再看全民医保背后的税率。德国税率是25+5% surplus,医保再加15%,总共40%的收入上缴;英国看病免费,但中产的税率是40% (其实下限很低,6万美元收入就进入这个范围了),算起来和德国相仿。美国人能忍受40%的税收用于免费医疗吗?愿意支付高税收保绝对平安呢,还是愿意少交税担点风险自己支配?个人主义和自由经济色彩深厚的美国,恐怕多数人更喜欢后者,不愿意像英国中产那样交40%的税吧。
Percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) spent on health care: 8.3
Average family premium: None; funded by taxation.
Co-payments: None for most services; some co-pays for dental care, eyeglasses and 5 percent of prescriptions. Young people and the elderly are exempt from all drug co-pays.
What is it? The British system is "socialized medicine" because the government both provides and pays for health care. Britons pay taxes for health care, and the government-run National Health Service (NHS) distributes those funds to health care providers. Hospital doctors are paid salaries. General practitioners (GPs), who run private practices, are paid based on the number of patients they see. A small number of specialists work outside the NHS and see private-pay patients.
How does it work? Because the system is funded through taxes, administrative costs are low; there are no bills to collect or claims to review. Patients have a "medical home" in their GP, who also serves as a gatekeeper to the rest of the system; patients must see their GP before going to a specialist. GPs, who are paid extra for keeping their patients healthy, are instrumental in preventive care, an area in which Britain is a world leader.
What are the concerns? The stereotype of socialized medicine -- long waits and limited choice -- still has some truth. In response, the British government has instituted reforms to help make care more competitive and give patients more choice. Hospitals now compete for NHS funds distributed by local Primary Care Trusts, and starting in April 2008 patients are able to choose where they want to be treated for many procedures.
Percentage of GDP spent on health care: 8
Average family premium: $280 per month, with employers paying more than half.
Co-payments: 30 percent of the cost of a procedure, but the total amount paid in a month is capped according to income.
What is it? Japan uses a "social insurance" system in which all citizens are required to have health insurance, either through their work or purchased from a nonprofit, community-based plan. Those who can't afford the premiums receive public assistance. Most health insurance is private; doctors and almost all hospitals are in the private sector.
How does it work? Japan boasts some of the best health statistics in the world, no doubt due in part to the Japanese diet and lifestyle. Unlike the U.K., there are no gatekeepers; the Japanese can go to any specialist when and as often as they like. Every two years the Ministry of Health negotiates with physicians to set the price for every procedure. This helps keeps costs down.
What are the concerns? In fact, Japan has been so successful at keeping costs down that Japan now spends too little on health care; half of the hospitals in Japan are operating in the red. Having no gatekeepers means there's no check on how often the Japanese use health care, and patients may lack a medical home.
Percentage of GDP spent on health care: 10.7
Average family premium: $750 per month; premiums are pegged to patients' income.
Co-payments: 10 euros ($15) every three months; some patients, like pregnant women, are exempt.
What is it? Germany, like Japan, uses a social insurance model. In fact, Germany is the birthplace of social insurance, which dates back to Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. But unlike the Japanese, who get insurance from work or are assigned to a community fund, Germans are free to buy their insurance from one of more than 200 private, nonprofit "sickness funds." As in Japan, the poor receive public assistance to pay their premiums.
How does it work? Sickness funds are nonprofit and cannot deny coverage based on preexisting conditions; they compete with each other for members, and fund managers are paid based on the size of their enrollments. Like Japan, Germany is a single-payment system, but instead of the government negotiating the prices, the sickness funds bargain with doctors as a group. Germans can go straight to a specialist without first seeing a gatekeeper doctor, but they may pay a higher co-pay if they do.
What are the concerns? The single-payment system leaves some German doctors feeling underpaid. A family doctor in Germany makes about two-thirds as much as he or she would in America. (Then again, German doctors pay much less for malpractice insurance, and many attend medical school for free.) Germany also lets the richest 10 percent opt out of the sickness funds in favor of U.S.-style for-profit insurance. These patients are generally seen more quickly by doctors, because the for-profit insurers pay doctors more than the sickness funds.
Percentage GDP spent on health care: 6.3
Average family premium: $650 per year for a family for four.
Co-payments: 20 percent of the cost of drugs, up to $6.50; up to $7 for outpatient care; $1.80 for dental and traditional Chinese medicine. There are exemptions for major diseases, childbirth, preventive services, and for the poor, veterans, and children.
What is it? Taiwan adopted a "National Health Insurance" model in 1995 after studying other countries' systems. Like Japan and Germany, all citizens must have insurance, but there is only one, government-run insurer. Working people pay premiums split with their employers; others pay flat rates with government help; and some groups, like the poor and veterans, are fully subsidized. The resulting system is similar to Canada's -- and the U.S. Medicare program.
