
Word List 33 (oil cake - one-shot)

(2023-07-23 09:57:15) 下一个

- oil cake n. The solid residue that is left after certain oily seeds, such as

  cottonseed and linseed, have been pressed free of their oil. It is ground and

  used as cattle feed or fertilizer.


- oiler n. 1. One that oils engines or machinery. 2. Nautical a. An oil tanker.

  b. A ship that burns oil as fuel. 3. See oilcan. 4. See oil well. 5. Informal

  An oilskin garment.


- oil gland n. 1. A gland, such as a sebaceous gland, that secrets an oily



- oil slick n. A layer of oil floating on the surface of water.


- oily adj. 3. Excessively suave in action or behavior; unctuous.


- Oktoberfest n. An autumn festival that usually emphasizes merrymaking and the

  consumption of beer. [German: Oktober + Fest]


- old adj. 9. Geology a. Having become slower in flow and less vigorous in

  action. Used of a river. b. Having become simpler in form and of lower relief.

  Used of a landform.


- old boy n. 1. Chiefly British A graduate of a public school for boys. 2. A man

  who is a member of an old-boy network.


- old-boy network n. An informal, exclusive system of mutual assistance and

  friendship through which men belonging to a particular group, such as the

  alumni of a school, exchange favors and connections, as in politics or

  business: "working-class kids...had no old-boy network to turn to in time of



- old-field n. Southern U.S. An over-cultivated field allowed to lie fallow.


- old-field colt n. Virginia A child born out of wedlock. Also called regionally

  catch colt, woods colt. [From the unsupervised breeding of horses in

  unfrequented fields.]


- old-man-and-woman. n. See houseleek.


- old money n. 1. The inherited wealth of established upper-class families.


- old moon n. The waning moon.


- Old Nick n. The Devil; Satan.


- olé interj. Used to express excited approval. n. A cry of "olé." [Spanish]


- oleaginous adj. 1. Of or relating to oil. 2. falsely or smugly earnest;

  unctuous: oleaginous flattery.


- oleic adj. 1. Of, relating to, or derived from oil. 2. Of or relating to oleic



- olestra n. A calorie-free fat substitute synthesized from sucrose and

  vegetable oil for use in snacks such as potato chips, and capable of passing

  through the body without being digested.


- olfaction n. 1. The sense of smell. 2. The act or process of smelling.


- oligophagous adj. Feeding on a restricted range of food substances, especially

  a limited number of plants. Used chiefly of insects. -oligophagy n.


- olio n. 1. A heavily spiced stew of meat, vegetables, and chickpeas. 2a. A

  mixture or medley; a hodgepodge. b. A collection of various artistic or

  literary works or musical pieces; a miscellany.


- olivaceous adj. Olive-green.


- olive drab n. 1. A grayish olive to dark olive brown or olive gray. 2a. Cloth

  of this color, often used in military uniforms. b. also olive drabs A uniform

  made from cloth of this color.


- olla n. 1. Southwestern U.S. A rounded earthenware pot or jar, used especially

  for cooking or for carrying water. 2. An olla podrida.


- olla podrida n. 1. A stew of highly seasoned meat and vegetables. 2. An

  assorted mixture; a miscellany: "All the conversations were in English ... the

  whole olla podrida spiced with the latest gossip."


- ology n. Informal A branch of learning.


- Om2 n. Hinduism & Buddhism The supreme and most sacred syllable, consisting in

  Sanskrit of the three sounds (a), (u), and (m), representing various

  fundamental triads and believed to be the spoken essence of the universe. It

  is uttered as a mantra and in affirmations and blessings.


- omelet also omelette n. A dish consisting of beaten eggs cooked until set and

  folded over, often around a filling.


- omen n. tr.v. To be a prophetic sign of; portend.


- omer n. Judaism 1. An ancient Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to 1/10 ephah,

  about 3.5 liters. 2a. An offering of a sheaf or an omer of the first harvest

  of barley to a priest in the Temple on the second day of Passover.


- omerta n. A rule or code that prohibits speaking or divulging information

  about certain activities, especially the activities of a criminal



- omissive adj. Characterized by omission or omitting: omissive crimes; was

  omissive of responsibility.


- ommatophore n. A movable stalk ending with an eye, as found in certain snails.


- omnibus n. 1. A long motor vehicle for passengers; a bus. 2. A printed

  anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjects. adj.

  Including or covering many things or classes: an omnibus rade bill.


- omnisexual adj. Pansexual. n. A pansexual person.


- omnium-gatherum n. A miscellaneous collection; a hodgepodge.


- omnivorous adj. 2. Taking everything available, as with the mind: an

  omnivorous reader.


- on prep. 12. Informal In one's possession; with: I haven't a cent on me. 13.

  At the expense of; compliments of: drinks on the house.


- be on to [idiom] Slang To be aware of or have information about: You'll never

  deceive us again; we're on to you.


- onager n. 1. A fast-running wild ass of central Asia, having an erect mane and

  a broad black stripe along its back. 2. An ancient and medieval

  stone-propelling siege engine.


- onanism n. 1. Masturbation. 2. Coitus interruptus [After Onan, son of Judah

  (Genesis 38:9).] --onanist n. --onanistic adj.


- once-over n. Informal A quick but comprehensive survey or performance: Let's

  give this memorandum the once-over.


- oncogene n. A gene that causes the transformation of normal cells into

  cancerous tumor cells, especially a viral gene that transforms a host cell

  into a tumor cell.


- oncology n. The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of

  their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.


- oncoming adj. Coming nearer; approaching: an oncoming storm. n. An approach;

  an advance.


- one-dimensional adj. 1. Having or existing in one dimension only. 2. Lacking

  depth; superficial.


- one-horse adj. 2. Very small or insignificant: a one-horse town.


- oneiric adj. Of, relating to, or suggestive of dreams.


- oneiromancy n. The practice of predicting the future through interpretation of



- one-note adj. Unvarying, as in quality or character; monotonous: "a one-note,

  rude, sulky heroine."


- one-off Chiefly British adj. Happening, done, or made only once. n. Something

  that is not repeated or reproduced.


- one-shot adj. Informal 1. Becoming effective after only one attempt: looked

  for a one-shot solution to the problem. 2. Being the only one and unlikely to

  be repeated: The funding was a one-shot deal.

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