

the untethered soul 和 I am having so much fun without you

(2015-01-13 14:22:43) 下一个
周一重要把the untethered soul 读完。我也很苦恼,为什么这样的好书我有时候就看不下去,应该说,书里带来的触动太大,或是太激动,反而无法平静下来读完。这次在被图书管理员断然拒绝给我违规延期的刺激下,我终于读完了。书里面的那些话真的感觉就是在说我。里面几乎没有废话,所谓干货吧,不能摘抄了,以后估计还是要收藏这本书了。

我奖励自己,或是。。。就来读了这本小说 I am having so much fun without you。相比之下,小说厚一倍,我却一气呵成读完了。

And I can't let it matter. Because in the end, it doesn't. If I let it matter, we'll fall back into a cycle of resentment and claustrophobia again. I love her. I love her deeply. We are in this for the long haul. It isn't always going to be pretty, and we will fall again-somewhere down the road, one of us is going to mess up. It might not be with another person-it might not be an affair-but there will be a hurdle. A reckoning. And a making up.

Because in the end, that's why some of us stupid humans get married. Because we know that we can lose each other, and find each other again. Because we're capable of forgiveness. Or at least, we think we are. I would,'t have been able to forgive myself if I had been in Anne's position. And the fact that she had the courage to bring us back together makes me love her, and our small family, and our future even more
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