architecture in the world. And this group doesn’t need to worry about the antiquated x86 ISA, worry about satisfying the dumbed down shareholder masses, or overpaying their marketing and sales staff, as well as the fat check, golden parachute-protected CxOs.

They have taken the best that the USA has developed (some of key Alpha, GPGPU and MIPS architects left US over the course of past four years, a lot of them due to non-renewed visas) and discarded due to corporate shenanigans, and the continued developing it much farther than anyone expected both on hardware and software side.
Five years ago, ShenWei showed a CPU that performed faster than the fastest GPUs of the time. Now, fourth generation is approaching.

Five years ago, ShenWei showed a CPU that performed faster than the fastest GPUs of the time. Now, fourth generation is approaching.
Five years ago, ShenWei showed a CPU that performed faster than the fastest GPUs of the time. Now, fifth generation is approaching, slotting between Tesla and FirePro GPGPUs and next-gen Xeon Phi accelerators. However, this is not an accelerator or a GPGPU – this is a CPU

So, thanks to Uncle Sam, China might not have a 110 PFLOPS Intel based supercomputer but it definitely will launch a 100 PFLOPS system based on upcoming 64-core, TFLOPS-class ShenWei Alpha, with true blue CPUs possibly faster per socket then even the next generation Xeon Phi or Volta/Pascal-based Teslas.  Next, of course 100 PFLOPS Chinese POWER8 or 9 — (thank you IBM) and then possibly even Loongson MIPS – -it may come back into the high end field with renewed government support because of this Uncle Sam move. All are clean, elegant, scalable high end RISC architectures.

So who are the winners and losers from this?

NUDT and Tianhe may be the losers for now, but only short term. They will simply speed up their HPC ARM plan.

Intel comes out the big loser from this and a lot: who will want to do a phased deployment large x86 machine in China now, and worry about future phases? Then comes Uncle Sam himself: they lost even that little bit of influence on the high end China HPC. How is that for “cutting your nose to spite your face?”.

VR WORLD’s  Analysis: US government moves accelerate the Chinese CPU roadmap while curtailing juiciest sales for Intel and other US vendors











根据IC Insights的数据,2013年海思位居世界无晶圆厂IC设计企业第十二位,2014年海思发布的麒麟920芯片性能据测试软件安兔兔的数据超过了联发科和高通的同档次芯片,基带支持LTE CAT6技术是世界第一个支持该技术的基带。在64位处理器成为热点后,海思只是比高通和联发科迟了2~3个月就在12月推出64位的处理器。在采用生产工艺上,海思比高通、联发科更激进,已经采用台积电16nm FINFET工艺生产网通芯片。从技术上看海思无疑是中国的领头羊,只是目前海思的手机芯片还只是供给兄弟企业华为手机。

紫光在并购展讯和RDA后获得了INTEL的投资入股,并获得X86架构的授权。2013年据IC Insights的数据展讯在世界无晶圆厂IC设计企业排名第十四位,而2012年是第18位上升迅猛;另外据Strategy Analytics的数据在2014年第一季度展讯在全球基带芯片市场超过INTEL据世界第三;目前展讯的TD-LTE芯片已经被联想和酷派等采用。RDA在2012年开始推出GSM基带芯片并在当年8月起每月出货量达到1000万片以上,在当时已经形成了对展讯的威胁,这也是紫光将他并购以免它威胁展讯的原因。在整合RDA和展讯后紫光将强化在手机芯片市场的优势。



中国拥有中芯国际、华虹宏力等半导体制造企业,其中以中芯国际的实力最强、工艺最先进。据IC Insights的数据,2013年中芯国际以4.6%的市场份额据世界第五位。2014年6月高通宣布将采用中芯国际的28纳米工艺生产4G芯片,12月高通和中芯国际共同宣传采用28纳米工艺生产骁龙410成功,借助与高通的合作加速了中芯国际28纳米工艺的成熟。中芯国际28纳米比台积电落后了两年,但是相比联电落后并不大,其40纳米制程正与联电抢夺市场份额,28纳米工艺成熟将会导致高通将部分芯片转单到中芯国际,进一步拉近与联电的差距。

上海华虹宏力半导体制造有限公司,由原上海华虹NEC电子有限公司和上海宏力半导体制造有限公司合并而成,是世界领先的8英寸晶圆代工厂。华虹宏力工艺技术覆盖1微米至90纳米各节点。据IC Insights的数据2013年华虹宏力的市场份额居世界第八位。








据《经济参考报》报道,根据央行规定,从2015年起我国将逐步停发磁条银行卡,并以更加先进的金融IC卡进行替代,目前各地已陆续开展“磁条卡换芯”工作。目前,我国存量金融IC卡已突破十亿张,但仅荷兰恩智浦一家公司就占据我国超过95%的市场份额,剩余市场也被德国英飞凌与韩国三星等国际巨头瓜分。中新社 供图






据中国半导体协会的数据显示,2014年1月~9月中国集成电路产业销售额为2125.9亿元,同比增长17.2%。但是,2014年1月~9月我国进 口集成电路2086.9亿块,同比增长4.9%;进口金额虽然同比下降了10%,但依然达到1576.9亿美元,预计全年依然会超过2000亿美元。

中国已经成为全球最大的智能手机市场,2013年中国市场销售的智能手机占全球销售智能手机的比例超过30%,与此同时中国也是全球最大的手机制造国, 据估计中国采购了全球约50%的芯片。这也因此吸引了更多国际芯片巨头的目光,为了在中国市场取得一定的市场份额,目前英特尔、三星等都在中国建设半导体 制造厂。国际手机芯片巨头美国高通更是高度重视中国市场。


有业内人士分析称,我国目前拥有全球最大、增长最快的集成电路市场,成为全球集成电路巨头鏖战的主战场。除了高通外,越来越多的海外巨头也在谋求与国内 企业合作。中国的企业也开始加强对外合作。据不完全统计,从2013年底到2014年底,中国集成电路行业共发生4宗海外并购,涉及金额超过50亿美元。







高通的专利许可费被业界称为“高通税”,是按照整机售价的 5%来计费,而不是按照其提供的芯片来计,也就是说对和高通毫无关系的显示器、电池、软件等部分甚至手机营销费用和利润,高通也要收费。 这在一定程度上导致我国国产手机利润低薄,据了解,扣除高通5%的专利费后,2013年华为、中兴等手机厂商的利润不到0.5%。






据了解,基金的投资将遵循五个基本原则进行:一是政策,按照国家战略,重点支持集成电路产业发展;二是市场化,充分发挥市场机制作用;三是成本效率,以 最合理成本达到最佳效益;四是风险控制,以风险管控确保稳健经营;五是资产配置,重点关注芯片制造,同时要兼顾产业链的相关环节。






China’s Chip Makers Explained
Eva Dou

Spreadtrum Communications Inc. is one of China’s rapidly growing chip design firms. The Shanghai-headquartered company is partnering with Intel and expanding with the help of Chinese government grants.

China has no chipmakers on a scale of a Qualcomm or Intel, but it’s sure been busy in the sector lately. The government is pouring billions of dollars into its chipmakers for economic and security purposes. Overseas investors like Intel have had their interest piqued as well. Here are the sector’s main players explained.

Imagine if the Massachusetts Institute of Technology purchased Qualcomm to help meet President Obama’s economic goals. That’s more or less the unlikely back story of Tsinghua Unigroup in China. The company is a subsidiary of a larger conglomerate, Tsinghua Holdings, whose sole investor is one of China’s elite universities, Tsinghua University. In the past year, Tsinghua Unigroup has kicked it into high gear as China’s top leaders seek to build up the country’s chip sector. TU scooped up two Chinese chip design firms in quick succession and merged them (the larger one being Spreadtrum, which makes the chips inside many a Chinese smartphone and tablet). The moves have attracted attention overseas as well: Intel bought a 20% stake in Tsinghua Unigroup last year for $1.5 billion. It all means Tsinghua Unigroup is the closest thing China has to a chip champion right now. Its technology is still years behind U.S. firms like Qualcomm, but the influx of funds from Intel and the Chinese government could be a game changer.