How does it work? Taiwan's new health system extended insurance to the 40 percent of the population that lacked it while actually decreasing the growth of health care spending. The Taiwanese can see any doctor without a referral. Every citizen has a smart card, which is used to store his or her medical history and bill the national insurer. The system also helps public health officials monitor standards and effect policy changes nationwide. Thanks to this use of technology and the country's single insurer, Taiwan's health care system has the lowest administrative costs in the world.
What are the concerns? Like Japan, Taiwan's system is not taking in enough money to cover the medical care it provides. The problem is compounded by politics, because it is up to Taiwan's parliament to approve an increase in insurance premiums, which it has only done once since the program was enacted.
Percentage of GDP spent on health care: 11.6
Average monthly family premium: $750, paid entirely by consumers; there are government subsidies for low-income citizens.
Co-payments: 10 percent of the cost of services, up to $420 per year.
What is it? The Swiss system is social insurance like in Japan and Germany, voted in by a national referendum in 1994. Switzerland didn't have far to go to achieve universal coverage; 95 percent of the population already had voluntary insurance when the law was passed. All citizens are required to have coverage; those not covered were automatically assigned to a company. The government provides assistance to those who can't afford the premiums.
How does it work? The Swiss example shows that universal coverage is possible, even in a highly capitalist nation with powerful insurance and pharmaceutical industries. Insurance companies are not allowed to make a profit on basic care and are prohibited from cherry-picking only young and healthy applicants. They can make money on supplemental insurance, however. As in Germany, the insurers negotiate with providers to set standard prices for services, but drug prices are set by the government.
What are the concerns? The Swiss system is the second most expensive in the world -- but it's still far cheaper than U.S. health care. Drug prices are still slightly higher than in other European nations, and even then the discounts may be subsidized by the more expensive U.S. market, where some Swiss drug companies make one-third of their profits. In general, the Swiss do not have gatekeeper doctors, although some insurance plans require them or give a discount to consumers who use them.
Rank Race Median household income (2015 US$)
1 Asian 74,245[1]
2 White 59,698[1]
3 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 55,607[1]
4 Some other race 42,461[1]
5 American Indian and Alaska Native 38,530[1]
6 Black or African American 36,544[1]
No free lunch。:)多谢您雅临点评!现代人活得越来越长,我觉得恐怕推迟退休也是必须的。如果60岁退休活到100岁,那40年岂不是太无聊了,医保负担也太重了。
有Urban Legend说:“美国之所以最发达、最有活力、最富有,是因为它不像欧日加新澳等给国民提供那么多的额外保障,而是用努力就能发大财的哲学,驱动美国人努力奋斗,创造财富。”难说是对是错。
教授啊,我想这就是你我所说的差别所在。譬如你在大学工作,大部分Premium是大学给付了,自己付很少一部分。但这不等于说,你的医保费用就低。你的雇主帮你付了大部分Premium。羊毛出在羊身上。你雇主付出的钱还是要从你身上赚回来的。所以,spending 才是指标,而不是Premium。
2015 Canada, France, Germany, U.K., U.S,
a 4609, 4407, 5267, 4003, 9451;
b 4.1, 3.1, 2.8, 2.6, 2.5;
c 8.2, 6.2, 2.9, 2.7, 2.7;
d 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0, 9.1;
a:Health spending per person($):
b:Number of primary care doctors per 1000 people:
c:Hospital beds per 1000 people:
d:Percentage of people without medical insurance(%):
如果反过来说:“美国顶端1%的人只占有了40%的财富,接下来的顶端19%的人仅仅占了50%的财富,这社会太合理了” 是不是同样没有道理?
这也是我去年写的chicken or beef的问题,两党制搞了200多年,很难撼动啊。我问过不少美国同事,他们说历史上尝试过种种办法,都不大奏效。也许应该往议会制靠靠?还有英国同行跟我开玩笑说,英国本来有3个党,现在也变成两党制了。不过他们好歹还有个真正的左翼政党。
Band Taxable income Tax rate
Personal Allowance Up to ?11,500 0%
Basic rate ?11,501 to ?45,000 20%
Higher rate ?45,001 to ?150,000 40%
Additional rate over ?150,000 45%
"in public insurance, they are based on your income. Both you and your employer have to each pay 15.5% of your gross income every month. The maximum premium amounts to circa 630 Euro."
BTW, 清漪园姐,我是你的粉,你的留言都说到我心里去
不言兄,去年美国每家平均实际的支出是每年$5,277,这个数字和俺们这个的情况差不多,不论学校或公司。也许您那边是因为self employeed所以只能自己cover全部?这一点确实需要改革,俺赞同。
"The increased cost of health insurance is a central fact in any discussion of health policy and health delivery. Annual premiums reached $18,142 in 2016 for an average family, up 3 percent from 2015, with workers on average paying $5,277 towards the cost of their coverage."