
疾病真相, 健康生活, 生活感悟。

案例分享:转基因与皮肤病 (转载)

(2016-06-03 14:32:56) 下一个

小猫总结:一位名叫 Barbara H. Peterson  的网友得了严重的皮肤病,意识到饮食有问题,但不知道是什么食物,吓得什么都不敢吃。但是人总要吃饭啊。于是,她凭着自己的毅力一样一样地试,发现她的皮肤病与她所吃的转基因食品有直接关联-- 只要她不吃转基因的食物,她的病情就减轻。 但是,一旦她吃了含有转基因成分的食物,她的病情就加重。 -- 在此期间,她瘦了70磅。。。


The first foods I started eating were raw fruits and veggies, non-GMO. I had no reaction. So, I added fruit juices without sweetener, tea, and a little coffee. No reaction. I was on the right track. During this time, I lost almost 70 lbs., and looked like a refugee from Auschwitz. But I didn’t itch. And the rash was going away. When the rash got to the point of being bearable, I started experimenting. I tried items that I knew had a very high possibility of containing GMOs. I immediately started itching, and the rash got worse. Cause and effect. When I stopped eating the contaminated food, the itching subsided and the rash got better. I tried this with several foods, one at a time, and sure enough, each one that was most certainly GM, I had a reaction.


具体的经历请参考:Skin Disease Linked to GMOs – Don't let this happen to you!




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