- masse n. A stroke in billiards made by striking the cue ball off center with
the cue held nearly vertically, so that the cue ball moves in a curve around
one ball before hitting another ball.
- massive adj. 4. Pathology Affecting a large area of bodily tissue; widespread
and severe: a mssive gangrene. 5. Mineralogy Lacking internal crystalline
structure; amorphous. 6. Geology Without internal structure or layers and
homogeneous in composition. Used of a rock.
- mass hysteria n. A condition in which a large group of people exhibit similar
physical or emotional symptoms, such as anxiety or extreme excitement. Also
called epidemic hysteria.
- massy adj. Having great mass or bulk; massive.
- mast2 n. The nuts of forest trees accumulated on the ground, used especially
as food for swine.
- master n. 14e. Master. Used as a courtesy title before the given or full name
of a boy not considered old enough to be addressed as Mister. tr.v. 5. To
produce a master audio recording for. 6. To season or age (dyed goods).
- masterstroke n. An achievement or action revealing consummate skill or
mastery: a masterstroke of diplomacy. See synonyms at feat1.
- mastic n. The mastic tree. 2. The aromatic resin of the mastic tree, used
especially in varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, and condiments and as an
astringent. 3. A pastelike cement used in highway construction, especially one
made with powdered lime or brick and tar. [An interesting story about the mastic
is told here]
- mastodon n. Any of several very large, extinct proboscidian mammals of the
genus Mammut, resembling the elephant but having molar teeth of a different
structure. --mastodonic adj. --mastodont adj.
- mastoid process n. A conical protuberance of the posterior portion of the
temporal bone that is situated behind the ear in humans and many other
vertebrates and serve as a site of muscle attachment. Also called mastoid
- masturbatory adj. 2. Excessively self-indulgent or self-involved: "[The
play's] star ... paces around his cell, smoking and snarling in a masturbatory
rant." (Sam Whiting).
- mat2 n. 1. A decorative border placed around a picture to serve as a frame or
provide contrast between the picture and the frame.
- matelote n. A fish stew that is cooked in a wine sauce. [French]
- materfamilias n. A woman who is the head of a household or the mother of a
- materialize v. --tr. 1. To cause to become real or actual: By building the
house, we materialized a dream. 2. To cause to become materialistic:
"Inequality has the natural and necessary effect ... of materializing our
upper class, vulgarizing our middle class, and brutalizing our lower class"
(M. Arnold). --intr. 1. To assume material or effective form: Their support on
the eastern flank did not materialize. 2. To take physical form or shape. 3.
To appear, especially suddenly.
- matinee n. An entertainment, such as a dramatic performance or movie,
presented in the daytime, usually in the afternoon.
- matjes herring n. Herring that have not spawned, filleted and prepared with
salt, vinegar, sugar, and spices.
- matriculate tr. & intr.v. To admit or be admitted into a group, especially a
college or university. n. One who is admitted as a student to a college or
- matrix n. 1. A situation or surrounding substance within which something else
originates, develops, or is contained: "Freedom of expression is the matrix,
the indispensable condition, of nearly every form of freedom." (B. N.
Cardozo). 2. The womb.
For me, 'materialize' feels too long a word to mean 'to appear suddenly.'
If you play billiard or pool for fun, you would be delighted by 'masse.' I remember we tried it many times when I was in high school and I couldn't get it right. Some could and made me jealous. Anyway, we were recreational players and I don't remember we had a name for it, Chinese or otherwise. Finally, today ...
I knew 猛犸象,but didn't recognize 'mastodon' until I googled it!
I'll keep an eye out for mastic and matjes herring should be part of my diet.
The word "materialize" and its meaning and usages are familiar, but somehow this is the first time I saw "masterstroke". I like both words.
Thus the takeaways from this list are "masterstroke","materialize" and "matrix". The rest are mostly new:))