2016 (350)
2019 (201)
2020 (226)
2021 (189)
2023 (1)
1. Will the US economy continue to grow above trend?
【答】Yes. Domestic strength should offset weakness from other economies.
2. Will the dollar appreciation weigh on growth?
【答】Yes, but it's manageable in the short term because of lower oil prices.
3. Will the housing recovery accelerate?
【答】Yes, especially in the single-family sector. Household formation should improve as young adults move out of their parents' homes.
4. Will consumer spending growth accelerate?
【答】Yes, as real disposable income increases because of lower oil prices.
5. Will capital spending growth accelerate further?
【答】No. Business capital spending does not look depressed relative to the long-term fundamentals and the decline in oil prices is likely to take a toll on energy sector.
6. Will wage growth move into the 3%-4% range identified by Chair Yellen as “normal”?
【答】No. There's still slack in the labor market as measured by the U6 underemployment rate.
7. Will core inflation rise toward the Fed’s 2% target?
【答】No. The dollar is strong, wage growth is low, and depressed oil prices should have a negative impact.
8. Will the Fed hike rates by the June FOMC meeting?
【答】No, because inflation probably won't hit the 2% target. "Based on our below-consensus forecasts for wage and price inflation we expect the first funds rate hike to occur after June 2015; our base case is September," Hatzius said.
Greece Faces Snap Election With Rescue Lifeline at Stake
市场的反应呢?U.S. Index Futures Fall on Greek Vote After S&P 500 Rally,但实际上没掉多少。但我觉得希腊最直接的影响是欧央行一月量化宽松的决定,因为希腊左派政党扬言希腊对其债务要还价,说不定让欧央行短期内举棋不定。
参见:Junk Bond Risk Appetites Imply Stocks Should Fall At Least 13%