Remember that time Mozilla announced a $25 Firefox smartphone? A main reason for the low price was the low-cost Spreadtrum chip inside. Spreadtrum is doubtlessly the most global of China’s chipmakers, with a western-trained CEO Leo Li and a range of international clients. The company thrived on making cheap feature phone chips, and has since transitioned to making smartphone chips, albeit with lagging technology. The company listed on Nasdaq in 2007, but was delisted last year when it was acquired by state-owned Tsinghua Unigroup. It has since expanded rapidly with the help of Chinese government grants, and is working on secure chips to run Chinese officials’ smartphones. It’s also partnering with Intel on co-designed chips after Intel’s investment in Tsinghua Unigroup last year. Spreadtrum plans to relist at some point on a Chinese stock exchange.

Most chip makers from Qualcomm to Spreadtrum outsource their manufacturing to contractors, known in the industry as “foundries.”  SMIC, or the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., is China’s main player in the foundry sector. While SMIC has attracted both Chinese and international clients since its founding in 2000, it only holds a sliver of global market share. Analysts say SMIC is about two generations behind industry leaders in technology, and narrowing the gap will be difficult. Foundries require vast quantities of capital investment each year just to keep pace with technological advancement, unlike chip designers, so it is much harder for SMIC to catch up with its rivals than, say, Spreadtrum among chip designers.

This Chinese chip designer is China’s largest and has the most advanced technology. But it flies under the radar as it is a wholly owned subsidiary of Huawei and makes chips mainly for its parent company’s electronics. Hisilicon has been notable in the past year for beating some international rivals like Taiwan’s Mediatek at making chips based on the speedy so-called “LTE Advanced” standard, a development that Bernstein Research analyst Mark Li characterized as “quite amazing.” But as an inward-focused subsidiary of Huawei, it’s unlikely to be become a major challenger to global chipmakers anytime soon.

Rockchip is another Chinese chip maker that Intel recently chose as a strategic partner. Originally a maker of chips for MP3 players, it has progressed to making the processors inside many cheap Chinese tablets. Its main challenge has been a lack of cellular baseband technology, as tablets increasingly take on phone functions. But the company has begun to make gains outside of China: In 2013 H-P chose a Rockchip processor for its Slate 7 tablet. Like Spreadtrum, Rockchip will be launching processors co-developed with Intel this year, and it will likely be striking a higher profile with the help of the Silicon Valley giant.

China Looks to Prop Up Domestic Chip Makers
Cybersecurity Concerns Give New Impetus to Country’s Effort to Cut Reliance on Foreign Components

Eva Dou in Beijing and Don Clark in San Francisco

The Chinese government has asked Spreadtrum to make special-order ‘safe phone’ processors for some officials’ smartphones. Above, an engineer at the company’s facility in Shanghai

As China tries to forestall foreign governments from tapping its phones, it has turned to a man named Leo Li.

The chief executive of Chinese chip maker Spreadtrum Communications Inc. said China’s central government asked his company last year to begin making special-order “safe phone” processors for some officials’ smartphones, replacing in one to two years widely used chips from U.S. suppliers that Beijing fears could have built-in “back doors” to aid foreign spies.

“The security of handsets is very much on the minds of Chinese officials,” said Mr. Li in an interview this month.

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Cybersecurity concerns are helping to shape a new wave of technological development in China, adding another impetus to a well-financed government campaign to reduce the country’s dependence on foreign components. Semiconductors have emerged as a focus, both because of their economic importance and in controlling key functions of smartphones, televisions, computers, networking equipment and other products.

Most recent disclosures about intelligence-gathering have focused on software vulnerabilities rather than computer chips, which are much more difficult to modify. But Chinese officials are nonetheless trying to reduce the risks, following revelations about U.S. surveillance activities by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.

China Vice Premier Ma Kai declared semiconductors a key sector in September 2013, three months after Mr. Snowden alleged U.S. authorities hacked millions of Chinese phone messages. These hacks, however, had nothing to do with chips, and it is unclear if chips have ever been used for spying purposes.

The push dovetails with China’s growing aspirations to move beyond the factory floor and foster homegrown innovation. Though the country has become a dominant maker of smartphones and other products, the vast majority of chips inside them come from foreign suppliers including Qualcomm -1.17

Chinese chip designers and manufacturers are years away from fulfilling the country’s needs, analysts and industry executives say. But the government’s uneasiness about foreign chip makers—and the push to create competition for them—adds to pressures facing U.S. companies trying to do business in the country.

A Chinese agency is investigating Qualcomm, which supplies the vast majority of advanced wireless chips for smartphones as well as many processor chips, under the country’s antimonopoly law. The government is expected to accuse the company of abusing its market dominance over smartphone patents.

The country has tried to spur semiconductor development in the past, but remains far behind foreign competitors in both design and manufacturing technology. This time, though, the government’s funding is more generous and its tactics more sophisticated, analysts say. Since the fall of 2013, China has announced plans to funnel more than 160 billion yuan ($25.6 billion) into a variety of chip-related initiatives, with further investment expected.

“The growth goals are ambitious, but are very real,” said Handel Jones, chief executive of the Silicon Valley consultancy International Business Strategies, who has written two books about technology in China and spoke recently with government officials there.

Some progress has been made already. China’s semiconductor imports fell 5.9% last year compared with a 20.5% rise in 2013, according to Chinese customs data. The country still gets more than 90% of semiconductors from abroad, Mr. Jones of IBS estimates, but the percentage of homegrown chips—which stood at 4.5% in 2010—reached 8.6% in 2014.

For Spreadtrum, the government assistance has made a difference, says Mr. Li. The Nasdaq-listed company was acquired at the end of 2013 by a Chinese state-owned firm, Tsinghua Unigroup. Since then, government grants have helped Spreadtrum increase its staff by a third last year to 4,000, with plans to hire an additional 1,500 this year, he said.

The company has also been able to accelerate its chip development. Though Spreadtrum still lags years behind leading U.S. firms, Mr. Li says his company will be able this year to match a key selling point of companies like Qualcomm: the ability to handle speedy long-term evolution—or LTE—cellular connections on a new multifunction “system-on-a-chip.”

Previously, only one Chinese chip firm had LTE capability, a Huawei Technologies Co. subsidiary named Hisilicon that makes chips almost exclusively for Huawei-branded devices.

Foreign giants in the roughly $350 billion global semiconductor business seem to have little to fear soon from Chinese competition. Chinese chip design companies only held 8% of the global market in 2014, according to research firm IC Insights, and this was mainly low-end chips.

Samsung Electronics 005930 -1.83 , SK Hynix 000660 and Intel Corp. -1.22 have chip factories in China, and they are stepping up investments and joint ventures aimed at penetrating the Chinese market. This could also improve local expertise in semiconductor manufacturing and design.

One of the most sanguine about Chinese competition is Intel, whose x86 chip designs are found in almost all personal computers and can’t easily be copied by Chinese designers.

“The fact that they want to develop that capability, we don’t feel threatened by that,” Andy Bryant, Intel’s chairman, said in a December interview with Wall Street Journal editors.

The Silicon Valley giant has lagged behind in mobile chip market share though, and has looked to China for growth. Last year, Intel bought a 20% stake in Spreadtrum’s parent company Tsinghua Unigroup and announced a partnership with a smaller Chinese chip maker, Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., to make tablet chips together.

Intel officials say the potential boost for sales in China outweigh any risks about sharing technology for the company, which has largely dodged the harsh government scrutiny faced by Qualcomm.

