

How to Boost the Neutrophil White Cells to Continue Chemo Therap

(2015-03-05 16:50:53) 下一个

I never forgot that the lady who was saying "Goodbye" on her blog last year, due to her white cells count were too low, her Dr. decided to discontinue her chemo therapy. Every body tried to help her. But nobody could help her. She was so helpless and even desperate. I wonder if she still alive? How is she doing? If she can read my article today, she would be helped. That way she would be able to continue her chemo therapy, to beat the diversity, to defeat the cancer! And my new friend HanXiaoYu, hope you can be read, too. You may be more inspired and benefited. 

There are two ways to boost it:   Strict diet and Vibration therapy.

1. Diet.  Why the neutrophil cells( one of the immune cells) in your body grow up so slow and so less? Because you lack of nutrition, especially lack of microelements. So you should eat more nutrition-rich foods, and also take supplements.

A. General Foods: meats, sea foods, sea veggies, egg, poultry, milk, cheese, yogurt, whole wheat, pasta, fruits,  nuts, mushrooms... ESPECIALLY shellfishes(clam, oyster), black chicken, pork liver, black seaweeds, purple seaweeds, pumpkin, spinach, asparagus, golden needle mushroom, avocado, ba la( Fan pomegranate), pomegranate, cashew, water melon seeds, shelled pumpkin seeds, garlic, yogurt, cheese, pasta, luoxuan zao.

 Caution: All the meats, sea foods, poultry, eggs must be well cooked. All the dairy products must be pasteurized. Any raw or smoked or unpasteurized foods should be avoided. The canned or tinned foods and vacuum packed foods, unrefrigerated foods are fine. 

B. Supplements: Zinc supplement; folic acid supplement; selenium supplement.

2. Vibration Therapy. Why your neutrophil white cells count is so low? Except the chemo therapy killed too much, your immune ability is very low as well. So your bone marrow needs to be increased. The vibration therapy which works on the trunk of the nervous system (spine) can increase the bone marrow that it can produce more stem cells. When you have lots of stems cells, you would have more white cells( including neutrophil cells), even more red cells( to help the circulation, prevent heart disease) and T cells(to fight with cancer cells).

Caution:  Since the machine works with high electrical voltage, it only able to be worked 1 to  2 minutes at the time.  Twice a day in the morning and in the night.  You can buy the machine by yourself, just need some one to do for you. Some chiropractors may have it( but this treatment doesn't come alone. It just additional to the adjustment. And it's costly and inconvenient).  Since the machine is not sold at the retail store, you can not find one in any where. If you are interested, please just feel free to contact me. I can give the phone # to you that you can be ordered. It 's not expensive the all. It can be used forever.

Best wishes for every one! 

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