
11-Mile Trail Run Today

(2014-09-20 17:56:55) 下一个
Last Sat's 10-mile trail run left me recovering for 4 days
while my tendons hurt like hell. I stopped morning runs and
managed to do a couple of 3-mile jogs during the week. I
only started to feel better on Wed and felt like running
again on Fri.

So it was great this morning to run 11 miles. Better, I
seemed to bounce back in 4 hours! (I thought it would take
me until at least Mon.) Tendons were sore but nothing like
the last time. I felt I could still do a 5-mile in the
evening. Does this have to do with my recovery foods:
chocolate, coffee, chia, Kimchi, sushi, and whole wheat bread?

Even the frequent low blood pressure sensation when getting
up after sitting a while on the sofa is gone. Could it be this good?

P.S. I was downing a freezing cold TsingDao beer while
writing the words above ;-) What a bless!
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