

(2019-10-09 00:15:31) 下一个

上甘岭战役朝鲜战争后期僵持阶段的一次主要战役,為美軍「摊牌行动」(Operation Showdown)的一部份。1952年夏季,美第9軍計劃動用美國陸軍第7師,大韓民國陸軍第2師及第9師,奪取五聖山南麓的三角峰和“阻擊”棱線,進而威脅五聖山,這次行動稱之為“攤牌行動”,其中中國官方將發生在三角峰附近的戰鬥稱之為“上甘嶺戰役”,而美方及韓方則稱「三角高地戰役

上甘岭战役是1952年最大最血腥的对抗[26] 而且在中國戰史中成為極具重要性的戰役。


Clark and US President Harry S. Truman later confided that the battle was a serious blow to the UN morale.[87]

Despite its impact and scale, the Battle of Triangle Hill is one of the least known episodes of the Korean War within the Western media.[87]  



The Battle of Triangle Hill was the biggest and bloodiest contest of 1952.[13] After 42 days of heavy fighting, the Eighth Army had failed to gain the two hill masses that were its original goal.[85] For the PVA, on the other hand, not only did the 15th Corps stop the UN attacks at Triangle Hill, the assaults conducted by the 44th Division on the Pyonggang front also resulted in Jackson Heights' capture on 30 November.[86] 

The PVA。。 its ability to sustain such losses had slowly exhausted the US Eighth Army over two months of attrition.[60] The PVA High Command viewed the victory as vindication that attrition was an effective strategy against the UN forces,[87] while the PVA became more aggressive in the armistice negotiations and on the battlefield.[88] Meanwhile, the high UN casualties forced Clark to suspend any upcoming offensive operations involving more than one battalion, effectively preventing any major UN offensives for the rest of the war.[89][90] 

Clark and US President Harry S. Truman later confided that the battle was a serious blow to the UN morale.[87]


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