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Thursday, I reread Pavel's 2012 article about the deadlift program of his dad,
Vladimir, 75 years old then. The guy started at the age 70 and in five years
progressed to lifting 400 lbs at the body weight of 193 lbs.
What an inspiration!
Contrast it with the wisdom of my old tribe: 人过四十天过午. I had nothing to
say. So I chose to do something. I went to the gym and lifted 265 lbs, twice,
another personal record, adding 20 lbs in two weeks.
My form was not the best and I ended up feeling sore at a different place, the
lower back, right after lifting and through the night. Were my glutes stressed?
Sure. But not enough to make me notice. With the max weight, the erector mucles
on the back, maybe along with the glutes, seemed to bear the brunt, keeping the
back from rounding. It was luck that I didn't hurt myself. The results seemed
optimal, however. That is, once the dull soreness is gone, I probably will be
ready for heavier.
I am making easy early gains. It is beginner's luck, I know, and progress will
not go on forever. Antifragility has a ceiling. Technically, I might have no
business max-ing out at this stage. I have poor form and definitely leave
nothing for the next day. Pavel pointed out "The deadlift severely punishes
those who overextend themselves and rewards those who treat it as a practice,
not a challenge." OK. Practice it is. I'll find out about the details.
Twice my body weight is the goal, into my 70s, if I live that long. If I cannot
lift heavier, that's perfectly fine.
When pondering on that ceiling, in many things I do, I sometimes worry about short-changing myself. Have a great day!
+1, sure! Everything has.
Twice my body weight is the goal, into my 70s, if I live that long.
-- Of course!!! It is said that current average lifespan is 80s.
Happy lifting:)