
california closing cost from lender

(2013-10-30 12:40:43) 下一个

California closing costs

Loan amount: $200,000

Overview Average origination fees charged by lenders $1,977 Average third-party fees $662 Average origination plus third-party fees $2,639

Itemized fee averages
Below, you will find the averages for fees charged by lenders and third parties. If you add them up, they will not equal the averages listed above. Why not? Because each lender charges some of the fees listed below, but not all of them. For example, some lenders charge an application fee, but others don't. If your lender charges an application fee, this chart lets you compare it to the average. But, because not every lender charges every fee, adding up all these fees doesn't result in the overall average.

Origination fees charged by the lender Origination points (not discount points) $949 Application $343 Document preparation $73 Broker, originator or lender $1,190 Processing $495 Tax service $73 Underwriting $200 Wire transfer $25 Third-party fees Appraisal $421 Attorney, closing or settlement $630 Credit report $17 Flood certification $9 Employment verification $15 Inspections (pest, etc.) $125 Postage/courier $55 Survey $1,200

Read more: http://www.bankrate.com/finance/mortgages/closing-costs/california.aspx#ixzz2jEgdfiH0
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