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My sleep was poor the previous two nights and I
felt lack of energy in Tuesday's Jiu-Jitsu class.
I had my ABCg(Apple, Beet, Celery, and ginger)
juice with some cheese and almonds at super.
One hour afterward when I got to bed I started
to feel it in the nose and sneezed a few times.
It was another low-quality sleep.
Wed morning, I felt fine. I wouldn't say it was
great but I did yoga, took the cold shower, and
didn't find them any more difficult or painful.
Arriving at work, I had my daily dose of six
weighted pullups.
My nose was a little runny and I sneezed a few
times but had no fever or headache. It didn't get
worse toward the end of the day. I had a can of
juice, some cabbage, guacamole(3 avocados), a
handful of almonds, and two bars of chocolates. I
skipped weight lifting that night.
Thu morning, I still sniffled a bit but in general
felt no worse and my yoga went fine. To make a
point, I did seven weighted pullups in the morning
and 14 body-weight pullups in a row at noon. I
sneezed a couple of times during the day. Energy
level was lower than usual in Jiu-Jitsu class and
I sweated profusely. Again, I didn't fast.
Fri morning, the sniffling was gone and energy was
back. So this round, the cold was very mild. It
sucked energy a bit but there were no feaver or
aches and it was over in 3 days. I lifted weights
in the evening and had a meal of cheese, five
eggs, one mid-sized cabbage(stir-fried), almonds,
liqor, and chocolates.
Thank you and Happy New Year, Grace!
I'm just back from a trip to Beijing. It was a great trip worth 4 posts at least ;-)
I like boiled eggs, too. They taste like heaven with 酱豆腐:-) The whole cholesterol theory does not hold water. Dietary cholesterol, it turned out, has no direct relationship with the greasy stuff in the blood. Science is often distorted to confuse to profit.
These days, I trust my body more. I'd stay away from eggs for a few days or even weeks and then eat half a dozen in a single meal.
So you ate five eggs at a time? Wouldn't that be too much, as they have high cholesterol ? I love boiled eggs with tender yokes (never overboiled), dipped in a bit soy sauce. However I refrain myself from eating too much at a time. You must know better than I do.