阿留 (热门博主)
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周末涨姿势:对气候变化感兴趣的看过来 :)

(2016-12-10 12:03:18) 下一个

900-1300 AD,全球曾经经历过一次变暖,当时英国葡萄大丰收,其酿酒质量直逼法国葡萄酒,以至于法国不得不采取贸易手段抵制。当时的最高气温,比现在还要高。

紧接着1350-1850AD是历史上的一个小冰河期,上面历史频道的纪录片讲得很清楚。在欧洲,这个小冰河期直接造成了维京人的衰落。在北美,纽约港曾经冰冻5周,人们可以在冰面上,直接从曼哈顿走到Staten Isand;新英格兰地区曾在6、7月份降雪2英尺——难道米锅也有“窦娥冤”?:)





Dr. Wheeler also discovered that approximately every 102 years, a much warmer and drier climatic cycle affects our planet. The last such "warm and dry" peak occurred in 1936, at the end of the infamous "Dust Bowl" period. During that time, extreme heat and dryness, combined with a multitude of problems during the “Great Depression,” made living conditions practically intolerable.

Assuming there is a brief cool down around 2020, the next “warm and dry” climatic phase is scheduled to arrive in the early 2030s, probably peaking around 2038. It is expected to produce even hotter and drier weather patterns than we saw during the late 1990s and early 2000s.

But, we should remember, that the Earth’s coldest periods have usually followed excessive warmth. Such was the case when our planet moved from the Medieval Warm Period between 900 and 1300 A.D. to the sudden “Little Ice Age,” which peaked in the 17th Century. Since 2,500 B.C., there have been at least 78 major climate changes worldwide, including two major changes in just the past 40 years.

By the end of this 21st Century, a cool down may occur that could ultimately lead to expanding glaciers worldwide, even in the mid-latitudes. Based on long-term climatic data, these major ice ages have recurred about every 11,500 years. The last extensive ice age was approximately 11,500 years ago, so we may be due again sometime soon. But, only time will tell.


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阿留 回复 悄悄话 回复 '久经沙场的枪' 的评论 :


久经沙场的枪 回复 悄悄话 阿留开的这个话题特别好。
阿留 回复 悄悄话 回复 'polar_bear' 的评论 :

回复 'polar_bear' 的评论 :


阿留 回复 悄悄话 回复 'polar_bear' 的评论 :

竺可桢先生的原文,写于1973年12月31日:“苏联气候界又在宣传地球变冷的消息,说列宁格勒近年比一九四○年左右低一摄氏度。我在《中国近五千年来气候变迁的初步研究》中早已指出,这类一摄氏度上下的变迁,过去五千年中极为普通,算不了地球变冷的证据。”他还用红笔在这段话前面写下“杞人忧天”四个字作为标题。这可以说是他的最后的著作。 ”

polar_bear 回复 悄悄话 同意文章观点。政治是流氓们耍的,要是科学和政治沾了边,就成了怪胎了。从科学角度看,地球温度变化应该研究,但是不能在一知半解的时候,危言耸听……
阿留 回复 悄悄话 回复 '白手套' 的评论 :


阿留 回复 悄悄话 回复 '留连' 的评论 :

白手套 回复 悄悄话 这篇文章都提到了”However, Mankind’s activities of the burning of fossil fuels, massive deforestations, the replacing of grassy surfaces with asphalt and concrete, the “Urban Heat Island Effect,” are making conditions worse and this will ultimately enhance the Earth’s warming process down the meteorological roadway in the next several decades.”。 so what is your point?
留连 回复 悄悄话 同意结论。当听到印度博士说喜玛拉骓山马上融化,美国教授说北冰洋一年后不存在了(世界气候大会),就知道科学骗子们(美国教授和印度博士们)又想骗经费了。当然各国的政治骗子们又有理由加税了。