The U.S. government has long operated programs to make sure that chips used in military systems are produced in Pentagon-monitored domestic factories. It is also helping to fund research in ensuring that chips made in foreign factories for other kinds of devices haven’t been improperly modified, though there is little evidence such tampering has occurred.

Qualcomm representatives declined to comment on security concerns of Chinese officials. But Henry Samueli, co-founder and chairman of rival Broadcom Corp. -2.22 , dismisses the issue as largely “hype.” He said it is much easier to exploit vulnerabilities in software and other parts of high-tech products than tamper with chips.

Broadcom sells a broad range of communications chips used in networking devices and other systems built in China, and Mr. Samueli says he has noticed little hesitance to buy his company’s products. “In the end, if you deliver the products that they want, they will use them,” he says.

Still, Spreadtrum’s Mr. Li hopes to benefit from the security concerns. He said the Chinese government hopes to have “safe phones” for officials in a couple of years that use vetted chips made by Spreadtrum, as well as a secure operating system and encryption technology designed in China.

It is unclear what company might manufacture these “safe phones.”

A basic version will also be available for Chinese consumers, he said.

“Whether it’s the government or regular consumers, they worry about their privacy,” he said.

Intel gains a new ally in China's chip wars

BEIJING/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Intel's investment of up to $1.5 billion in two fast-growing Chinese mobile chipmakers has effectively aligned the U.S. giant with a third party - a Beijing government intent on producing a viable domestic challenger to the likes of Qualcomm and Samsung.

For more than a decade, China has targeted semiconductor design and manufacture as a major focus of its industrial policy. Activity has picked up markedly over the past year with a spate of cross-border mergers and cooperation deals.

"We've entered an inflection point where government policy has started to work - it's started to help the local semiconductor industry," said Nomura analyst Leping Huang.

The deal hashed out by Intel Corp Chief Executive Brian Krzanich over 24 hours in Beijing in early August extends Intel's beachhead in China, the biggest battleground in the smartphone industry, and boosts the company's years-long effort to catch up to leading mobile chipmaker Qualcomm Inc.

A key visit during the trip was to Yang Xueshan, the deputy chief of China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), who gave his blessing for the deal.

The agreement, unveiled on Sept. 26, gives Intel a 20 percent stake in Spreadtrum Communications and RDA Microelectronics through shares in a Tsinghua University holding company, with the aim of jointly developing and marketing smartphone chips.

China is the world's largest consumer and manufacturer of smartphones yet relies heavily on imported chips - particularly the processors that power the latest devices - made by San Diego-based Qualcomm, South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co, or MediaTek Inc of Taiwan.

China's ramped-up activity also arrives on the heels of revelations about the U.S. surveillance program PRISM, which has prompted Beijing to undertake a slew of actions to enhance the security of its information technology industry.

For Intel, the world's leading manufacturer of chips for personal computers, the Tsinghua deal offers an additional path into the world's biggest chip market after it was slow to recognize the mobile revolution and design new processors for smartphones and tablets.

Intel spokesman John Mandeville declined to comment.


The China Semiconductor Industry Association estimates that revenue from China's chip industry reached 251 billion ($40.98 billion) in 2013, while domestic demand for chips amounted to 917 billion yuan, representing more than half of global semiconductor consumption.

Deng Zhonghan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and National People's Congress, said in March that China's $210 billion worth of annual chip imports exceeds the value of the country's entire yearly petroleum imports.

In June, the State Council offered the country's most comprehensive guidelines for the development of the semiconductor industry, outlining specific revenue targets for 2015 and 2020, with chip revenue set to grow at a better-than 20 percent annual clip, to reach 350 billion yuan by 2020.

An important part of Beijing's effort, analysts and industry insiders say, was consolidation of Spreadtrum and RDA, two companies formerly trading independently on Nasdaq.

The two companies were acquired a year ago for $1.7 billion and $900 million respectively by Tsinghua Unigroup, government-affiliated private equity group controlled by Tsinghua University in Beijing.

As part of its recent deal, which is expected to close early next year, Intel and Unigroup will form a new holding company that contains Spreadtrum and RDA.

Beijing wants the Unigroup companies to become competitive with Taiwan's MediaTek within five years and overtake Qualcomm within 10 years, according to a person familiar with Unigroup.


Since taking over in 2013, Krzanich has aggressively positioned Intel to catch up with Qualcomm, the leading mobile chipset maker.

A central part of that strategy is China, where consumers are snapping up low-end smartphones made with low-cost chips from local suppliers like Spreadtrum and MediaTek.

Intel started investing in local operations 20 years ago, and presently operates factories across the country for manufacturing, assembling and testing microprocessors. Intel also has research and development operations in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

In May, Intel said it reached an agreement with Fuzhou-based Rockchip to produce chips for tablets based on Intel's architecture.

"With China, what they want is for you to be a true partner," Krzanich told reporters in September. "We go in and we partner, we build factories, we build R&D and we help local companies."

Intel's deal with Tsinghua Unigroup comes three months after Qualcomm agreed to partner with Shanghai-based Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), China's largest foundry, to produce some of Qualcomm's smartphone chips.

As part of the agreement, Qualcomm will help SMIC implement its first high-end 28 nanometer manufacturing technology.

It also coincides with a year-long Chinese anti-monopoly investigation into Qualcomm. Critics say the probe unfairly targets foreign companies in order to help domestic companies, which Chinese authorities flatly deny.

Krzanich first discussed ways to collaborate with the Chinese firms during a visit to Tsinghua University in April, where he and Intel China head Yang Xu met Tsinghua Holding's Xu Jinhong, Unigroup's Zhou Weiguo, Spreadtrum founder Li Liyou, who is also a Tsinghua University alumnus.

He made a second trip to Beijing, the whirlwind visit in August, after which the deal fell into place.

"Tsinghua University is an important driving force for the development of national science and technology, and Tsinghua Holdings is a key part of that effort," Tsinghua Holdings Chief Executive Xu Jinhong told Reuters by email.

Xu characterized the Intel investment as "a new model for cooperation between Chinese and U.S. companies in the chip industry."

Analysts say that Intel's deal will give the Santa Clara-based company a moderate boost by gaining a partner with strong relationships with local phone manufacturers.

The deal should also give Intel enough protection of its intellectual property through licensing arrangements and other conditions, said Scott Kennedy, director of the Research Centre for Chinese Politics and Business at Indiana University.

"There's potential benefits for everyone," Kennedy said.

China's Chip Race
Chipmakers are becoming new favorites of overseas acquisitions by Chinese companies

CHIPS AT THE TOP: A technician checks the 28-nanometer chips for mobile phones produced by Spreadtrum Communications (Tianjin). This chip reaches internationally advanced levels

Chinese companies are changing their interests from oil and gas resources into nail-size chips. As the global chip industry remains in the doldrums and China is issuing various favorable policies, Chinese chip industry is bracing significant opportunities for takeoff.


Since 2014, Chinese firms have been buying more foreign integrated circuit (IC), or chip, companies.

In May 2014, STATS ChipPAC Ltd., a leading service provider of advanced semiconductor packaging design, assembly, test and distribution solutions headquartered in Singapore, disclosed that some companies were offering to buy but didn't specify the names of the buyers. When disclosed later, the buyers turned out to be two Chinese firms, Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co. Ltd. and Tianshui Huatian Technology Co.

In August, California-based OmniVision Technologies Inc., an image censor chip supplier for iPhones, announced the receipt of a non-binding acquisition proposal worth of $1.67 billion from a Chinese consortium. The investment group was led by Beijing-based Hua Capital Management Ltd. and included Shanghai Pudong Science and Technology Investment Co. Ltd.

On December 23, Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co. Ltd. announced it was entering into a co-investment agreement to form an investment consortium with Siltech Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. and National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co. Ltd. in connection with the proposed acquisition of STATS ChipPAC Ltd.

