
Barefoot 3 Miles

(2015-04-12 12:45:11) 下一个


I woke up refreshed. A mild calf pain was still there and the
PF was gone. After some weight work, breakfast, and yard
work, I headed to the trail. Once there, I took off my
Xeros, held them in one hand, and trotted toward the bay.

It was already past 10:30 and getting warm. Many cyclists
were heading the same direction. I got a lot of looks from
passersby. I gingerly treaded my way and paid full attention
to the road or rather what's on the road. The pavement was
worn but felt OK. The little sharp grits were the worst.
Very rarely I stepped on them but the run-ins left a lasting
impression ;-)

The pavement after half a mile was newer. (What a nice city?
They must have anticipated barefoot runners two years ago
;-) Anyway, the road felt great underneath and I sped up and
3 miles felt like nothing. One thing I noticed was that,
unlike wearing the Xeros, there were no friction between the
feet and the shoe soles. My left foot landing was more

Of course, I had to face the recovery once the running was
over. But so far, barefoot running felt great!
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