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薄瓜瓜上次在"哈佛深红色报"宣称他的海外费用大部分来自他母亲作为成功律师的收入,这次他变聪明了,完全不谈这些,打出的倒是他母亲健康壮况的悲情牌。但是,薄瓜瓜从哈罗高中,牛津和哈佛一路下来保守的估计就会超过50万美金(见此文: 牛津哈佛身份的代价 )。现在还应加上哥伦比亚大学法学院的三年开销,薄瓜瓜在声明中说,如果不允许他父亲在法庭上自辩将使整个审判"没有道德"的含义,那么一个公务员和家庭妇女组成的家庭在得到儿子70-80万美元教育费的手段是否更没道德可言?
Bo Guagua’s Statement
Published: August 19, 2013
It has been 18 months since I have been denied contact with either my father or my mother. I can only surmise the conditions of their clandestine detention and the adversity they each endure in solitude. I hope that in my father’s upcoming trial, he is granted the opportunity to answer his critics and defend himself without constraints of any kind. However, if my well-being has been bartered for my father’s acquiescence or my mother’s further cooperation, then the verdict will clearly carry no moral weight.
My mother, who is now silenced and defenseless, cannot respond to the opportunistic detractors that attack her reputation with impunity. She has already overcome unimaginable tribulation after the sudden collapse of her physical health in 2006 and subsequent seclusion. Although it is of little comfort to my anxiety about her state of health, I know that she will continue to absorb all that she is accused of with dignity and quiet magnanimity.
That is exactly what BGG has to figure out at Columbia's law school.
Did BGG know that his mother is not only accused, she is actually a convicted murder? If BGG does not think China's legal system is fair, which i do agree, where was he when his father put those business men in jail or even executed in CQ?