A Bloomberg report on December 3, 2014 said Chinese companies spent almost $5 billion in five major chip-related takeovers in the past 18 months.

According to a report of Economic Information Daily, chips have been the most imported products by China for more than 10 years.

Serving as the "heart" of all electronic devices, chips are widely used in computers, consumer electronics, network communications and automobile electronics. According to a research by the International Monetary Fund, a semiconductor chip with production value of $1 translates into $10 in growth for the related information industry, and adds $100 to a country's GDP.The chip industry is crucial to both stimulating economic growth and ensuring information security and national security.

Various countries and regions, including the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, regard the chip industry as a major strategic one and invest heavily in the industry, said the Economic Information Daily report.

Policy support

A series of favorable policies issued by the State Council since 2014 have encouraged Chinese companies make overseas acquisitions.

On June 24, 2014, the State Council published a set of rules called the National Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of the Integrated Circuit Industry, proposing eight major measures, such as putting in place a special national industry investment fund, to stimulate the dynamism and creativity of IC companies and accelerate the pace of China's IC industry to catch up with international leaders.

On October 14, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the establishment of a national IC industry investment fund worth 120 billion yuan ($20 billion).

Acquiring powerful overseas chipmakers seems to put the IC industry on the fast track. An anonymous vice president of a Shanghai-based chip firm told Economic Information Daily that mergers and acquisitions represent the general trend. For instance, after being merged, two IC industrial leaders in Taiwan--MediaTek and MStar Semiconductor--squeezed almost all the other companies out of the region. However, Chinese companies have frequently encountered "encirclement" by international giants with the strategy of patent.

"To be stronger, the best option for China's chip industry is to acquire powerful foreign companies with patent technologies," the anonymous executive said.

Gu Wenjun, chief semiconductor analyst with market research agency iSuppli, said the global chip industry is now lagging, with more than 100 chip factories worldwide being closed. But in East Asia, about 60 chip factories are in business. Robust market demand in Asia makes the region crucial to chipmakers. The global chip industry is shifting its focus to Asia, where China is the focus of the Asian market.

"In the past three decades, the industry has experienced several cyclical recessions, and each time of industrial restructuring has brought opportunities to Asia," said Gu. "Japan, South Korea and China's Taiwan have grasped such opportunities and contributed to the takeoff of chip industry, and now, China is facing the same opportunities."

Wang Yanhui, Secretary General of Mobile China Alliance, said in recent years, there are frequent threats to national security, such as the Prism spying scandal and the leak of 2 million emails and documents from Britain's offshore financial industry. China is now accelerating its production of information technologies, and chips are the cornerstone of the country's information security. In the government's future procurement, a large amount of domestically produced chips will be purchased. This will increase the demand for China's chip industry.

According to Wang, China's top leadership has made the chip industry part of its national strategy, and vows to support its development. The Central Government has issued several policies, while various local governments are preparing supporting measures to nurture large makers of core competitiveness through industry investment funds and overseas acquisitions.

Multiple challenges

Despite huge potentials and bright prospects, China's chip industry still faces severe challenges in taxes and suppression of international giants.

Li Liyou, CEO of China's biggest chip designer Spreadtrum Communications, Inc., told Economic Information Daily that domestic chip firms have to pay a 10-percent income tax and a 5-percent business tax, while their overseas rivals have much lower tax burdens. For instance, Taiwan's MediaTek only pays a 2-percent tax, because according to Taiwan's Statute for Upgrading Industry, IC companies can deduct income taxes with costs of research and development (R&D) as well as mergers and acquisitions.

Chipmakers on the Chinese mainland call for more tax cuts and other supporting measures. An anonymous president of a Guangzhou-based chip company suggested China follow practice of other countries, allowing chipmakers to deduct income taxes with R&D costs, or give tax rebates to domestic chipmakers. He also suggested the government not directly reduce the tax rate, but deduction of income taxes with R&D costs will encourage chip firms to make innovations.

It is more challenging for Chinese chipmakers, who are competing with international giants. In the Chinese market, international giants and domestic companies have the same target clients, and foreign firms, with their monopoly-like position in the market, often discourage Chinese clients from buying Chinese products.

Li cites an example that after his company began negotiating a contract with Chinese electronics company TCL. Senior executives of Taiwan's MediaTek soon required TCL to stop the cooperation with Spreadtrum, threatening that it would stop supplying its products to TCL and offering an extra sum of marketing allowance as incentive for keeping their business.

Hostile takeover is also a challenge. In recent years, many foreign firms have acquired emerging Chinese chipmakers with independently developed technologies. For example, American global semiconductor company Qualcomm has been attempting to acquire Chinese industrial leader Spreadtrum.

Wang said some foreign companies are also participating in China's industry investment funds, such as IC investment funds, established by governments of different levels. According to Wang, once overseas rivals successfully enter the government IC investment funds, they may use the funds to acquire emerging Chinese chip firms to consolidate their monopoly positions in the market. Wang warned that the government must watch out for such possibilities.

More deals ahead? China fund buys Silicon Valley chip maker

China's aggressive new policy to expand its semiconductor industry is worrying U.S. chipmakers, many of which are based in Silicon Valley, and raising potential national security concerns as it begins to acquire U.S. tech companies.

The world's largest market for integrated circuits, China is expected to spend up to $100 billion on both domestic investments and acquisitions abroad to grow its semiconductor industry by more than 20 percent annually over the next five years.

"Clearly their ambition is to transition from being a technology follower to a leader," said Jonathan Davis, vice president of the semiconductor equipment maker trade group SEMI.

The Chinese growth plan, which was announced last year and is still unfolding, comes from a country awash in money and looking to grow its own information technology industry from the bottom up, experts say.

"The goal is total control end-to-end on their technology -- hardware and software," said semiconductor industry analyst Pat Moorhead of Moor Insights and Strategy in Austin, Texas.

In one of the first signs of its interest, a new Chinese investment group with connections to the government made a $1.64 billion offer in September to buy OmniVision Technologies of Santa Clara. The company has about 30 percent of the market for digital image sensors.

Little has been heard about the deal since then, prompting speculation it may have run into trouble with the secretive interagency Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. That panel reviews foreign acquisitions of U.S. tech companies for competitive and national security concerns, and OmniVision's image sensors, which can be use for surveillance and security systems, may have caught its attention. A spokesman for the agency said it does not comment on "specific cases."

Then in March, a Chinese consortium led by investment funds in Shanghai and Beijing offered to buy Milpitas-based Integrated Silicon Solution Inc., or ISSI, for $639 million. ISSI designs and sells specialty memory chips globally, including to U.S. companies that supply the aerospace industry and military. The deal is still pending and likely will be reviewed by the foreign investment panel.

The OmniVision offer may have been shelved when the political landscape wasn't shaping up favorably for the deal, said China expert Derek Scissors, who noted that it would have taken place as U.S. presidential campaigning heated up.

"I read the ISSI deal as a substitute for OmniVision," said Scissors, who is at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. "If they get pushback, they will try something else."

Because it is much smaller than OmniVision, the acquisition of ISSI is less likely to stir opposition, he said.

ISSI declined to comment, and the investment group did not respond to a request for comment.

China's sweeping plans have American semiconductor makers wondering how they'll fit in.

"The (Chinese) government has decided to spend literally billions of dollars trying to level the playing field a bit" between the U.S. and China, said Orville Schell, director of U.S.-China relations for the Asia Society, which commissioned a study of China's high-tech investments in the U.S. "I think the American semiconductor industry is torn between resisting Chinese intrusion into this field and buying into it."

Even at its most ambitious, the plan will not make China a dominant player internationally, and America will still have a leading role in the industry. Semiconductors are the third-largest U.S. export behind airplanes and automobiles, according to the Semiconductor Industry Association.

