
妈妈被狗咬了 - 给市民邮箱的信

(2012-08-08 23:30:49) 下一个


y 73 years old mother was attacked twice in the park by the same dog. The last attack happened last Thursday. The dog attacked from behind and sank its teeth deep into my mother’s back. The dog is very large and dangerous.
This particular dog has always showed aggression to my mother. It attacked and bit her finger in April. Shehas been very fearful of the dog and always try to avoid it. Last Thursday, She was walking in the park and passed the dog and its owner.The dog attacked her from behind, jumped on her back and bit into he through a few layers of clothing. You can imagine the horror for a old lady when a big dog jump onher and bit hard. She struggled the dog off and ran away screaming.

The picture was taken same day after the attack. The bruise from the puncture wounds become much deeper later. You can seethe dog didn’t just scratched her, it bit her hard. Its teeth went in. It was not playful, it was outfor blood.

What would happen if it decides to attack a young child or a person with heart condition? I cannot imagine. The dog owner showed no remorse or sympathy, She simply denied her dog attacked and walked away after both accidents. I doubt she will do anything about the dog.

I havn’t heard anything from the police, besides that they know the dog owner and asked her to keep the dog away from public place for 10 days. I guess the dog will be out again after another few days. My mother will always walk in that park in fear and I will alwaysbe fearful when my kids are playing there.

If you or your kids visit that park, please be careful. I really don’t believe this is the last time the dog is aggressive.
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