
Anyone with high deductible health insurance plan

(2017-03-15 21:25:11) 下一个

can have Health Saving Account (简称HSA); 可以在公司开,也可以自己找brokerage firm 开;我常常帮客户开;特别是balance 比较高的客户还可以用户头里的钱投资。

HSA 和IRA有点类似;yearly contribution is tax deductible. 用于medical related expenses 免税。只要取钱出来(一般开户公司会给你信用卡或支票本),brokerage firm 就会报备IRS, 你在报税时要声明"it is for medical related expenses", so it is reportable but not taxable.

开户完放在里面的钱在未来任何时候都可以用;in the years you change the medical insurance to non-high- deductible, 你只是不能contribute, 但还是可以用户头里以前放的钱。

看病时哪些items are covered, how much % is covered, 和你的medical insurance contract 有关;和HSA 一点关系都没有。high deductible plan 要注意医生的billing code. 都是体检,preventative is covered 100% and diagnosis needs to pay deductible portion. 比如有些人血糖较高,年检医生会多勾几个,于是变成diagnosis , 这时你会收到帐单,可以用HSA的钱付

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