
Word List 23 (multipara - mysophobia)

(2023-05-13 08:36:05) 下一个

- multipara n. A woman who has given birth two or more times.


- multiplicand n. The number that is or is to be multiplied by another. In

  8 x 32, the multiplicand is 32.


- multiversity n. A university that has numerous constituent and affiliated

  institutions, such as separate colleges, campuses, and research centers.


- mum1 adj. Not verbalizing; silent. interj. Used as a command to stop speaking.


- mum2 intr.v. 1. To act or play in a pantomime. 2. To go merrymaking a in mask

  or disguise especially during a festival. -mummer n.


- mummery n. 1. A performance by mummers. 2. A pretentious or hypocritical show

  or ceremony.


- Munchausen syndrome n. A psychological disorder characterized by the repeated

  fabrication or causation of disease symptoms or trauma for the purpose of

  gaining medical attention or treatment.


- munchies pl.n. Slang 1. Food for snacking. 2. A craving for snack foods. Often

  used with the: an attack of the munchies.


- munchkin n. 1. A very small person. 2. Informal A child. 3. Informal A minor



- munificent adj. 1. Very liberal in giving; generous. 2. Show great

  generosity: a munificent gift.


- muntin n. 1. A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in

  a window. 2. A vertical framing member set between two rails in a door or in



- murex n. Any of various marine gastropods of the genus Murex common in

  tropical seas and having rough spiny shells, especially M. trunculus, the

  source of Tyrian purple.


- murine adj. 1. Of or relating to a rodent of the family Muridae or subfamily

  Murinae, including rats and mice. 2. Caused, transmitted, or affected by such

  a rodent: a murine plague; murine typhus. n. A murine rodent.


- Murphy n. Slang 1. A Murphy game. 2. A potato. [From Murphy, a common Irish



- Murphy game n. Slang Any of various confidence games often having the services

  of a prostitute as a lure and brought off by switching an envelope containing

  the victim's cash with an envelope containing scrap papers.


- muscat n. 1. Any of various sweet white grapes used for making wine or

  raisins. 2. Muscatel wine.


- musclebound adj. 1. Having inelastic, overdeveloped muscles, usually as the

  result of excessive exercise. 2a. Hindered by or as if by overdeveloped

  muscles. b. Characterized by inflexibility; rigid.


- Muscovite n. A native or resident of Moscow or Muscovy. adj. Of or relating to

  Moscow, Muscovy, or the Muscovites.


- mush1 n. 1. A thick porridge or pudding of cornmeal boiled in water or milk.

  2. Something thick, soft, and pulpy. 3. Informal Mawkish sentimentality,

  affection, or amorousness. tr.v. To reduce to mush; mash or crush. -mushy adj.


- mush2 v. -intr. To travel over snow with a dogsled. -tr. interj. -musher n.


- muskeg n. A swamp or bog formed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss, leaves,

  and decayed matter resembling peat.


- muskellunge n. A large food and game fish, the largest member of the pike

  family, found in lakes and rivers of the northern U.S. and southern Canada.

  Also called muskie or musky.


- muskmelon n. 1. Any of several varieties of the melon Cucumis melo, such as

  the cantaloupe, having fruit characterized by a netted rind and edible flesh

  with a musky aroma. 2. The fruit of any of these plants.


- muss tr.v. To make messy or untidy; rumple. n. A state of disorder; a mess.

  -mussy adj.


- must2 n. The quality or state of being stale or musty.


- must3 n. The unfermented or fermenting juice expressed from fruit, especially



- mustachio n. A mustache, especially a luxuriant one.


- mustard family n. A large family of herbs, the Cruciferae, characterized by

  pungent juice and four-petaled flowers arranged in a cross and including

  important vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower,

  kale, radishes, and watercress.


- musteline adj. Of, relating to, or belonging to the Mustelidae, the family of

  fur-bearing mammals that includes the badger, mink, otter, and weasel.


- muster v. -tr. 1. To call (troops) together, as for inspection. 2. To cause to

  come together; gather: Bring all the volunteers you can muster. 3. To call

  forth; summon up: mustering up her strength for the ordeal. -intr. To assemble

  or gather. n. 4. A flock of peacocks.


- [Phrasal Verb] pass muster: To be judged as acceptable.


- muster roll n. 1. The official roll of persons in a military or naval unit. 2.

  An inventory; a roster.


- mutatis mutandis adv. Abbr. m.m. The necessary changes having been made;

  having substituted new terms; with respective differences taken into



- muumuu n. A long loose dress that hangs free from the shoulders.


- muzzle n. 1. The forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such

  as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the snout. 2. A leather or wire

  restraining appliance that, when fitted over an animal's snout, prevents

  biting and eating. 3. The forward, discharging end of the barrel of a firearm.

  4. A restraint on free movement or expression: had a muzzle put on their high

  spirits. tr.v.


- myalgia n. Muscular pain or tenderness, especially when diffuse and

  nonspecific. --myalgic adj.


- mycosis n. 1. A fungal infection in or on a part of the body. 2. A disease

  caused by a fungus.


- myelin n. A white fatty material, composed chiefly of lipids and lipoproteins,

  that encloses certain axons and nerve fibers. Also called medulla.


- myeloid adj. 1. Of, relating to, or derived from the bone marrow. 2. Of or

  relating to the spinal cord.


- My Lai A village of southern Vietnam where more than 300 unarmed civilians,

  including women and children, were massacred by U.S. troops (Mar 1968) during

  the Vietnam War.


- myo- or my- pref. Muscle: myocardial infarction.


- myocardium n. The muscular tissue of the heart.


- myope n. One who is affected by myopia.


- myopia n. 1. A visual defect in which distant objects appear blurred because

  their images are focused in front of the retina rather than on it.


- myrmeco- pref. Ant: myrmecologist.


- myrmecophile n. An organism, such as a beetle, that habitually shares the nest

  of an ant colony.


- mysophobia n. An abnormal fear of dirt or contamination.

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