2017 (39)
2018 (68)
2019 (88)
2020 (79)
2021 (86)
2022 (83)
2023 (72)
2024 (45)
This year, I started experimenting with getting up early as
I found that late evening was not a good time to work. I
certainly could not do much physical after a big supper.
Besides, there were no lack of inspirations. Jocko starts
his daily workout at around 4:30am, e.g. I used to wake up
at 6:20, the new target was 5:30, and I did it yesterday.
One problem seemed to be that I got hungrier toward meal
time and started grazing. I ate the following Sat evening:
about a cup of fried peanuts, some pork liver, honey (with
water), two dried persimmons, two handful of sunflower
seeds, one medium-sized baked sweet potato, one chicken
drumstick, and some cooked salty vegetables.
It turned out to be the worst night in years. I even barfed
after trying to sleep for three or four hours. I knew that my
body was fighting something (could be a flu) as it heated
and ached and the heart rate went well above 70 beats per
min and that lasted all night. The next morning, I stayed
late in bed and got up with a slight fever. I don't have any
appetite today and might just as well do a full fast.
Intermittent fasting for more than two years, I have enjoyed
great results but the over-feeding phase has often been a
challenge (see this blog article). The Gracie Diet's food
combination method works but it is the execution that
matters, especially in a hostile environment full of temptation.
In short, I should never let the guard down.
"crispy" describes food, e.g., the crust of fried chicken. In Chinese, 脆。
“crisp" where I used it describes the air, meaning cool and refreshing.