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小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

(2015-12-26 13:00:54) 下一个

The teapot was invented in China during the Yuan Dynasty. It was probably derived from ceramic kettles and wine pots, which were made of bronze and other metals and were a feature of Chinese life for thousands of years. Tea preparation during previous dynasties did not use a teapot.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History元朝的茶壶

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

A large teapot China, Yuan Dynasty, 13th Cent - Bronze teapot with dark patina, presents elegant zoomorphic shape. lxh 33 x 30 cm


In the Tang Dynasty, a cauldron was used to boil ground tea, which was served in bowls. Song Dynasty tea was made by boiling water in a kettle then pouring the water into a bowl with finely ground tea leaves. A brush was then used to stir the tea.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Rare Chinese early Yaozhou celadon glazed ewer: of globular form set on a slightly splayed foot, with a thick strap handle, and with a short curved spout; the body showing deeply and sharply carved continuous design of peony blossom and foliage; and a slightly domed cover; Song Dynasty or earlier; H: 8"


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Written evidence of a teapot appears in the Yuan Dynasty text Jiyuan Conghua, which describes a teapot that the author, Cai Shizhan, bought from the scholar Sun Daoming. By the Ming Dynasty, teapots were widespread in China.[1] The earliest example of a teapot that has survived to this day seems to be the one in the Flagstaff House Museum of Teaware; it has been dated to 1513 and is attributed to Gongchun.


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A Chinese Glazed Ceramic Tea Pot 4 x 4 in.Qing Pai glaze. Possibly Song Dynasty. Acquired from the Buntin Collection.


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A small Qingbai ewer and cover, Yuan Dynasty, 1280-1368

By the Ming Dynasty, teapots were widespread in China.The earliest example of a teapot that has survived to this day seems to be the one in the Flagstaff House Museum of Teaware; it has been dated to 1513 and is attributed to Gongchun.


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A Rare Chinese Ming Dynasty Blue and White Porcelain Pot with Xunde Mark


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Ming Dynasty WanLi Imperialware Five-colored Porcelain Tea Pot


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Porcelain (China, Ming Dynasty, probably Wan-li period [1573–1619]) with silver mounts




正 德甲戌年(1514年)进士,后以提学副使擢四川参政。据记载,吴颐山未中进士前,读书宜兴金沙寺(在今宜兴湖滏镇)。书僮供春“给使之暇”,发觉金沙寺 僧人将制作陶缸陶瓮的细土,加以澄练,捏筑为胎,规而圆之,刳使中空,制成壶样。便“窃仿老僧心匠,亦淘细土,抟坯茶匙穴中,指掠内外”,做成“栗色暗暗 如古金鉄”的茶壶,这就是后来名闻遐迩的紫砂茶壶。因壶为供春所制,通称“供春壶”。现藏中国历史博物馆的树瘿壶,就是他所制,造型古朴,指螺纹隐现,把 内及壶身有篆书“供春”二字。

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

民 间也流传着关于供春壶的故事:传说明代正德年间有一位读书人在宜兴的金沙寺复习迎考,他的书童供春就在寺内向金沙寺僧学习用紫砂制壶,并且进行了自己的改 造,把原来实用性为主的壶制作得更有文化气息。当时文人们对于奇石有种独特的审美,他们认为“丑极”就是“美极”,如果一块石头达到了“瘦、漏、透、皱” 的程度,这就是一块美石。当时供春仿照金沙寺旁大银杏树的树瘿,也就是树瘤的形状做了一把壶,并刻上树瘿上的花纹,烧成之后,这把壶非常古朴可爱,很合文 人的意,于是这种仿照自然形态的紫砂壶一下子出了名,人们都叫它供春壶。由于身份原因,供春结交的都是一些读书人,文人爱喝茶,大家在一起谈论文学时品茶 聊天,所以供春壶在文人中一下传播开了。


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History


Early teapots are small by western standards because they are generally designed for a single drinker, and the Chinese historically drank the tea directly from the spout. The size reflects the importance of serving single portions so that the flavours can be better concentrated and controlled, then repeated.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

1842-1848 French Teapot

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Teapot with Pattern of the "Hundred Antiques" Qing dynasty (1644–1911) Date: 19th century Culture: China

From the end of the 17th century tea was shipped from China to Europe as part of the export of exotic spices and luxury goods. The ships that brought the tea also carried porcelain teapots. The majority of these teapots were painted in blue and white underglaze. Porcelain, being completely vitrified, will withstand sea water without damage, so the teapots were packed below deck whilst the tea was stowed above deck to ensure that it remained dry.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

China, Ming period, blue and white teapot, with bulbous shape and flat base, in the form of a rooster, with feather and flower motif details.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period (1662-1722) Chinese Blue and White Covered Teapot Exported to Holland. Monogrammed Dutch Silver Mounts. The Letter 'G' in Underglaze Blue on the Base.


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Teapot with Cover Artist/maker unknown, English c. 1760

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Fine Antique Japanese Hirado porcelain teapot and cover, 'meiji period', Fashioned with openwork 'basket-weave' sides, the spout and handle modeled Dragon, lid inverts for cup.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Chinese Porcelain Dragon Leopard Tea Pot.

Tea drinking in Europe was initially the preserve of the upper classes, due the expense. Porcelain teapots were particularly desirable because porcelain could not be made in Europe at that time. It wasn't until 1708 that Ehrenfried Walther von Tschirnhaus devised a way of making porcelain in Dresden, Germany, and started the Meissen factory in 1710.When European potteries began to make their own tea wares they were inspired by the Chinese designs.


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Dutch Silver Tea Pot with Dolphin Spout c1730


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Rare Vintage Chinese Export Ceremonial Teapot with by luxethnic

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Sterling Teapot by Barnard London 1839

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Tiffany & Co sterling silver teapot in a floral repoussé pattern, with a shell motif around the base. New York, c1881 (Britannia Silver)

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

1855-1861 French Sèvres Coffee and tea service at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Teapot and stove ~ France ~ 1760

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Staffordshire Blue and White Teapot - circa 1830's

In colonial America, Boston became the epicenter for silver production and artistry. Among the many artists in Boston there were four major families in the city's silver market: Edwards, Revere, Burt and Hurd. Their works of art included silver teapots.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

English silver antique teapot

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Blue and white salt-glazed teapot, English (Staffordshire), about 1750–60.

小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History

Historical Staffordshire Teapot

To keep teapots hot after tea is first brewed, early English households employed the tea cosy, a padded fabric covering, much like a hat, that slips over the tea pot. Often decorated with lace or log cabin motifs in the early 1900s, the modern tea cosy has come back into fashion with the resurgence of loose leaf tea ateliers.


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History


小小茶壶影响西方生活方式——Tea Pot History


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