唐一句,大家自己编辑的时候,如果大家不改动篇章题头(“第一章”,“第二章”)的字体形式,目录可以自动产生,只需要点击目录,View->Toolbar->Outlining, 点击"update DOC" button,就可以自动更新每章所对应的页数,不必手改。
另外,没有把音乐作进去,怕文件太大,而且。。。呵呵,(还有像俺这么土的人吗?)我上班和家里机子都没声卡,(家里那个年久失修的东西,自从换了操作系统,声卡就不工作了,俺仗着有MP3机,就老也不管它)。总之,我自己没法TEST,就没有把音乐加上。只好烦劳大伙儿自己动手了,如果你用ACROBAT6 或者7, View->Toolbar->Advanced Editing, 点击Movie Tools下面的Sound Tool, 就可以把歌曲夹在文章中想要的地方。
由 LBK ♀
发表评论于 2006-03-24 14:15:25
Thanks for editing and making shan_zha_shu available for us to download.
Here is how I printed it, and will make it into a "real" book, using the .pdf version:
- changed the Print setup->Properties->Finishing, checked the Print-on-both-sides checkbox, under Booklet Printing: choose "Letter(Left binding)".
This will print 2 pages of contents on one side, 4 per page of paper.
- print the cover page using above mode by itself on a color printer.
- print the rest of the story, a small sections at a time, choose the number of pages to print as a multiple of 4. For example, I printed separately (from-to),
2-21, 22-41, 42-61, 62-81, 82-101, ...... 20 pages of story on 5 pages of paper.
- fold each sections to make a bootlet, bind each booklet using needle & thread
- bind the cover page and all booklet together to make a book.