
Ran 9 miles and walked 4.

(2015-04-18 18:23:15) 下一个
I had very good reasons for the 4 hours sleep last night.
At 6:30, I got up and did some weight work before heading
out for the run. I've recovered well over the week, my PF
was gone and the blister under the left heel was healing
well. I planned 10 miles and was quite hopeful.

The first 4 miles felt great until I hit the dirt road on the levee.
I noticed three runners a hundred yards in the front stopped.
I suspected nothing, said hi, trotted on and within 30 yards
ran into an outraged Canada goose! As I was passing,
it hissed and lowered its neck and charged after me. I sped
up and it couldn't keep up and I thought the encounter was
over. Within 5 seconds, however, I heard chirping in the air.
It was the goose, shooting toward me from above, kamikaze
style! In panic, I lowered my head and the bird passed
over and landed 10 yards away. I heard one of the three guys
shouted "You've got to be kidding me!" Well, this was my first
time, too ;-) Undeterred, I passed the the bird again and the
same thing happened. It couldn't keep up running and
launched another air attack! Without stopping, I lowered my
head even further but this time lost balance and fell over!
Again, it landed in front of me. This time, I got a little mad
and shouted at the bird with my arms open "I'm just passing!
OK!?" as if it were a human being. I was thinking of fighting
back but my apology worked: the goose let me pass. I
remembered that I ran into this bird a couple of times before.
It was pissed off as runners invaded its territory. But obviously
today it was super-grumpy ;-)

After this episode, my speed dropped significantly. The calf pain
returned and the Xeros didn't feel very comfortable anymore.
The pain in both calves was debilitating and steps became
harder and harder. I finally stopped running after 9 miles and
walked the rest 4 miles back home. I was not winded at all and
didn't even sweat much. It's obvious, my chasis needs more
time for barefoot running.

9 miles @ 8:53.
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