
Word List 2 (LBO - linage)

(2022-12-19 09:26:29) 下一个

- leveraged buyout n. Abbr. LBO The use of target company's asset value to

  finance the debt incurred in acquiring the company.


- levitate intr. & tr.v To rise or cause to rise into the air and float in

  apparent defiance of gravity. -levitation n.


- lewis n. A dovetailed iron tenon made of several parts and designed to fit

  into a dovetail mortise in a alrge stone so that it can be lifted by a

  hoisting apparatus. Also called lewisson.


- lexis n. The total set of words in a language as distinct from morphology;



- lib n. Informal A movement that seeks to achieve equal rights for a group;



- lichen n. 1. A fungus that grows symbilotically with algae, resulting in a

  composite organism that chracteristically forms a crust like or branching

  growth on rocks or tree trunks. 2. Pathology Any of various skin diseases

  charactrized by patchy eruptions of small, firm papules.


- licit adj. Permitted by law; legal.


- lickety-split adv. Informal With great speed.


- licking n. Slang 1. A beating, thrashing, or spanking. 2. A severe loss or



- licorice n. This translates to the Chinese '甘草片' (to be verifed).


- lifer n. Slang 1. A prisoner serving a life sentence. b. One who makes a

  career in one of the armed forces.


- lifeway n. 1. A customary manner of living; a way of life. 2. A custom,

  practice, or art: the traditional lifeways of a tribal society.


- lift fire: To increase the range of artillery fire by elevating the muzzle of

  a piece.


- lifting body: n. An aircraft or a spacecraft that has no wings and gains lift

  by the action of aerodynamic forces on its body.


- liger: n. The product of crossbreading of a male lion and a female tiger,

  having features of both but generally being larger than either.


- light out: Informal To leave hastily; run off


- light-fingered adj. 1. Having quick and nimble fingers. 2. Skilled at or given

  to petty thievery.


- lights: pl. n. The lungs, especailly the lungs of an animal slaughtered for



- lignum vitae n. 2. The wood of either of these trees, the harest of commercial



- be like: (idiom) Informal To say or utter. Used chiefly in oral narration: And

  he's like, "Leave me alone!"


- Lilliputian: A very small person or being.


- lilt: n. 1. A cheerful or lively manner of speaking, in which the pitch of the

  voice varies pleasantly. 2. A light, happy, tune or song. 3. A light or

  resilient manner of moving or walking. v.


- limachine adj. Of, relating to, or resembling a slug.


- limeade n. A sweetened beverage of lime juice and plain or carbonated water.


- limewater n. A clear colorless alkaline aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide,

  used in calamine lotion and other skin preparations and sometimes as an



- limey n. Slang. 1. A British sailor. 2. An English person. [Short for lime

  juicer (from the use of lime juice on British warships in order to prevent



- limpid adj 1. Characterized by transparent clearness; pellucid. 2. Easily

  intelligible; clear: writes in a limpid style. 3. Calm and untroubled; serene.


- linage also lineage: n. 1. The number of lines of printed or written material.

  2. Payment for written work at a specified amount per line.

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