Association president John Neuffer said in a statement that his group hopes China's plan doesn't prevent foreign semiconductor companies from competing there on equal terms.

The scope of the program is new, but China has long invested in the U.S., particularly California. The study commissioned by the Asia Society found that the Golden State has been "by far the most important recipient" of Chinese high-tech investment, both in the number of deals -- 148 since 2000 -- and in value -- $1.82 billion, with the Bay Area accounting for 40 percent of the investments. The goal often was "to gain a long-term foothold" in the U.S., or to develop markets in the U.S., rather than to pack a company up and ship it to China.

Last year Lenovo paid $2.1 billion for IBM's server business and paid $2.91 billion to Google for Motorola Mobility. Earlier, Lenovo also took a run at buying smartphone maker Blackberry, but the Canadian government reportedly stopped it on national security concerns.

Security concerns have also squelched a number of past Chinese attempts to buy U.S. tech companies. In 2011, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. forced Chinese telecom giant Huawei to drop the acquisition of some assets from bankrupt Silicon Valley cloud computing startup 3Leaf.

"They're jump-starting what they already have with acquisitions of what they consider to be strategic technologies," said Craig Ellis, an analyst with B. Riley.

Despite the valley's concerns, some companies here are finding ways to work with the Chinese on their chip efforts. Beijing-based Tsinghua Unigroup, a subsidiary of a state-owned fund, recently bought Chinese chipmakers Spreadtrum Communications and RDA Electronics. Intel is investing $1.5 billion in Tsinghua and Spreadtrum will sell a family of Intel chips for smartphones, then design its own chips based on that architecture. Both companies will sell those chips.

2014.06.24IDG News Service
China sets out to become global leader in chip manufacturing

China is propping up its local chip manufacturing industry with new policies and financial support intended to turn the country into a semiconductor-making powerhouse by 2030.

In policy guidelines published Tuesday, the Chinese government laid out a blueprint to develop the domestic integrated circuit industry.

The country not only wants to sharpen its competitive edge, but also wean itself from foreign chip makers, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a separate posting.

China is already the biggest manufacturer of electronics, and also one of the largest markets for them. Last year, China-based companies made almost 1.5 billion mobile phones and 340 million PCs. But the country’s electronic industry, with profit margins at about 4.5 percent, is not generating the net earnings it would like from the goods, according to the ministry.

In addition, China’s semiconductor makers are still far behind their international rivals. In 2013, the country’s integrated circuit imports reached US$231 billion, the ministry said.

“Speeding up development of the integrated circuit industry represents a fundamental requirement to improve the IT industry and will raise the nation’s level of security,” the ministry added.

China set out several goals in the Tuesday guidelines. They include establishing a “financial platform and policy environment” by 2015 to support the local chip industry. In the same year, China’s integrated circuits industry will have exceeded 350 billion yuan (US$56.8 billion) in revenue and have started large-scale production of chips built with 32- to 28- nanometer manufacturing processes, the ministry said.

By 2020, China’s chip makers in mobile devices, networking and cloud computing will reach production levels on par with the global leaders, the ministry forecast. The technology is expected to be bought globally.

The Chinese government hopes that the industry blueprint, hammered together by various ministries, will pave the way for China’s integrated circuits industry to lead globally by 2030. Several Chinese companies in the industry will be considered top tier by then, according to the plan.

To meet these goals, China is creating a small government group to push the industry’s development. It’s also starting a fund to support industry players, and will encourage local banks to invest in the market.

Tuesday’s guidelines mark China’s latest effort to promote its domestic tech industry. The country is still largely dependent on foreign IT vendors. For example, Microsoft’s Windows and Google’s Android are the two most popular OSes in the country and Intel chips power many of the PCs and servers in China, as well as its fastest supercomputer, the Tianhe-2.

But certain Chinese companies are growing quickly. Lenovo is the world’s largest PC maker, and Huawei Technologies is a major supplier of networking gear. Chinese chip vendors Allwinner and Rockchip are also putting pressure on foreign rivals and gaining market share in lower-end tablets and smartphones.

Lately, China has also been pointing to the dangers of using foreign technology, in light of the U.S.’ surveillance programs. Last month, the Chinese government threatened to ban vendors from selling their products in the country if they failed to pass a new “cybersecurity vetting system.”






据天津飞腾总经理谷虹介绍,FT-1500A系列处理器是64位通用CPU,兼容ARM V8指令集,采用国际先进的28nm工艺流片,具有高性能、低功耗等特点,关键技术国内领先,可实现对 Intel中高端“至强”服务器芯片的替代,并广泛应用于政府办公和金融、税务等各行业信息化系统之中。FT-1500A系列目前包括4核和16核两款产品。其中4核处理器芯片主要面向桌面终端和轻量级服务器应用领域,主频2GHz,功耗15W,两个DDR3-1600存储通道,支持电源关断、DVFS等低功耗技术,适用于构建台式终端、一体机、便携笔记本、微服务器等产品;16核处理器芯片面向服务器应用领域,主频2GHz,功耗35W,4个DDR3-1600存储通道,支持虚拟化功能,适用于构建网络前端接入服务器、事务处理服务器、邮件服务器、数据库服务器、存储服务器等产品。

IBM technology adopted in Chinese chips, servers

International Business Machines Corp. in 2013 began offering its technology for other companies for use in their own chips and computers. Now some tech firms in China are taking Big Blue up on it.

China’s Suzhou PowerCore Technology Co. said it would offer its own variant of the IBM Power8 microprocessor, the first chip to emerge from the program, which is known as OpenPower. The CP1, as the Chinese chip is called, is expected to be used initially by another Chinese company called Zoom Netcom in a new line of servers called RedPower.

An array of hardware based on Power8 technology was on display at an event in Silicon Valley this week, including prototype circuit boards by Google Inc. and Rackspace Hosting Inc. and servers by China’s Inspur Group Co. The terms of IBM’s OpenPower licensing haven't been disclosed.

For IBM’s partners, a key motivator is the desire to foster competition amid Intel Corp.’s near-total lock on the market for microprocessor chips used in servers, particularly the varieties used by big Web companies and other cloud-style facilities.

In China, government officials have nurtured local chip makers for reasons that include fears that foreign intelligence agencies could find ways to exploit non-Chinese components. Taking part in IBM’s OpenPower program doesn’t address such concerns, but IBM is encouraging licensees in China and elsewhere to add custom features that they control.

“What we do is we develop based on key industries’ needs,” said Adam Zhu, Suzhou PowerCore’s chairman, in an interview Tuesday on the eve of an OpenPower event in San Jose, Calif.

Mr. Zhu said his company is in discussions with a range of potential customers in China about using the Power8 technology, including communications carriers and power companies. He expects the chip to be ready in June.

Ken King, IBM’s general manager for OpenPower alliances, said Chinese officials endorsed the program last fall, helping to spur demand in the country. “It’s a local China pull versus an IBM push,” he said.

IBM, which has been reducing its reliance on revenue from selling hardware, uses its Power microprocessor line, of which Power8 is the latest, in one of two remaining computer lines. The Power8 is known for extremely high performance.

But the IBM server business that uses the chip line has been shrinking, as the x86 technology used by Intel and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. has become ubiquitous. So Big Blue opted to change its tactics to reach cloud-based services, which have been the most active server buyers lately.

Such customers often favor commodity-style servers and components that are available from many suppliers. So one of IBM’s thrusts is to sell its own Power8 chips to makers of such hardware.

The first is Taiwan’s Tyan Computer Corp., a server supplier that is a unit of MiTAC International Corp. IBM recently said its cloud services unit SoftLayer would offer the Tyan systems as an option.

