

(2013-07-12 10:07:14) 下一个


  1. 将食指放于瞳孔正下方,下眼睑1/2近眼眶骨边缘,承泣穴的位置。约在眼睛下方0.7cm处。朝眼睛内侧方向,轻轻画圈按压30次。
  2. 轻按四白穴,位于瞳孔正下方约2.5cm处。中指指肚垂直于四白穴轻轻按压,指力劲道下达皮下0.5cm处,停留两秒,然后重新按压,两边各按压8次。
  3. 指压框骨边四周。用手指按压眼眶骨边四周20次。(左右两边都要按压)
  4. 轻拍眼眶。以食指、中指、无名指三指并拢,于眼眶骨边从眉头开始沿顺时针方向,用指腹进行轻拍,这是按摩后的补气动作,注意两边都需要轻拍。
  5. 用手掌压住整个眼眶,力道下去大约3cm左右。掌根以由上往下,由外往外的方式揉压眼睑。(左眼按顺时针方向揉压,右眼按逆时针方向揉压)


    Natural Ways To Reduce Under Eye Bags

    -Try A Few Slices Of Potato

    Potatoes contain natural skin whitening ingredients, so try placing a potato in the refrigerator to get it cold and slice a couple of thin slices. Lay on your back and place the potato slices over your eyes for about 15 minutes or so. The chill from the refrigerated potato will help to reduce some of that under eye swelling while the potato helps to lighten those dark smudges that often accompany the puffiness. Once you have completed the treatment rinse your eyes with cool water and you should see a definite temporary improvement.

    - Drink Enough Water. Water not only keeps the skin hydrated, but also helps to get rid of the toxins and waste that accumulate and cause the formation of bags under your eyes.

    - Witch Hazel. Soak cotton balls in witch hazel and place on the skin underneath your eyes, leave on for about 15 minutes. Witch hazel reduces inflammation and drains the accumulated fluid that cause puffiness.

    - Egg White Mask. Whip up egg white and rub it on your under eye skin - leave on for about 10 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. This helps to tighten the skin, it also promotes circulation and reduces puffiness.

    - Milky way. If you have extremely puffed up eyes this is the regular regime that you will have to follow. Dip cotton pads in chilled milk and place on your eyelids and relax for 20-30 minutes. This well help your eyes in water retention and it would also cool them off .

    - Oily help. Take chilled water in a bowl and add a few drops of vitamin E oil to it, now mix the two well. Dip cotton pads in this mixture and place on the eyes for 20 minutes, this well help in reducing the swelling around the eyes.

    - Cucumber relief. Cucumbers are a fantastic natural remedy to get rid of under eye puffiness. Take 2 slices of fresh refrigerated cucumber and place it on your eyes for 25 minutes. Relax with the cool soothing slices over your eyes and slip into a short nap, it will help refresh your mind as well as your eyes, and the anti-inflammatory properties of the cool cucumber will naturally help reduce puffy tissues. 

    - Of spoons and iced water. The puffiness of the eyes can be reduced with the help of a glass of ice water and four stainless steel spoons. Chill the spoons in the water and then place one over each eye. Keep switching the spoons while letting the other one chill in the glass of water. Keep switching until you see improvement.

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