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昨晚看鬼文 Famous modern ghost stories, 家长很不屑一顾, 问我怎么看这种无聊的东东.
可这篇文章比另一篇讲笑话的文章好笑多了, 我几次都笑出泪了, 你们听听:
modern ghosts are less simple and primitive than their ancesters, more democratic than of old, have more of a diversity of interests.
in the past, a ghost had to stalk or glide to his haunts, now he limousines and planes so that naturally he can get in more work done than before.
his interal efficiency and knowledge of science constitute the worst terror of the current specter.......knows all about a chemical lab, can add electricity to his other shocks and can employ all mortel and immortel angencies as his own.
我从小就喜欢听鬼故事, 但我不怕鬼也不希望看见鬼, 反正他/她生活在他/她的世界里, 我生活在我的世界里, 听听就好.
一个香港同事说, 她小时候有次放学后见到个老婆婆跟她聊了好久, 回家后告诉她妈, 她妈叫她不要乱说话, 因为那婆婆那天上午去世了.
我姨说她生小孩的时候, 就见到一个男的站她跟前要她跟他走, 后来她调到另一个学校跟人讲起, 那个她见到的人跟另一个老师的老公(正好那天在那个医院去世)的穿着和长相一模一样, 我姨以前根本不认识他们.
我科医生有次在病房做腰椎穿刺, 病房门是关的, 在穿刺过程中房间里的衣柜门突然打开然后"砰"的一声关上, 那医生笑着对护士说, 那是XXX在发脾气. 原来XXX病人生前住过这病房, 脾气非常大.
医院里见过或被鬼干扰过的人多了去了, 我也被干扰过, 但没见过, 说真的, 不管我好奇心多重, 见就不要不要的了.
但我改不了我的鬼脾气, 喜欢鬼故事, 继续听继续看..........