Other cloud companies have expressed interest in non-x86 servers. Google was an initial member of the OpenPower Foundation; one of the Web giant’s executives, Gordon MacKean, chairs the foundation. The company hasn’t spelled out any plans for deploying Power8 in its own data centers.

Rackspace didn’t initially publicize its involvement with the effort. But the cloud service, besides developing a prototype Power-based server design, says it plans to deploy such systems as an option in addition to servers based on Intel Xeon x86 chips.

Changing hardware technologies can translate into a lot of work for the software developers who patronize cloud services. But Aaron Sullivan, a Rackspace senior director who also holds the title distinguished engineer, said shifting to Power-based hardware has become a lot easier with recent versions of the Linux operating system and other developments.

And the shift could pay off big in many cases, he said. “You can get 10 to 20 times performance gains” from technologies enabled by OpenPower than traditional x86 systems, Mr. Sullivan said.

Intel isn't standing still, offering frequent upgrades to its Xeon line and customizing chips for big cloud customers. The company has been battling not only Power8 but also new chips based on technology licensed by ARM Holdings PLC, the chip design used in most smartphones.

Mark Miller, an Intel spokesman, dismissed the notion that Power8 offers major technical benefits, noting that Xeon sales have risen steadily as IBM’s volumes have fallen.

“Regardless of claims, Intel architecture has demonstrated the best balance of performance, cost efficiency and reliability across the broadest set of workloads,” Mr. Miller said.

IDG News Service
Intel courts China's hardware startups to popularize its mobile, IoT chips

Erwin Liu is the CEO of a fledgling Chinese startup, and he’s been the happy recipient of free chips from Intel.

“Whenever I went to Intel’s offices, they would always give us some free samples,” he said.

Liu’s company, CEIN Biotechnology, which develops finger vein scanners, is just one among the many Chinese tech startups Intel is courting.

In the battle for chip supremacy, the U.S. tech giant has been trying to dig deep into China’s hardware industry, and ensure that not just big vendors use its technology, but small emerging players too.

On Wednesday, Intel held its annual developers conference in Shenzhen, China, at a time when rival ARM-based chips from Qualcomm and MediaTek have been all the rage.

Although Intel has dominated the PC and server markets, it has struggled to replicate that success in smartphones and tablets. ARM-based chips have long been favored in mobile devices, even as Intel tries to catch up and offer new, more battery-friendly processors with improved connectivity.

Intel isn’t giving up, and in Shenzhen it has been promoting its upcoming mobile technology. The company has also been planting the seeds in China to keep its processors relevant in the long-term, through investment and partnerships.

On Wednesday, Intel announced a “Mass Makerspace Accelerator” program that seeks to fund Chinese startups and developers, with an investment that includes 120 million yuan (US$19.6 million.)

“Makers” can refer to tech hobbyists who enjoy building their own gadgets. But many of them are also establishing hardware startups that are selling wearables and smart home products, and seeking funding on Kickstarter. In Shenzhen, developers have come up with robots that can draw pictures, handheld air purifiers, and new phone charging accessories.

This all comes at a time when the Internet of Things space is starting to take off. Intel is expecting billions of new connected devices to be sold in the coming years for health monitoring, exercise, and smart furniture, among others.

However, it won’t just be a few vendors offering these products, but a giant crowd made up of both big and small players, not all of whom are well-known.

During the PC era, Intel’s route to chip-selling was defined and straight-forward. For example, in the laptop market, the company only had to work with six or so different notebook manufacturers out of neighboring Taiwan, said Bryan Ma, an analyst with research firm IDC.

That all changed with the arrival of tablets and smartphones. An army of Chinese vendors has stepped up, selling mobile devices across the world, although under brand names few may have heard of.

“Intel is being forced to work with a completely different set of supply chain folks that’s doing things quite differently in much smaller quantities,” Ma said.

This has involved finding partners that know the Chinese industry. Last year, it struck a deal with Rockchip, a local maker of ARM-based processors, to jointly develop an Intel-based Atom chip for tablets. The Atom X3 processor goes into production this month, and over 45 tablet, smartphone designs are already being developed around it.

“Mobile, we are coming,” said Rockchip’s CEO Min Li at Intel’s developer conference.

A year ago, Intel also announced it would spend $100 million to fund Chinese product development in convertible laptops, tablets, smartphones and wearables. About $37 million of those funds have already been used, with some going to a Chinese Android ROM developer called Lewa, and iris-recognition developer EyeSmart Technology.

“We are not the only company that innovates,” said Doug Fisher, an Intel senior vice president, in a press conference. “And so it’s important for us to plant a lot of seeds, and let a thousand flowers bloom, and try and harvest the most precious of those.”

Intel’s efforts include its Edison development platform, which involves helping entrepreneurs build connected devices around its Edison chip.

Liu, the CEO of the finger vein scanner startup, became involved with the Edison platform through a competition Intel sponsored. Liu’s company is developing finger vein recognition software that can be used in banks or hospitals to identify users.

The company, however, also wanted to come out with some consumer-facing hardware, so it developed a prototype finger vein reader with Intel’s Edison chip.

“The Edison support has been timely, and fast. In two or three weeks we’ve been able to complete the concept, and move it to hardware,” Liu said. To help his startup and others, Intel has also recruited manufacturers and Chinese Internet firms to potentially assemble and distribute the products.

Liu said he could have chosen chips from Qualcomm, but said Intel’s Edison processor was better designed to run his finger-vein reading services. Intel has also been quick to answer any technical questions, through its website, over the phone and via messaging apps.

The support has helped promote Liu’s company. “We were just established, our brand awareness and product still needs work, but Intel has been there to help us compensate,” he said.

China Wants What’s in Your Phone as Chips Replace Oil
China, home to 1.3 billion mobile-phone accounts, pursues ways to build its domestic chip industry and reduce reliance on imports from Taiwan, the U.S. and South Korea

Dec. 4 (Bloomberg) -- The Chinese government’s hearty appetite for oil and gas acquisitions to feed its economy is starting to give way to something most people carry with them in their pockets: semiconductors.

Chinese companies spent almost $5 billion in five major chip-related takeovers in the past 18 months, data compiled by Bloomberg show, with most deals getting state funding.

That spree shows no signs of slowing as China, home to 1.3 billion mobile-phone accounts, pursues ways to build its domestic chip industry and reduce reliance on imports from Taiwan, the U.S. and South Korea. The well-funded acquisitions could mean tougher competition for smaller chip companies from those countries.

“China doesn’t want to be dependent on anyone,” said Michelle Chen, head of China technology investment banking at JPMorgan Chase & Co. “There’s a strong desire to build their own intellectual property, increase product depth and breadth, and, if need be, acquire intellectual property and capabilities.” 

The Chinese government will provide as much as 1 trillion yuan ($163 billion) in funding over the next five to 10 years to boost the domestic market and help private companies make acquisitions at home and abroad, McKinsey & Co. estimates.

Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co., China’s biggest chip tester, joined the fray in November when it offered $780 million for unprofitable Singaporean competitor Stats ChipPac Ltd. Beijing-based private equity firm Hua Capital Management Ltd. is tapping government funding for its $1.7 billion bid for OmniVision Technologies Inc., a U.S. company whose camera sensors have been used in Apple Inc.’s iPhone.
Taiwanese Imports

Before the recent string of deals, Chinese buyers had made just two semiconductor acquisitions that topped $500 million, according to data compiled by Bloomberg going back to 1994.

China is a huge consumer of chips, accounting for about 45 percent of worldwide demand. Imports feed more than 90 percent of that demand, with almost a quarter of processors bought from Taiwan, according to a McKinsey report in August and Chinese customs statistics from 2012. Last year the value of imported semiconductors amounted to $232 billion, up 35 percent from the year before and more than China’s oil imports, according to customs authorities cited by the official Xinhua News Agency.

