

(2020-01-17 18:42:34) 下一个


根据《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》(The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders简称DSM, 由美国精神医学学会出版,是一本在美国与其他国家中最常使用來诊断精神疾病的指导手冊),抑郁症是属于心境障碍范畴(mood disorders),mood disorders也称情感性精神障碍,过去曾称为情感性精神病 (affective psychoses);

心境障碍是由各种原因引起的以显著而持久的情感或心境改变为主要特征的一组疾病,以心境(情感)显著而持久地高涨或低落为主要临床特征的精神障碍,常伴有相应的思维和行为改变。 情感性精神障碍的表现具有很大的变异,较轻的可以是对某种负性生活事件的反应,重的则可成为一种严重的复发性甚至慢性致残性障碍。病情重者可出现幻觉妄想等精神病性(psychosis)症状。常反复发作,多数可缓解,少数残留症状或转为慢性。这类精神障碍首次发病年龄多在16~30岁之间,15岁以前和60岁以后发病者均少见。 “In the DSM-IV-TR,Mood Disorders Included in this category are major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, bipolar disorder, cyclothymic disorder, mood disorder due to a general medical condition and substance-induced mood disorder ;

在《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》中,mood disorders 还有些相关的disorders,譬如: “Two subtypes of mood disorders include seasonal affective disorder,and postpartum depression,while premenstrual dysphoric disorder, has been proposed as a diagnosis for further study. For each of these mood disorders there are specific criteria that a person's symptoms must meet in order to receive a diagnosis. “

而最常见的,最主要的情感性精神障碍是:严重抑郁症和躁郁症(两极型异常)(The primary mood disorders are major depression disorder and bipolar disorder --- also called manic_ depressive illness);




MDD Etiology and Pathophysiology

Combination of genetic vulnerability and environmental triggers
Pathophysiology (multifactorial)-
Neurochemical dysregulation (monoamine hypothesis) –
Deficiency in norepinephrine, dopamine, and/or serotonin
Neuroendocrine dysregulation
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal system dysregulation
Hypothalamic- Pituitary- Thyroid system dysregulation
Neuroanatomic and Functional Abnormalities
Reduced frontal lobe and limbic system volumes 


有多种多样的情感性精神障碍发病机制理论存在,一般有环境,社会等各种因素的影响, 但主要是生物因素的影响; 这里, 只简单从 neurochemical 和 neuroendocrine 的角度说一说抑郁症的发病机理 , 譬如:神经回路,单胺类递质, 神经内分泌,神经免疫功能,以及神经传导素的遗传因素。。。 首先,了解一下中枢神经和周围神经的主要神经传递素, 以及各自的功能;

这些主要的神经传递素是: Acetylcholine (ACh) --乙酰胆碱; Dopamine --多巴胺; Serotonin -- -羟色胺,血清素; Norepinephrine --副肾上腺素; Endorphins --内啡呔; Glutamate --谷氨酸;GABA --- r-氨基丁酸; Glycine ---甘氨酸。。。。

他们的 主要功能 见下图, 一目了然;

Major Neurotransmitters and their Functions:





从上图中, 我们不难看出, 对抑郁症有影响的主要是: serotonin 和 norepinephrine; 另外, acetylcholine 和 dopamine 也联系到 mood disorder;

Serotonin -- 羟色胺,血清素, Involved in the regulation of sleep, dreaming, mood, eating, pain, and aggressive behavior; 如果缺少, 则  Implicated in depression.

Norepinephrine --副肾上腺素Affects arousal, wakefulness, learning, memory, and mood; Norepinephrine levels may be deficient in depression, and increased in mania;
Dopamine - 多巴胺Involved in a wide variety of behaviors and emotions, including pleasure. Implicated in schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease.  Dopamine levels may be deficient in depression, and increased in mania;

”基因研究及临床观察, 某些病人具有明显家族遗传史。调查发现抑郁症先证者患病机率远高于一般人群的10—30倍,血缘关系愈近,患病机率愈高。抑郁症产生的生物学假说有多种,抑郁症与这些假说相关基的关联研究均有报道。其中与单胺能神经递质代谢,转运,调节等相关的基因一直是抑郁症关联研究的热点,包括5-羟色胺(5-HT)多个受体亚型及转运体(5-HTT)基因、色氨酸羟化酶(TPH)1,2基因、单胺氧化酶(MAO)A基因等"


MDD Manifestations
Depressed mood
Diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities
Notable weight loss or gain (>5% of body weight in a month)
Decrease or increase in appetite
Insomnia or hypersomnia 
Psychomotor agitation or retardation
Fatigue or loss of energy
Feelings or worthlessness
Excessive or inappropriate guild
Diminished ability to concentrate
Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation or attempted suicide 


抑郁发作包含许多心理学的症状,心理学伴随症状,譬如:焦虑, 自责自罪, 精神病性症状, 认知症状以及自杀观念和行为,自知力。。。。。; 精神运动性症状, 譬如:精神运动性兴奋与精神运动性激越等)。躯体症状,譬如:睡眠紊乱,食欲紊乱,性功能减退,精力丧失,疼痛,周身不适,自主神经功能紊乱。。。。;

抑郁症发作的临床表现有个体差异,有些病例的发生,会因激惹,酗酒,突发事件,或原生的恐惧强迫症状所掩盖。 尽管如此,某些症状对抑郁症的诊断具有很重要的意义;抑郁症的核心症状包括心境或情绪低落,兴趣缺乏,和乐趣丧失,这是抑郁的关键症状,





DSM-5-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder
Five or more of the following have been present during the same 2 week period. At least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure:
Depressed mood
Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities
Weight loss
Insomnia or hypersomnia 
Behavioral agitation or retardation
Loss of energy
Loss of concentration or indecisiveness
Recurrent thought of death of suicide

诊断抑郁状态时至少应包括depressed mood or loss of interest 症状中的1个,至少持续两个星期,一般早晨抑郁加重;除此,另外还要包括上述症状中的5个:such as anhedonia, change in weight, sleep, energy, concentration, decision making, self-esteem, and goals;


Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder and Depressive Episodes
DSM-IV Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) ,可以参见下图:



 E. 抑郁症的治疗和预防:

Treatment of MDD

  1. Cognitive therapy
  2. Interpersonal therapy
  1. SSRI
  2. SNRI
  3. Tricyclics 
  4. MAO

主要是: 药物治疗, 药物治疗与心理治疗相结合;  另外,Electroconvulsive Therapy,  Behavior Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Transcranial  Magnetic  Stimulation, 等等。。。。。



有病一定要看医生, 不能道听途说!!

Suicide  is always a primary consideration when treating patient with depression!!




BTW: MDD evaluation

  • Thorough history
    • medical history
    • medication / supplements intake
    • social history
    • family history
  • ROS
  • Physical examination
  • CBC, CMP, TSH, urinalysis
  • Depression screening questionnaires
    • PHQ-9, BDI-II

附一个抑郁症screening questionnaires:






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