F-35的舰载型式F-35C,最近终于试飞成功,这是网站Defense News Intercepts的一些照片。
F-35C CF-03 turns into the landing pattern to come aboard USS Nimitz. (US Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin by Andy Wolfe)
F-35C CF-03 comes aboard the carrier. (US Navy photo by MC2 Antonio Turretto Ramos)
CF-03 grabs the No. 2 wire. (US Navy photo by MC1 Class Brett Cote)
CF-03 comes to a brief halt before releasing the wire. (US Navy photo by MC1 Brett Cote)
Up in the Nimitz’ island superstructure, spectators crowd Vulture’s Row to get a view as CF-03 rolls out. (US Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin by Andy Wolfe)
F-35C CF-05 comes around to line up on the Nimitz. (US Navy photo courtesy Lockheed Martin by Andy Wolfe)
CF-05 rolls briefly on the flight deck during touch-and-go landings on the Nimitz. (US Navy photo by MC1 Brett Cote)
CF-05 rises again during touch-and-go landings. (US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Eli Buguey)
Landing signal officers (LSOs) watch as CF-05 comes aboard the Nimitz. (US Navy photo by MC3 Siobhana McEwen)
F-35C CF-05 an instant before snagging an arresting wire aboard USS NIMITZ (CVN 68) Nov. 3 during tests off the California coast. (US Navy photo by MC3 Kelly Agee)
Closeup of the redesigned tailhook just before grabbing the wire.
Trap! CF-05 grabs the wire. (US Navy photo by MC1 Brett Cote)
The wire goes slack as the CF-05’s tailhook releases its hold. (US Navy photo by MC3 Kelly Agee)
It’s a good day to be an F-35C pilot. (US Navy photo by MC3 Aiyana Paschal)
据维基手收集的资料,美国几个兵种(空军、海军航空兵(航母舰载)、海军陆战队)计划装备F-35主战机共1763架,不过据更新的报道(说是法新社Agence France-Presse的资料),美国国防部最终的计划是装备2443架。
这是另外一则消息,来自简氏小道(引用国内一与军方有关的网站),中国在最新的一艘056 型(江岛级)导弹护卫舰上,装备成全能反潜配置。说这是第一艘全能反潜导弹护卫舰。