U.S. manufacturer Qualcomm Inc., for example, supplies high-end chips to Chinese smartphone makers like Xiaomi Corp. Taiwan’s Mediatek Inc. provides the brains for cheaper phones. The chips are also found in hardware stretching from computer servers to televisions.
‘Moving Up’

Smaller U.S. and Taiwanese companies focused on semiconductor design will struggle to compete with the newly-merged Chinese firms, according to Mark Li, an analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Even Taiwan’s Mediatek may need to lower prices, said Rick Hsu, an analyst at Daiwa Securities Capital Markets in Taipei.

“The Chinese are very aggressive and eating up competitors’ lunch in the low-end segment, and now they’re moving up,” he said.

China aims to generate more than 350 billion yuan in local semiconductor revenue by next year, up 40 percent from 2013, according to a June statement from the State Council, the nation’s cabinet. It plans to boost sales almost four times faster than the global average. Building a homegrown chip industry is a national security priority for China, Xinhua reported at the time.

“There is a clear strategic push from the Chinese government to strengthen the domestic semiconductor industry,” said James Perry, head of Asia technology investment banking at Citigroup Inc.
Resources Drop

The surge in chip purchases contrasts with a slump in acquisitions of overseas oil and gas assets following corruption probes into senior management at state-owned companies linked to former Chinese Politburo member Zhou Yongkang. This year, Chinese purchases of overseas energy assets are set to fall to $9.4 billion, the lowest since at least 2008, Bloomberg-compiled data show.

Semiconductor deals are mainly coming from government-backed acquirers or those who can tap into state funding sources, Citigroup’s Perry said. Beijing’s Tsinghua University plans to merge two recently-acquired semiconductor design firms while a government-owned company in Shanghai has announced two acquisitions so far this year.

Acquisitions will likely come across the semiconductor supply chain -- from testing and assembly to design and equipment used to manufacture chips, said JPMorgan’s Chen.
More Coherent

China’s current pursuit of semiconductor assets is more coherent than previous attempts to build an industry, said Chris Thomas, an associate partner at McKinsey and a former Intel Corp. China executive.

“It’s under direct oversight from the State Council,” he said. “It’s intended to bring in private talent to help the government spend money effectively.”

The success of the drive depends on whether Chinese companies can find the right targets and effectively integrate them, said Thomas. Another hurdle is local governments competing with each other for the same assets, he said.

That happened in November 2013 when a division of Tsinghua University outbid Shanghai Pudong Science & Technology Investment Co. for RDA Microelectronics Inc., a maker of chips for lower-end mobile phones that was traded in the U.S.

Such battles highlight “a constant tension in the overall government policy,” Thomas said. “Competition for assets may be inconsistent with the goals of consolidation and building scale.”



近日展讯发布了4G芯片SC9430A,产品路线图描绘了明年将推出16nm FinFET工艺的LTE产品。据估计今年下半年台积电的16nm FinFET工艺将量产,而华为海思也将推出采用该工艺的LTE芯片。这两个企业无疑是目前中国手机芯片企业中领先的两个,展讯强在营销,华为海思则强在技术。





展讯在WCDMA市场发威。联发科2011年发布了支持Android系统的WCDMA芯片MT6573芯片并在当年赢得1000万销量,2012年更放量大增到1.1亿片。展讯推出的WCDMA芯片要比联发科晚太多,直到2013年7月才推出首款WCDMA芯片,不过展讯的WCDMA芯片技术成熟,价格超低,进入三星的采购清单,另外展讯也与印度市场的本地手机品牌MICROMAX合作,当然展讯的芯片也被国产手机采用,在这样的情况下展讯的出货量也迅猛增长,到2014年第一季度据strategy analysis的数据其出货量超过intel居全球基带市场份额第三的企业。




2014年,华为海思技术大爆发,先是发布了海思麒麟910芯片,其后发布了海思麒麟920芯片,麒麟920用安兔兔测试获得了跑分王的称号,让华为海思一鸣惊人。此外,这款手机芯片的基带支持LTE CAT6技术,是全球首款支持该技术的手机芯片,领先手机芯片霸主高通一个月发布,而联发科支持LTE CAT6技术要到今年下半年,展讯则表示要到明年。



如文章开头介绍,展讯16nm FinFET工艺的芯片要到明年才能发布,而只要台积电下半年量产16nm FinFET工艺,华为海思就将推出采用该工艺的产品,而在LTE产品发布上,华为早已领先于展讯,可以看出华为海思的技术很明显是要领先展讯不少。





北京新云高端服务器生产基地位于首钢微电子有限公司厂区内,厂房建筑面积3300? ,取得了ISO9000、CCC等质量体系认证,并满足 IBM 各项工艺技术指标要求。该生产基地首台服务器的下线,标志着TOP产业化项目将逐项落地并进入全面实施落实阶段。
张工副市长在服务器下线仪式上指出,当前信息安全产业呈现底层化、综合化、服务化、新技术化的发展趋势,国际信息安全形势日益严峻,迫切需要加快建立可信、开放、高端的计算系统,实现高端计算国产化和相关核心技术的自主化,完善信息安全保障体系。此次,华胜天成公司承担(TOP)产业化项目,站在了IBM这个巨人的肩膀上,有利于消化和整合IBM公司核心软硬件技术,扩展和重构开发相关的技术和产品,加快形成“可信、可用、有知识产权”的国产化高端计算系统体系,打造包括芯片、服务器、存储、软件、硬件的绿色产业链,创新产业培育方式和项目运作模式,争取将 TOP项目做成一个标杆项目,为中外合作发展高精尖产业创造新模式、新样本,推动北京打造有全球影响力的科技创新中心。

China’s Biggest Chip Maker’s Possible Tie-Up With H-P Values Unit at Up to $5 Billion
Tsinghua Unigroup in talks to buy a controlling stake in Hewlett-Packard unit H3C Technologies

BEIJING—Two years ago, Zhao Weiguo was running an obscure Chinese state-owned company peddling tech services, natural gas and Chinese herbal medicines.

Today, that company is China’s microchip national champion—and a beacon for how Western tech companies might get to do business in China in the future.

Tsinghua Unigroup Ltd. is in talks to buy a controlling stake in Hewlett-Packard Co. ’s China data-networking operations, Mr. Zhao, its chairman, said in an interview earlier this week. Discussions are still taking place over the 51% stake in H-P subsidiary, H3C Technologies Co., he said, in a deal that people familiar with the talks say could value H3C at as much as $5 billion.

Mr. Zhao, who says he herded goats as a child and later amassed a fortune in coal, gas and real estate in the northwestern desert region of Xinjiang, said his company isn’t an arm of Beijing despite its high-level political connections. Instead, he said, he offers foreign companies a connection to the vast China market.

“Many people suspect I’m a ‘white glove’ for the government,” Mr. Zhao said in a rare interview, using a term for a front. “But we’re really just a very market-oriented company.”

Foreign technology companies increasingly are partnering with Chinese companies to reach consumers, as sales slump in the face of increasing pressures from Beijing. Chinese leaders are worried about a dependence on foreign gear as well as cybersecurity, following revelations in 2013 that the U.S. government used infrastructure belonging to American companies for spying.

Some of Silicon Valley’s largest firms have deepened their China partnerships in the past year. Chip maker Intel Corp. is already a partner of Tsinghua Unigroup, having bought a 20% stake last year for $1.5 billion. Intel also launched a partnership with Huawei Technologies Co. in March to make cloud solutions for telecom carriers.

International Business Machines Corp. struck a deal with Chinese server-making rival Inspur Group Ltd. in August. And Lenovo Group Ltd. last year acquired IBM’s low-end server unit last year, which was facing tougher competition from Chinese rivals and political pressure on its Chinese customers to buy from domestic companies.

