2017 (39)
2018 (68)
2019 (88)
2020 (79)
2021 (86)
2022 (83)
2023 (72)
2024 (45)
It's a new battle and I feel losing.
Since I started strength training in mid-2015 and
intermittent fasting later, I have always been able to stay
around 146 lbs, easily. My near-term (2-3 years) goal is to
reach Sinister or my limits at that weight. The great image
of Bruce Lee comes to mind often when I train. I don't want
to look bulky but every pound must count. Six months after I
passed the Simple Test, however, things started to change.
I have trained with the 40kg kettlebell since Jan. The
injury from BJJ prevented me from doing TGUs but left plenty
energy for the squats and swings. Over time, the squats felt
less intimidating, I could do a couple sets of single-arm
swings on a good day and the Captains of Crush No. 1 gripper
closed more easily. My waistline stays the same but shoulders
have swelled. For that, I am switching from S to M-sized shirts.
I still eat one meal a day but my bodyweight is crossing the
150 lbs line. The same amount of exercise no longer allows
me to eat as much as I'd like at supper. Yesterday, I did
yoga in the morning and weight-lifting in the afternoon,
followed by a five-mile run. We had a hotpot dinner and I
had jam, bananas, and chocolates for deserts. This morning,
my weight went down from 150.8 to 149.8 lbs. It was crazy:
only one lb loss after all that work!? It seems my body has
become dryer and the same amount of exercise does not get
rid of as much water as before.
So is there any hope for going back to 145 lbs? I should
search for expert advice but my gut feeling is that diet
again is where the battle is fought. I have fat to lose and
sugar to cut. It is that trivial choice of one more candy
that matters. Simple, but not easy.
9 weeks into training for distance running, my weight came back to 145.0 lbs.
Joy Johnson was right when she said running allowed her to eat what she liked.
The extra weight went away easily as I cut the sugar.