2014 (53)
2015 (70)
2016 (66)
2025 (2)
1. 足够大的负重重量和强度。肌肉有快肌慢肌之分(红白肌肉纤维)。只有大重量练习时,快肌纤维才参与工作,而肌肉量(容积)的保持,更不要说长大长粗,正是这些肌肉起了主要作用。当然,力量练习要循序渐进,从较轻负重开始。
2. 足够的生长激素/睾丸酮等激素(别笑,女人也有),中老年女性激素水平非常的低。训练是否有效,恢复是否快速完全,全靠这个激素参与了。整体的身体素质和健康水平可能会影响一个人的激素水平。
3. 足够的蛋白质摄入,人体所有的零部件都是有蛋白质中的氨基酸组成。力量练习本身是个对肌肉组织的破坏过程(微创伤Catabolism),蛋白质参与修复和重组过程(肌肉增长Anabolism)。素食者或蛋白质摄入不足者,不容易保持肌肉量。
I'm pretty much sure that the answer is positive for your last question.
well said.
tell you one story: I have an aunt she is fashion guru and beautiful. but she has cancers( more than one) , not exercises. she looks amazing good with clothing on. one day in the shopping mall in an store , she was try new outfit, because the fitting room was full, she was trying in the hall way. I got in , I was horrified by see that she was so thin and weak. I can not forget that moment.
you are so right , woman no matter what age is , we should have muscle and tune up the muscle. even the teens , girls has sports in school are much more popular than those do not do sports.
one question , can sports( the weight work out ) booting both the 荷尔蒙level?
women with low hormone level has low mood, closer to the depression . is this true?