“A lot of this is driven by the Western side,” said Chris DeAngelis, Beijing-based general manager of tech consulting firm Alliance Development Group. “If you’re losing market share, how do you do something different? That’s the only way these U.S. firms can expand in the market.”

The talks between Tsinghua Unigroup and H-P were previously reported by The Wall Street Journal but not confirmed by either company. An H-P spokeswoman declined to comment.

Mr. Zhao’s company has drawn interest from both U.S. firms and support from China’s top officials, as Beijing strives to develop a homegrown semiconductor sector. Tsinghua Unigroup became China’s largest chip maker after acquiring two of the country’s largest mobile-chip firms, Spreadtrum Communications and RDA Microelectronics, in 2013. Intel executives said last year that they believe partnering with Spreadtrum is opening doors for the company in the low-cost smartphone market, a sector that Intel has its eye on.

Tsinghua Unigroup’s largest chip subsidiary Spreadtrum is a major maker of processors for low-cost smartphones in emerging markets. The company’s main rival is Taiwan’s Mediatek Inc., which supplies low- to midrange smartphone chips.

It faces a steep climb to become a major global player. China’s chip makers still mainly make processors for low-end smartphones, with their technology two to three years behind the cutting edge, according to Nicole Peng, China research director of research firm Canalys.

“They won’t be able to catch up anytime soon,” she said.

Mr. Zhao said he believes that by following the lead of Chinese companies like Huawei and investing over the long term, he can build a world-class company.

Little is known about Tsinghua Unigroup outside of China. It was founded in 1988 by China’s elite Tsinghua University, the alma mater of many of the country’s top leaders, including current President Xi Jinping. It is still controlled by a university holding company and has close ties with the government through Tsinghua’s alumni network. The son of former Chinese President Hu Jintao was previously the Communist Party head of the firm’s parent company.

Beijing’s new chip support fund announced in February it would invest 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) in Tsinghua Unigroup in the next five years.

H-P inherited H3C, a major supplier of corporate-data networking gear in China, when it bought 3Com Corp. in 2010. H3C was formed in November 2003 as a joint-venture between China’s Huawei and 3Com, but recently has faced uncertainty under H-P ownership because of Beijing’s push for state-owned firms to use domestic technology suppliers, people familiar with the matter said.

Tsinghua Unigroup is expanding the chip business rapidly, planning to add 1,000 employees by the end of the year to the 4,000 already on the payroll, Mr. Zhao said. He estimated chip revenue to reach $1.8 billion this year, up from $1.5 billion last year—still a drop in the bucket of the $340 billion world-wide chip market, according to tech research firm Gartner’s estimate for 2014.

Mr. Zhao, 48, said his decision to transform Tsinghua Unigroup into a chip business wasn’t directed by the government and he didn’t know that Beijing would announce plans to funnel more than 160 billion yuan ($25.8 billion) into the country’s chip industry last year. Instead, he said, it was a combination of his personal interest in technology—he’s a graduate of Tsinghua University’s electrical engineering program—and the opportunity arising to acquire Spreadtrum in 2013.

“It’s like if you carry your gun up the mountain, you just know there’s game there,” said Mr. Zhao, who also controls an investment firm that owns 49% of Tsinghua Unigroup. “Maybe you’ll catch a deer, maybe a goat, you don’t know. It was when I came upon Spreadtrum that I realized chips would be the key direction for Tsinghua Unigroup.”

China’s top officials are eager to develop advanced smartphone chips domestically to avoid having to rely on foreign ones that could have “back doors” built into them, Spreadtrum Chief Executive Leo Li said in an interview in January.

Mr. Zhao said he hopes to forge more partnerships with U.S. companies such as H-P.

“I believe we are creating a new kind of model for U.S.-Chinese company partnerships,” he said.


日前,中国计算机学会( CCF )向全国人民代表大会常务委员会法制工作委员、国务院法制办公室提交了“中国计算机学会关于制定《反禁运法》的建议”(以下简称《建议》),并同时将《建议》抄送中央网信办、商务部以及工业和信息化部。













为适应国际政治经济社会发展的新变化,特别是应对西方国家的禁运,中国计算机学会建议制定《反禁运法》,通过规定对我国禁运的装备、器材、技术及软件等在我国研发成功以后,一定时期不得进口或征收高额关税等反制措施,以保护我国的民族产业利益和科技人员的积极性。同时,可考虑广泛联系发展中国家,在“上海合作组织”、 “金砖国家”等范围内,谋求多边机制安排,以维护广大发展中国家的利益。


2014.12.0221世纪宏观研究院分析师 耿雁冰 张梦洁




























意大利特雷维索2015年3月4日电 /美通社/ -- 通过签署一份价值约达1900万元人民币(约合270万欧元)的协议,DeLclima Group 确立了其在IT制冷领域的领导地位。这份协议的内容为向中国无锡超级计算中心(WSC)提供效率最高的制冷系统。


通过签署一份价值约达1900万元人民币(约合270万欧元)的协议,DeLclima Group 确立了其在 IT 制冷领域的领导地位。这份协议的内容为向中国无锡超级计算中心 (WSC) 提供效率最高的制冷系统。

这家中心的新式超级计算机的每秒浮点运算次数 (FLOPS) 为100千万亿次,跻身全球速度最快行列,由于上述超级计算机需要在非常精确的条件下进行大规模冷却,可靠性还要达到最高。

凭借领先的解决方案和在高端数据中心应用方面所积累的丰富经验,DeLclima 通过下属子公司克莱门特 (Climaveneta),被指定提供28兆瓦容量的制冷系统。这套系统价值达270万欧元,靠18台配有磁悬浮无油变频 (VFD) 压缩机的克莱门特水冷式冷水机来运作,它还拥有同类最佳的季节能效比(接近于10)。这批设备定于2015年第二季度交付。

DeLclima 制冷系统加上采用自然冷却和一次泵变流量系统等更进一步的生态可持续技术,能够使数据中心的整体能耗与传统设计相比降低45%,同时还遵守相关环境标准所设定的严格能效要求。

DeLclima 首席执行官卡洛-格罗西 (Carlo Grossi) 表示:“DeLclima 能够参与这个项目确认了我们在高效数据中心制冷应用领域的领先地位,并为我们遍布全球的相当多的相关装置又增添了一笔。”他继续表示:“在中国建设银行之后,这是我们在中国所获得的第二个享有盛誉的大型项目,这表明我们在中国的业务具有非凡实力和品质,也说明我们将能很好地受益于下一波数据中心和云计算发展浪潮。我们很荣幸借助自身的创新型IT制冷和高精度空调技术,为中国的数字化转型做出贡献。”

无锡超级计算中心新添置的计算机系统是由中国政府制定的大规模云计算发展项目中的一颗“明星”,现在预计到2016年,中国的数据中心容量将比2013年的时候增加一倍有余,在这方面的总投资预计将达3700亿美元(消息来源于 Broad Group)。

DeLclima(意大利证券交易所股票代码:DLC)专门从事供热、通风、空调和制冷 (HVACR) 方面的业务。

DeLclima 通过克莱门特和 RC GROUP(意大利艾洛其集团),为工业流程和 ICT(信息通信技术)应用方面的商业建筑室内温控和制冷 (ICC&R) 设计、制造和销售创新型节能产品,并提供增值型服务。DeLclima 还通过 DL Radiators 经营散热器业务。

DeLclima 下属公司都拥有相同的使命,即通过提供高效、可靠、经济上可行和生态可持续的解决方案,尤其是通过采用可再生能源,帮助增进幸福和提升工业生产率。

Delclima 在三大洲开展制造活动,并在全球范围内和其子公司、经销商与服务公司一道开展业务,尤其关注欧洲、中国和印度市场。该公司总部位于意大利,自2012年以来一直在米兰证券交易所 (Milan Stock Exchange) 公开上市,以前曾 De'Longhi(德龙)集团的专业部门。



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